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Everything posted by DeMocha

  1. Sorry in advance for double post Basically, seems i solved it myself. Don't know how, or why and the lack of knowing annoys the hell out of me. Anyway i had made a few changes due to a few threads 1- http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1086942-fallout-3-crashes-when-ini-is-edited/ (did do a search but hadn't found it initially) Specifically the mention of Darn, i had made the changes but i downloaded the FOMOD version which was wrong apparently. So this time i used the 7zip version. Don't know if it worked or not but seems odd since i made the .ini changes 1 at a time, ie. invalidation setting, cpu settings, mouse accel., then darn, with no success for any..... till now anyway. 2- Came across this thread as well http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/ didn't use it but may help others. In any case hope my troubles and their solutions may help others in the future.
  2. Basically game runs with default .ini with no changes made at all. Any changes made to the fallout.ini (my docs) will result the game crashing before main menu or if i edit fallout_default.ini (game folder) then when those changes are added to fallout.ini (my docs) will do the same. All i have tried to edit was Darnified font additions and archiveinvalidation to 1 rather than 0. I have tried these alterations with notepad, notepad++, winmerge and just by using archiveinvalidation invalidated!.exe I have the Fallout 3 GOTYE via steam and Win 7 64bit. I have disabled GFWL, which no longer results in an error in event manager. I tend to use FOSE but neither FOSE or fallout3.exe work. I use 'run as admin' for both steam and FO3/FOSE. Regardless the issue seems to be the .ini or a program checking the .ini What have i missed? please help.
  3. I find it to be awfully kind of the aliens to ALWAYS crash or land there ships in 'sparsely' populated areas.... I also find it amusing when the VIP escort missions have unarmed soldiers or bodyguards. It would be nice if there was a larger number of missions with more variables in them, like abduction missions where people are actually getting abducted, or VIPs who are actually defended until you reach them, or military bases that are getting attacked but are defended by soldiers, etc etc. The terror missions may as well be the abduction missions with the abduction missions being some kind of investigation type situation. Unfortunately such things likely won't happen until some kind of level editor comes out, and for that matter one that allows adding those levels into campaign.
  4. I'm not so interested in AI's for player team but more along the lines of having AI for allies in order to have more differences in missions eg. the bodyguards in some of the unique missions might actually do more than stand there. However i do like your idea anyway...... for some reason i just thought of an Auto-battle option like you'd get in the total war games, send the rookies to do the easy and more tedious missions to level rather than play through the mission. As for dragon age it was default, where you'd set the AI to react in a certain manner to specific triggers/circumstances.
  5. In regards to the hit chance, i noticed on more than a few occasions that the percentage it gives when scrolling over the icons could differ from what you'd get when you bring up the targeting menu. The most radical being a 'heavy' who when checking potential targets would come with 1% hit chance yet when brought up firing menu would show as 49%. So i imagine there is likely more than a few things that determine hit chance (though the example i gave was likely a bug more than anything else).
  6. I never had an issue with those maps 1- deactivating the bomb doesn't count as a move 2- it counts as cover 3- the only time i've had those missions, the enemies were thin men (dunno if that changes later in game) Think the worst thats happened to me was a bit of a bad decision and bad luck where i aggro'ed 2 groups of thin men and lost 2 guys. I always make sure that i am able to throw the whole team on overwatch when i throw the switch, which allows me to take out the vast majority of thin men counter-attacking without risk.
  7. True enough. A quick and easy config would be handy, though i've been managing via 'winmerge' since it allows me to compare the changes/differences between mods.
  8. Isn't the rift ability what one of your characters gets from the G(something) chamber when you level up a character enough? Edit- Nvm
  9. This game is great, i haven't played the other Xcoms but if they are as good or better than this then i'll want to get them at some stage. That said, this game has a lot of potential and i hope that mods or expansions will work on that potential. So i have some suggestions 1- videofxuniverse has some good suggestions http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/812717-a-few-ideas-from-an-old-xcom-vet/ 2- Add more mission types, for example: - Maybe some missions where you go and help Allied troops defend against a UE attack. - Hold the line missions where you defend against waves of UEs while civilians or VIP's escape. - Attacking an alien stronghold/crashed UFO/supply barge alongside Allies. - Assisting Resistance fighters in countries that have left XCOM due to high panic levels. - Evacuating Civvies and VIPs from the regions that have left XCOM due to panic. - Assaulting/defending a Lab or military installation to deny its use by the aliens. 3- More Classes, i don't know much of Xcom so i'll leave thinking of them to others. - captainkitty http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/811709-new-classes/ 4- Current classes should retain their ability to use assault rifles and pistols (heavy). If that means that that a sniper can only use the original AR because they haven't been trained in the laser/plasma variants then thats fair. 5- More weapons, Can humans not make any improvements to the guns the UEs use? in size, power/ammo, weight, fire power? maybe make other variants other than the shotgun. 6- Melee, ok i'll admit that the humans don't look all that deadly melee wise when considering the mutons and robots but against a thin man or sectoid? 7- PC's/Enemies having weaknesses against certain weapon types, depending on armour type. As much as i have enjoyed and am still enjoying this game, it just feels like its not fully baked yet. Missions while enjoyable and challenging eventually get repetitive and when one gets the same abduction/crashed UFO well i start looking forward to the 'unique' missions. Its a planetary invasion, surely the aliens would attack other military bases, people would take shelter underground. If i was to be honest the main thing i would want to see is more mission types and levels.
