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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. I also had wondered why the site was down earlier. Glad to hear it's being dealt with. It takes admirable integrity to not yield to terrorists. TBH I didn't even know anything about DDoS attacks until I read this here and then Googled the term.
  2. Sorry if there's already been a topic started on this and I've overlooked it... ...but I just wanted to say that I think the new comment tracking thing is very cool and useful. Thank you for implementing it.
  3. I'd help you out but I honestly don't know the first thing about how to make outfits; I just make companions. Sorry you're not getting more responses.
  4. I've been a Nexus member, both premium and not, for a couple of years now. I'm not gonna lie; I've never read the entire TOS word-for-word. Nonetheless, it didn't take very many visits to the Forums for me to figure out that the staff of this family of sites takes a stern stance against piracy, whether it be of retail material or of another modder's works. Furthermore, the term piracy by it's very definition should indicate to one that it's illegal. My point is this: whether you believe video game pirates are somehow justified like some sort of Robin Hood or you understand that it's illegal and simply have no moral objections, stating in any public forum that you possess contraband materials is just pretty stupid, wouldn't you agree?
  5. Thanks for the update. I've run Oblivion on my old Dell with only 1 GB RAM, but as you'd expect I had to turn a lot of the graphics way down. With 2 GB RAM on that machine now it's better but still far from optimal. On my newer rig with 8 GB RAM with Oblivion I don't notice much difference from when I had 4 GB RAM, so I'm assuming that this is where the limitations of my graphics card have finally started to come into play. So, at least in my experiences with my ATI Radeon 5500 and a triple-core processor, it seems like 4 GB is about as good as I can do, at least where Oblivion is concerned.
  6. I'd say no less than 4 GB. More than 8 GB might be overkill.
  7. I like the sound of that: die and loose an experience level. Adds a little extra sting to "death" without going to the extreme.
  8. Sorry, but it is sort of difficult to understand when you use absolutely no punctuation and misspell every third word. I wasn't trying to upset you with my previous question; I was merely trying to understand what you were attempting to describe to us.
  9. So, if I die I would start all over in Doc Mitchell's place with level 1 stats and no equipment?
  10. Until you really learn the "ins-n-outs" of the companion creation process, I recommend that you follow the suggestions made by the system's creator in the documentation. Take one of the pre-existing companions (I believe the documentation suggests Beth), make a copy of it and study it as you make whatever cosmetic changes to it that you wish. If the copied companion does not work properly in the game then you can assume that your problem is being caused by another mod that you have installed.
  11. Sorry. Yes, setting them as persistent references requires checking the box labeled "persistent reference". I apologize if that was too vague.
  12. When you place them in the world, give them a unique reference ID.
  13. You can also try setting them as named, persistent world references.
  14. Zenimax/Bethesda owns id Software and the Doom franchise now? I'd post this on the blog if I could figure out how to make the post consist of something more than a link to this blurb or this article and a quote of me saying: "Er?"
  15. From what I've been told, it largely depends upon the game and how old it is. I recently upgraded my rig to 8 GB RAM, thinking this would solve all my fps lag and stuttering problems and allow me to set all the graphics details to their fullest, but in an older game like Oblivion I was disappointed to discover that I still could not set things to their maximum. I'm told this is due largely to the limitations of my graphics card and the age of the game rather than my RAM.
  16. Indeed. Your current load order would be most helpful if you're running it with any mods.
  17. Not all mods come with textures or meshes; some are simply plug-ins (.esp files) while others may rely upon textures or meshes found in another mod. I've played quite a few very good mods that did not add any new textures or meshes to the game. EDIT: I was typing while bben46 was posting.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif
  18. The first time I encountered a Cliff Racer in Morrowind it was a pair of them; I was scared, had no clue what to do and got killed. While I certainly wouldn't want to see exact duplicates of the Morrowind Cliff Racers, I do hope that Skyrim would have similar flying enemies with improved combat behavior and less annoying sound effects.
  19. TES has about half a dozen different colors of "mer", so different colored dragons would fit right in anyway.
  20. My favorite Doom music will always be the Playstation Doom soundtrack by Aubrey Hodges. A lot of it is weird noises too, but they're arranged in a way that's less mechanical and more musical than the D64 attempt, and gives the levels a creepy feeling that's more fitting with the game's overall theme.
  21. I agree that the whole Doom 3 flashlight-versus-dark corners gimmick was used to an annoying extent. One or two dark-themed levels would have been okay, but instead they just made it a pain in the a**. I also agree that new 3D models does not always equal better. Personally, I think I like the look of some of the Doom 64 monsters better, though they kinda botched the Arachnotrons and some of the other Doom II monsters weren't even included in that version.
  22. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gifThat's my signature banner, or "sig" as we say. You can set yours in the options found on your profile page. Other separate images can be added to individual posts with the "manage attachments" or "add image" buttons in your post window's toolbar.
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