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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. I would love someday for all women to be treated equally but I say there is nothing wrong with being feminine, this is still a problem I see today it is seen as weak. Girls can be equal but please still be feminine it is not weak, inferior, or shameful

    I love your whole reply but copied this. All I want is equality. And I love being female and I play my femininity to the hilt! For both sexes!

    I love your words, you're both quite right and you talk sense with mature reflexion, showing us the good way of life.


    However, the lesson I have taken from the women in my family is to just get on with life. They each in turn found ways to push the envelope of what was expected or permitted in their day. And me, well I am myself.



    Of course, we, men and women, or women and men -I personally never make sexual or social discrimination- are both different beings by nature, and those potential differences make life going much better when they are the counterparts of both in sexual and/or social ways.


    So we must live our gender at the top of it, to the best we can, and accept our differences, even if we are homo, lesbian or transsexual.


    I sincerely think that men or women, gender merged, neither of them are the best one. We are equals and unique simply because we are living together on Earth, both genders, and we have to share life, and love, all the way, and it's the same matter for things surrounding us.


    Sure as hell, if we only accept this, then we are able to live together in harmony, men and women, in our daily life, it's as quite simple as that...

    wise,sincere,thoughtful and to the point.I wish there were more men like you that think as you do.



  2. What is it we see?

    When we sit and watch

    all those who go past,

    What do we look for,

    Is it guy,

    is it girls,

    is it neither,

    is it both.


    Do the men watch the women,

    do the women watch the men,

    I watch the men but do they watch me?

    Does she wtch women,

    do they watch her?

    We look but don't see

    or we look and do see,

    but can we see what they see?

    all are different but all the same

    ist it possible for us to be so?



    that'l get the little grey cells working, it has mine for what on earth do I mean? o_O


    The piece reminded me of how I feel when I'm lonely and/or sexually confused. It was like you wrote it for me.

  3. People waste time thinking about the future - what good does that do when you CAN'T predict what the future holds?


    There is of course some logic and truth in that statement, but on the other hand you can't just run through life never planning anything at all and never trying to better yourself. When you stop caring about the future you end up sitting in the middle of the floor with a stomach full of pills and razors poised against your wrists. You have to have hope and have something to look forward to!

  4. That can't be good... I hope he didn't take things the wrong way...


    Anyway, I don't think girl gamers are sensitive, usually the women who are quite sensitive tend to avoid playing games altogether, thinking it's too "childish" for them. And if girls do, they know games aren't real, and enjoy playing games because it's fun. I am glad to see more and more women get into games, and I don't care if I lose to a girl - I don't care if I win or lose period.


    I don't mean to question your sincerity, my friend, but I find it difficult to believe that you're indifferent about winning or losing. Personally, I hate to lose! But thank you for your support. I'm sure my fellow girl gamers (fellow, lol) appreciate having an ally in their corner.

  5. Is there any way to become a Premium Member without using PayPal or a credit or debit card? Can't I just send Mr. Scott a U.S. Postal Money Order or something of that nature? I am seriously considering becoming a Premium Member, but I cringe at the thought of having to get a credit card for this sole purpose. I'd gladly pay the $80, but I don't like credit cards at all for a number of personal reasons.
  6. The Witcher has a timescale with day and night, and often there are only certain things that you can or must accomplish during one or the other. The NPC/monster AI isn't quite as impressive as BethSoft's, but the characters do appear and behave somewhat accordingly to the timescale. I recommend the game for the PC, but be warned: it's a little different from what we're used to here, but once you get used to it The Witcher is a pretty good game worth playing at least once.


    I prefer to set the timescale in Morrowind and Oblivion to real-time because I also like immersion mods that make me need to eat, drink and sleep. Using these mods with the default timescale usually means that I will end up seeming to have time to do nothing but eat.

  7. Hey Herculine; you Lost me...


    Aellyth: That first episode of Fast Forward was pretty interesting. I wonder who that guy in the football stadium was...


    Dez; I love Bones, Booth, Angela, and Cam...mmm....Cam...


    Keanumoreira; I've never hear of Animal Armageddon...I'll have to keep an eye out for that.


    The "L" Word is a show about Lesbians. I was just making fun of myself there, hence the "Laugh Out Loud". :biggrin:

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