  10. If the character has bullet swarm then reload still takes both action slots.
  11. I think its a good idea. Honestly though i think a mission where one defends the base should be a normal part of the game...... For an interstellar armada to not even bother attacking (or at least to attempt to find) the HQ of a group that is causing a large number of their losses seems a tad unintelligent. In general i think their could be more missions than rescue/abduct/ship missions Maybe some missions where you go and help Allied troops defend against a UE attack. Hold the line missions where you defend against waves of UEs while civilians or VIP's escape. Attacking an alien stronghold/crashed UFO/supply barge alongside Allies. Assisting Resistance fighters in countries that have left XCOM due to high panic levels. Evacuating Civvies and VIPs from the regions that have left XCOM due to panic. This game has a lot of potential and i've been surprised that their aren't more 'looped' mission types.
  12. I've generally found SKSE to be reliable, it's often the mods the mods that use it that might have issues until they are updated for new version of game and skse.
  13. I always loved the Indoril/Her hands armour Bonemold i always liked but didn't use in favor of the above, especially once i removed the faction tag for the indoril so i didn't get harassed by Ordinators. Sadly aside from the daedric armour, all the other armours are depressingly conventional, if it wasn't for the magic side of things skyrim would be a game about Vikings or Arnie soundalikes. Not saying the conventional stuff is bad, its just that you'd think their would be some improvement in armour design and construction over thousands of years of Magic infused armour. Morrowind had very different armour types, while oblivion simplified things too much, Skyrim is an improvement but even so........ Elven armour annoys the crap outta me. According to lore from multiple other games and that of the TES series, elves are generally physically weaker but faster more agile and lighter than humans (and orcs) and more magically inclined yet the armour in skyrim appears to follow conventions of plate armour. Surely they would make armour that would play to their strengths rather than increase their target size. It would be nice to see armours that..... fit the lore, culture, homelands and strengths of their makers, that are more unique to the race.
  14. I know the DA2 mage armor already exists but is not on nexus as it breached copyright. Google it, or i think author is lordofwar. It is always depressing that their is very rarely any decent looking armor for mages in vanilla games as they all seem to be variation of bathrobe. DA2 champion mage armor being an exception, except for the crumb catcher they put on it.....
  15. I would say in bethesda's defense but it might be better i specify that in skyrims defense that i've had worse that being RAGE that i still can't play despite latest patch and drivers due to its large number of issues. In any case the auto-ignore they've done with user preferences for patching is likely causing a headache for both Steam and Bethesda. Sadly Bethesda has a history of ignoring quest bugs, they usually make a few patches try and remove the gamebreakers and then stop patching. It's happened since morrowind, their saving grace is that they supply a mod kit so that dedicated followers make unofficial patches to fix the bugs that in many cases require/d only a couple of minutes to remedy.
  16. I've been getting increased CTD's since Like many i had v1.3.10, skse, script dragon, enb, skyboost, and could play a very nice looking skyrim for hours without CTD or defect. Then along came, killed everything, even without ENB, skyboost game was CTD'ing with remarkable regularity. Then came 1.4.27 that made little if any improvement. What i find interesting is that the bugs and CTD's show symptoms that skyrim had before 1.3.10 that i could fix via the LAA fix. Walking into a tavern and finding objects (both the mesh and textures missing) often followed a minute or two later by a CTD. The way i played 1.3.10 fixed this but now the errors are back, so i have to wonder...... In any case remember that you may have to make Windows LAA if you are running 32bit, also since script dragon has not been updated for latest patch then make sure you remove it and possibly the mods dependent on it. (many of you have said that you used skyboost which depends on SD, or at least the .dll it adds).
  17. Gamespot reviews are unreliable at best. Graphically it is sadly lacklustre, but there is few things more enjoyable than being being a part of a cavalry charge or part of the infantry defending against it. Add to that the modding community that makes mods like prophecy of pendor, damocles, wheel of time, etc. Well, i gotta love it. The original and warband are the most supported by the modding community with large mods and TC's, while F&S only has tweaks or compilations so far. Give the games a chance, don't be a graphics w**** and judge it via screenshots.
