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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. If the Skyrim CS is as similar to the Oblivion CS as the Oblivion CS is to the Morrowind CS I expect the transition will be smooth enough for most of us. I think the important thing will be that it's intuitive like the others, rather than the counter-intuitive monstrosities that have deterred me from modding some other popular games.
  2. I misunderstood.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif No matter how you slice it, the UI is indeed buggy. I hope they patch it up soon.
  3. Morrowind GOTY is definitely worth purchasing. It's the game that made most of us fall in love with the Elder Scrolls franchise to begin with. Start playing it and you'll see why.
  4. This is an interesting question, and speaks volumes for your humility in my opinion. However, I say you gotta start somewhere. Look at it like this: you're going to be producing more mods in the future anyway and will achieve the "mod author" status just the same, so it's not like you're cheating the system.
  5. I have the same issue with my ATI Radeon card. Even with the graphics maxed, spider webs are invisible. EDIT: (I reduced the quality of this jpeg so I could attach it here.)
  6. Thanks again for the reply. This is the only "solution" I've found as well.
  7. I'd also like to see something like that. I like the finishing moves, but the kill-camera becomes a useless novelty after you've seen it once or twice.
  8. I have no real explanation for this except maybe better game design. I can however verify the fact that Skyrim runs better on my rig with higher settings than Oblivion does at the higher settings. Maybe this new engine doesn't have the same memory leak problems Gamebryo had?
  9. Thanks for the replies. I hate default key bindings...
  10. so you perfer to use a Crappy AI Companions over a Real life person help you out in battle? They're not all that crappy. There are some very good companion mods available, some of which are still being improved.
  11. When I find a book lying about, I'm able to open it and read it, but I can't add it to my inventory afterward by using "E" as instructed; I can only let it return to where it was laying by pressing "TAB". Am I doing something wrong, or is this another of those interface issues I've been hearing about?
  12. Very poor, misspelled and un-punctuated English, you mean. Not everyone is going to be perfect in English Struct sentence! if you care soo much about that then you have problem reading english in different type of format. you have brain. start using it more ok. stop trying to be this guy ok lol http://scheirmad.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/grammar-nerd.jpg Yes your Being Troll worry about Grammar over simple thinking Actually, that reply sounds more like trolling than anything I've said. And the language has different formats now? When did this happen, and which format are you using?
  13. Very poor, misspelled and un-punctuated English, you mean.
  14. Thanks for pointing us to that info Pronam. I just happen to be a Windows7 64bit user with an AMD/ATI card.
  15. Thanks for the quick reply and info, Dark0ne. I'm a fan of several games from both Bethesda and id, so I had high hopes for Rage and am looking forward to Doom 4 and Skyrim as well. I hope id isn't going to be Bethesda's "red-headed stepchild"...
  16. Sorry if this has already been asked and I missed it... If the devs release some sort of editor for the game, would there, could there, be a RAGE Nexus?
  17. I don't think anyone is disrespecting you for sharing; it's just that a little quick and easy research can do wonders. I Googled "Beowulf" and the first entry in the results was indeed regarding the film, but the second was for the wikipedia entry where you can learn more about the epic poem.
  18. What are these "poem" things? Are they some antiquated form of media like cassette tapes?http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif In all seriousness, I have no doubt that SKYRIM will display evidence of many classical and mythological influences, particularly Celtic and Nordic. The race is called "Nords", after all.
  19. It's the internet; that pretty much sums it up.
  20. I agree. Thus as I said (or perhaps only implied?) earlier it's important instead to work out compromises with one's mate if your interests differ. However, it takes two to make that one work...
  21. Now, now. I think it's quite clear that the OP was just lighthearted humour :D I myself, for once, would NEVER cut off communications with my GF because of a game (especially because we're VERY far away at the moment). It's true that we're not all males, and also true that we don't all have conventional relationships. However, I agree that the post likely was not intended to be offensive. I've been a gamer longer than I've been seeing my current GF of 5 years, and the way that we've both maintained our sanity for this long is that we've decided we're better off not living together. This way there's at least a little time left in each day for each of us to do our own thing and we don't end up fighting as much as other couples might. As for gamers who live with their significant others, the best thing I'd suggest is either hope that your work or school schedules don't always overlap or maybe sacrifice some rest to play while your partner is sleeping...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  22. This is my expression of surprise: http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif
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