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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. I just came across this bug:


    After buying the key to the storage room and getting all the rocket souvenirs in Novac, I fast-traveled back to Goodsprings to visit some folks. Victor the robot was there and I talked to him, but the dialog was all like: "Hey, what are you doing here in Novac?" But we weren't in Novac, we were in Goodsprings.

  2. Thanks Dark0ne. Though my own uploads generally aren't that big, the new functionality will indeed be a blessing to many and to me when downloading. One of the reasons this family of sites remains my favorite for Bethesda mods is the fact that you all are constantly working to make improvements while some of those other sites just keep plodding along.
  3. Actually, I used CFF Explorer to make it large address aware and had no idea what FFDShow was until you mentioned it.


    I know, I shouldn't alter the .exe and then complain, but CFF explorer has been used with all my other games as well as other programs where it was beneficial to use it and it's never had adverse affects.


    Maybe I'm just overreacting and shouldn't have posted?

  4. Is it just me, or is FONV even more crash-happy than FO3? I've played it for about an hour and had at least three crashes. I'm running vanilla with DLC packs on a PC with 4GB ram (enabled), a tripple-core processor and a Radeon 5500 series video card. I doubt that the crashes are the fault of my equipment.


    Any suggestions to improve performance (i.e. fewer crashes)?

  5. My character was in the Imperial Prison for walking up to a Palace Guard and asking:


    "So, this city is the capitol of all Cyrodiil, right? It's the home of the Emperor of all of Tamriel, right? So why is it then that the city only has a coupla dozen people in it and I can walk a circle around it in five minutes?"


    Apparently the Imperials don't like it when you talk bad about their little city...

  6. For the first time ever I've been working on creating my own new worldspace, an island to be precise. But I'm having issues with the water not showing up in-game. I've tried to track down and fix these missing sections with the CS, but each coordinate is set to "has water" and the same water height, so I can't even figure out which ones need to be fixed. It's extremely frustrating. Anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this?



  7. See, now the OP didn't give us all the details, did he?


    If it's free and you only have to go online the one time to activate it, then that's really nothing to cry about.


    My earlier post was based on the assumption that one must pay a subscription in order to activate and in turn play the game.


    If that was the case I'd stand by my earlier post 100%...


    ...but since it appears that such is not the case, I'll just apologize for shooting my mouth off and shut up now...


    These anit-steam threads are getting ridiculous. Your post really fails to make any sense whatsoever.

    (and you should of gotten a 4870)



    I disagree. We should not be required to subscribe to some online money making scheme in order to play new games when they are released. It's not crying, and if you don't understand the point of the original post then either you have trouble understanding the English language or you simply have so much money sprouting from your bodily orifices that such obvious attempts to milk gamers for their gaming dollars are irrelevant to you. I'm not a wealthy person myself, so I guess that makes me an anti-Steam crybaby too.



  9. Morrowind is a must-have chapter of The Elder Scrolls. I keep it installed no matter what new games come along. And yes, it has several years of modding support. If you can get the GOTY version, do not hesitate.
  10. It depends. If you've installed all the resources (meshes and textures, .esp file, etc.) into their proper folders and activated the .esp file either with the default launcher or ObMM, then the items added by the mod should exist in your game world somewhere. I say it depends because every modder does things their own way. Some mods automatically add items to your inventory, some add them to chests somewhere, some to NPCs that must be defeated, etc. The best advice I can give you is to check the mod's readme file, which usually tells the locations of any items the mod adds to the game. If you can't find the items in the locations the author has said they are in, then you will need to check your installation again or perhaps ask the author in the mod's comments thread or by a PM.
  11. What I think would be best is:

    If you can't reach the author after trying for a long time, contact a moderator, who will grant you "Temporary Permission" until the author of the original mod comes back?


    That is, if there's either a Permission Statement telling you to contact the author for permission, and no mention of what happens if you can't reach the author or no Permission Statement at all. - If neither of these are true, and the author has written that no one will get permission to use the content, or Requires Permission - If no contact can be made with the author, Permission is not granted.


    That makes a great deal of sense and I agree.




  12. I think in the grand scheme of things the new feature is a good thing. Obviously it will help protect the work of modders from being abused, and will aid the moderators in dealing with abusers. However, I can't help but think that there will be complications regarding older files and resources that were uploaded to the site years ago.


    An example of my concern is the popular Ren's Beauty Pack for Oblivion. It was uploaded in 2006. The author hasn't been active on the forums since 2007. I and many other people have since then used the contents of this mod in creating new characters for Oblivion. Now it's 2010. If I can't get in contact with this modder to secure official permission to use the resources in Ren's Beauty Pack, do I need to voluntarily remove my files or will they be deleted and I'll get a strike or a ban?


    I realize this may be an extreme case, and there may or may not be exceptions to the rule depending upon moderator decisions, but like most members of this community I endeavor to stay within the rules and I want to make sure that any future works I upload are done so in the confidence that I have not broken a rule by submitting them.

  13. This is usually caused by using the toggle collision (tcl) console command whilst the character is in the water. It's easily fixed by the console in a number of ways. First, try selecting the character and use 'evp'. If that doesn't work (usually because of low AI), use 'disable'/'enable', and the character should resume as normal.



    Thanks for the suggestions, but no console commands were used. This occurred during normal gameplay, during combat.



  14. Thanks for the replies.


    Yeah, I've merged a lot of esp files before with TES4 Plugin Utility and/or Gecko to make room for more files. But I just started a new installation on a new computer, so I thought I should ask if there was an alternative to merging before I went nuts with the Gecko this time.

  15. I've noticed that once Oblivion has too many files in the load order the game will not start (it will crash before getting to the main menu).


    Is there any way to override this limitation?

  16. Hi all,


    I have looked around here on the forums and on the GECK wiki.


    The info I have found here mentions scripts to do this and even how to write the scripts, I have no idea how to associate these scripts with particular NPC's.


    The GECK info I found says that the NPC wont equip it automatically and goes on to give script reference for how to do this... I have no idea how to do the first part (above) ... again how to associate with specific NPC's?


    IIs there is a tutorial some place I have missed?


    Thanks for any help.


    My advice is to get familiar with the GECK and then look at one of the NPCs in my companion mod (I know you have it!). It really doesn't require any scripting for the basics. If an NPC has only one type of thing in their inventory (armor, for example), they will generally equip it automatically rather than be naked, unless the item is something that their character type just totally cannot use.

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