  18. Nico's bows were always my favorites from oblivion, Sci-fi one not really my cup of tea. Regardless, I'd like to see more bow designs as the vanilla ones are a bit bland.... Crossbow would be cool, shortbows, or true longbows. I just would like more variety in weapons, for a Fantasy realm TES seems, i dunno, lacking in originality. The only truly interesting bow is the bound ones.... The bow i am currently using is http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=30865 From the 'Cool items pack' on A site we've had to banlist because they continue to spam mod authors with advertising links, Dunno if its on Nexus.
  19. Putting aside the bethesda belief of starvation=power in regards to vampires, my biggest complaint is that the game has little if any thing for Vampires. Oblivion had a similar problem, Morrowind had vampire clans that made it worthwhile being a vampire. Basically with skyrim its a case of be a werewolf that can't sleep well but can get a massive buff once a day or vampire that has a large number of weaknesses, can't handle a tan, and by the time he's worth being a vampire EVERYONE knows it and tries to kill you. I would like damn near anything that would add to the 'vampire' experience ( as long as its not twilight claptrap), whether its special abilities, servants/sheep, quests, anything really. In oblivion i used a mod that made vampires weaker as they starved, and the older and more 'feedings' they had the more powerful they'd become it added special abilities too. Transformation would be cool for them, though i'd honestly prefer not to change into a bat.......... just don't like em, maybe a large bird resembling a crow/raven commonly associated with death.
  20. Its a pity that one can't just apply a staff enchant to a sword, unfortunately you'd still have the same problem. On that note its a pity that there is no melee using staves or polearms (animations anyway). I imagine you'd need someone to do a bit of scripting..... or make spells be cast in a similar manner to shouts, since you don't need to unequip for them.
  21. I'd like some form of toggle for the finisher cams. I don't like the first person POV of the finishers. It can be disorienting though when it flicks backs and forth. I'd like one where you can toggle the finisher POV's. But, at a pinch, deactivating the camera switch of POV would be ok.
  22. This has likely been asked before, or at least it wouldn't surprise me if it had. Basically the pupil dilation effect annoys the hell out of me. What do i mean by pupil dilation? well i am refering to the change in brightness levels when the player turns the character from a bright lightsource to a dark one and vice versa. Yes, it occurs in real life, however not to such a great effect as what is shown ingame. If i spin my character a full 360degrees over 4seconds, With a bright light followed darkness then i am temporarily (second or two) blinded. Human eyesight isn't that bad, if for no other reason that we can close our eyes partly to reduce the glare (or one fully) when changing from dark to light back to dark again in order to keep night sight in one eye. So what i am asking is if someone can make a mod that removes or reduces this effect? as i would greatly appreciate it. I do know that there are some mods that apparently 'fix' this feature but they often introduce a lot of other effects that affect game performance.
  23. I'd like a 'set home' command for all companions/pets/horses/housecarls, basically anything that likes to follow the player character. I got annoyed with shadowmere following me around so i killed him, one of my housecarls irritated me (just sits at dining table eating and saying the same line everytime i come within 10ft) so he got sacrificed to boethiah. The fact that i can only have one follower is annoying especially since they dismiss back home. Hence the above wish.
  24. Romance side Use something along the lines of Fable 3 as a template. Quests or stuff that she can do herself or together would be good. Maybe conversation options, character background something. The marriage quest as it stands feels exactly like a quest. Theres no, i like that character and do a few quests, dates, gifts etc. Then marriage. Instead its as you said, sell some stuff, collect some 'rent', take them with if they are a follower and thats it. Got married, another quest complete. Seems like it was a bit half baked really. When it comes down to it, how many romance mods or companion romance mods came out for Morrowind/Oblivion/FO3/FNV, Some of them being my favorite mods for the game eg. tears of the fiend, or romancing eyja (?), etc. I'm sure there will be many mods that will deal with the marriage feature once the CK is released.
  25. hell yes, anything. Fact is that both Stormcloak and Imperials are both as good/bad as the other. Hell there must be more Draugr than there are living in skyrim, why couldn't you be an evil necromancer bent on world domination Or a Vigilant of Stendarr ( why are they there anyway, they don't do much if anything) that wants to bring stability and justice to the land. A thalmor who couldn't be bothered waiting. Hell what about whatshisface in whiterun he 'cares' for his people and doesn't particularly like the imperials or stormcloaks. Basically the civil war is great idea for the game, but the two sides are so damned similar and have little if any future prospects. Couldn't one side be evil and another side be good rather than both being a sickly neutral, if only to make it easier with recruiting if anything..... As it is the only thing a stormcloak recruiter would have over an imperial is that there name is better.
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