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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. I agree that you shouldn't try to jump in head-first and do everything at once. Start with one or two mods that interest you the most and learn how to install those. Once you've figured out how to get them working properly, then pick one or two more. It shouldn't take too long to get the hang of it this way. When trying to install multiple mods simultaneously, if something doesn't work or there are problems as extreme as the game won't even load, it's extremely difficult to determine which mod is causing the problem and why.
  2. Well, I recommend using CM Partners anyway. There are a ton of companions to choose from here on the Nexus, including a few I've made up myself.


    I'm considering it. I just need to find some interesting content to keep them busy. I'm thinking it's time we turn the desert of Elsweyr upside down. I have three companions already, maybe I can build an army. So do all CM companions interact like the HOD ones do?



    I haven't played through much of HoD yet so I'm sorry I can't give a truly informed answer to that. I can however tell you that most of the ones I've created use the same base companion scripts, but I make them with variety such as different classes, spells, abilities and so on, so they aren't all identical.



  3. This sounded very odd to me and aroused my curiosity, so I opened the Heart Of The Dead plugin with the Construction Set to see what was up. The first thing I noticed is that the file header lists the CM Partners master file as a requirement. Usually if you try to launch Oblivion without all the required masters for any installed plugins activated, the game will immediately crash before it can get to the menu screen. Since your game is running and the companion is working properly, I have to assume that you do indeed have the CM Partners master activated in your load order and perhaps just didn't realize it. The only other explanation I could come up with would be that the author of HoD, Brian Freyermuth (MidDark), copied the scripts etc. from CM Partners into his plugin. Otherwise this shouldn't be working for you.
  4. CM Partners uses its own unique companion scripts, factions, dialog and packages. Without the mod activated any companion relying on those scripts and so on will be left without any instructions on how to behave and interact with the player through dialog.
  5. Heart Of The Dead uses CM Partners to run its companions and gives instructions on where the activated plugin should be placed in your load order.


    If this isn't the mod you're asking about, then the best thing to do is open some of the mod archive files you've downloaded and check to see if a CM Partners plugin is included.


    It's generally a good idea before installing any mods to first inspect the contents of the archives and their file structures. This can also help prevent common installation errors such as missing meshes or textures.

  6. Having done a Shojo companion mod myself, perhaps I am aware more than others of how fine a line actually exists there. I think for the most part the Shojo phenom on the Nexus is acceptable because the races like the one I used for my companions utilize the adult body mesh and textures and simply adds an anime stylized face to the characters. Had the race instead used a childlike replacement for the body I would have seriously reconsidered creating the companions and if the race mod used a nude version of said body then of course rather than create companions for it I would have reported it. I think that as long as the mods and uploaded images are simply mimicking anime styled characters without adding child-like characteristics to the bodies then they are not pedophilia. However, if mods are adding nude child bodies then indeed they should be removed swiftly, and if people are using such mods to create images of a sexual nature then of course those should be banned as well. Also as others have said, smaller breast sizes do not equal pedophilia IMO as long as the characters are still portrayed as being adults.
  7. Two things can / will fix this:


    1) This setting in the .ini:




    2) Make the plug-in a master with something like TESsnip.


    We had to do these things in FO3 as well. You'd think they'd have fixed that in the new game, eh?


    I know, if the plug-in is a WIP the constant changing of the file header is a pain. What I've been doing is just ignoring it while I'm working, then when my mod is finished I'll convert it.

  8. In the Fallout Mod Manager there is an option that will make it automatically install Archive Invalidation for you.



    Yes I understand that...but how do you create what...What do you start with...how does the option work. I can choose

    an option but how is it applied..you can't just create something out of thin air.


    Click it with your mouse. As others have just stated, someone else has done all the hard work and brainstorming for us. The program knows what to do and does it correctly. Just one click.




  9. One of my all-time favorite game soundtracks is the Aubrey Hodges music from the Playstation versions of Doom. Despite graphics and gameplay that are now considered archaic by many gamers, the music used exclusively on the console versions of Doom never ceases to evoke a spooky and morose ambient mood that for me is a must for playing the game, so much so that I still use it today when playing on the PC.
  10. @Herculine: Reading comprehension is fun. I wish you had at least slightly attempted to understand where I am coming from. I comprehended everything you just spouted and agree that parenting has definitely gone down the tubes in a lot of cases. I won't generalize, though. There are still MANY good parents in the world. The population has grown almost exponentially. With that many more people, of course there are going to be more bad parents.


    My point was that a child can, will, and has had access to those images and it was not made difficult for them. A 13-year-old boy that is capable of registering on the Nexus and navigating to the site is just as capable of viewing the indecent material. I was simply pointing out the hypocritical nature of viciously attacking "naughty words" yet completely allowing hardcore porn.


    I mean, you can type whatever you want in order to further brown-nose the admins. That is my interpretation of your need to comment at all. Sorry if that leaves you sore.


    You're great, though. Your design skills are highly commendable. Thank you for your awesome mod contributions. I just don't feel you've added anything relevant. I won't quote you either. I forget sometimes that people still use 3-digit resolutions. :thumbsup:

    1). My level of reading comprehension has apparently been sufficient to get me by thus far.

    2.) I have no desire to "brown-nose" the moderators. I merely intended to point out that blaming all the evils of the internet on the Nexus sites makes no sense. The same children can access porn on a thousand other sites on the internet without having to even provide an e-mail address. What are we doing about that?

  11. I'm not going to use the quote button to duplicate half a page of posts here...


    Personally I don't think it is the sole responsibility of this family of sites to keep children from seeing material that is adult-oriented, and yet they do a good job of keeping such materials tagged so that one has to be a registered member with that filter disabled in order to see them.


    The true responsibility lies with the last couple of generations of parents who have resorted to using televisions and computers as babysitters rather than parenting their children themselves. If one does not want one's child searching for porn and graphic violence on the internet, one should take an active interest in monitoring what one's children do with their computer. Shirking that responsibility can't be blamed on the Nexus sites.

  12. So now I'm wondering if you have some non-standard Windows Cursor files installed? If so, the game(s) might be misreading what a "normal" cursor looks like after turning it invisible one time.



    If so, it's certainly nothing that I've intentionally installed. But it's not impossible; who knows what Windows Automatic Updates does when it's doing its thing...



  13. Wouldn't requiring more detail for a rating lower the number of total ratings? Many people aren't willing to put in much time to do things like that.


    I have to agree on this point. Even with the simpler "thumbs" system only five to ten per cent of a mod's downloaders will return once the "trial period" has elapsed to take the time to comment on it. (I base these statistics on what I've seen with my own uploads.) While in the grand scheme of things in the end it is up to each individual modder whether or not they will base their future works on comments received, and in turn it's not the fault of any site staff that we as downloaders are either lazy or just indifferent, still I can't help but think that returning to the numerical ratings system will further reduce downloader participation in the uploaded files comments section.




  14. Well, I'm only one out of the millions of members, but I own Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age Origins/Awakening, so I can safely say that this family of sites is often like a second home to me. I'd be lost without the Nexus sites! (If I can ever get a job, I'll even go premium again!)
  15. I was playing in full-screen mode and the renaming didn't work either.


    But switching to windowed mode does indeed make the cursor visible.


    I was hoping to play in full-screen, but I suppose windowed will do for now.


    Uber thanks for the help!

  16. When I start Dragon Age my mouse cursor cannot be seen, making it not impossible but very difficult and frustrating to navigate menus, create a character or actually play.


    Is there a simple setting that I have overlooked that will make my mouse cursor visible? How can I remedy this issue?

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