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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. i can't download anything, on every single mod i just get 404'ed when i try to download.

    if anyone can tell me a way around this i'd be really thankful... i can't find any info on this issue or i'd be trying whatever i needed to to fix it...


    Welcome to the Nexus?


    What internet browser do you use? I'm getting the impression that some of these problems are related to our choices of browsers. I've currently installed Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome in addition to the default Microsoft browser in case I need to switch between them for whatever reason. I don't know if this is a solution, it's just an idea...


    Okay, I just read the posts from Dark0ne and the rest regarding the servers. Never mind what I say. I don't know what I'm talking about.

  2. All of our military men and women, regardless of their branch or rank, deserve our utmost respect and deepest thanks. I know it's been said many times, but still it's not said enough! My kudos to you all, and my prayers that you will return to your homes safe.
  3. I have to wonder sometimes, if guy gamers are more sensitive. I jumped online to play Rainbow 6, V2 last night, and got kicked 4 times for being a girl who plays better that the guy hosting...(which happens often) It's like clockwork. If I hold back, and let him get more kills, than there's not usually a problem. The moment my numbers go up...problem. And when that doesn't happen, I get talked to dirty. It's annoying. I don't even really like going online anymore. I was in the habit of just going without a mic, but then why should I silence my voice?

    those that talk dirty,insult or say we're less than them,have deep seeded emotional problems.They think that it will sound cool and the guys will 'buddy" up to them,but in reality they lack the confidense in themselves and the common sense to realize just how pathic they really are. Men will never do those things,children and insecure adult children do!


    So true. I think when men are together in groups they do and say a lot of things they normally wouldn't think to do or maybe even would object to, but they do them with their peers out of fear of being perceived as being less masculine or maybe even gay. It's the bully complex, in a way. What reason would a bully have to bully someone if nobody was there to see it? Peer pressure, plain and simple.

  4. In my opinion men are just afraid of women as they are taking places in society which are rightfully theirs... Most people still have a much narrow minded perspective about a lot of things, but maybe with enough time things can change! :closedeyes:


    (Sorry for my short opinion, my I'm not very confortable with english, since it's not my mother language. I do hope I made some point though :P)


    "Rightfully theirs"?

  5. It just means that someone has already named one of their dragons what your trying to name yours. If a name's already been taken then you won't be able to use it.

    And yes i'm still here........ sorta. Just haven't gotten any new eggs in awhile. But I'ma still clicking...... Sometimes.


    I suspected this was the case, but I've been trying some pretty off-the-wall kinda names. Wow...




    Her name is Heavenshear.

  6. I'm a breast lover myself :bunny: wings come in second. :banana: then theres the thigh...mmmmm :devil:


    Mmm... juicy, succulent... chicken? Oh yeah, chicken!

  7. I guess what I was really asking was that, if I am offended by that picture, do I have reason to be offended by it or am I just being too sensitive? As a newbie I had actually posted this topic elsewhere originally, and before it got moved many of the responses I was getting were basically telling me not to let it bother me. Hence the phrasing.
  8. I'm beginning to wonder if the best word to describe your writing style would be "prolific". One of the pieces I've posted literally took years for me to write. At the rate that you produce narrative, you definitely should try this as a profession.
  9. Okay, so we went to KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) for dinner this evening and ordered a full meal deal complete with two sides, one of which was mashed (whipped) potatoes. With the potatoes is served a gravy. What kind of gravy?




    Not chicken gravy. Beef gravy.


    Nowhere else on the menu does anything containing beef appear.


    It's a chicken place, for cryin' out loud! WTF!


    Has anyone else ever noticed this and realized just how unnatural it is?


    Why hasn't anyone over spoken up about it?

  10. I understood what Species5478 was saying about how her role in the military is limited.


    What I was unclear about was whether or not Antonkr was agreeing or disagreeing with the military's position on this.

  11. I've always wanted to be a part of the video game industry, but my studies and life in general have taken me in a different direction so modding is probably as close as I'll ever get. I'm currently working on a mod that will add a large number of companion characters to Oblivion, and as I'm testing them I find it very satisfying to walk up to an NPC who has a name and face that I've created. Being a creative person, having an outlet for that creativity is almost as essential as food and water. It also feels good to be a part of this huge, worldwide community that loves the same game I love and I'm anxious to finish my first major mod so I can share it with the community. So these feelings of accomplishment and belonging are why I mod.
  12. Thank you. That was really the point I was trying to make. Whether this is their lifestyle or not, it is a gimmick to get attention, publicity. Most pop icons have some sort of gimmick.
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