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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. *Wolfie's humming a song, watching a romantic movie on TV, with 10 boxes of tissues nearby, half of which are empty!*

    *She hears a sudden sound. Wiping her tears of romantic fever, she looks around, but spots nothing*

    *Something pecks at her foot. Startled, she looks down. And finds an adorable little yellow fluffy chick, with a pink ribbon that says..*


  2. Whickillagilm, congrats!! Welcome to Fatherhood. Happy parenting!
  3. Hey Wolfie, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Do you celebrate it in Netherlands?

  4. Yeah, new avatar is Samurai Jack as a cute kid. He is playing with his father's sword, and pretending to be a famous samurai.
  5. vvk78


    @TheCalliton: Do your parents (or at least your mom) know about your girlfriend? Is your girlfriend on friendly/talking terms with your family? If not, you should have told your mom about your girl. This might not be the right time to broach the subject, but you should not keep your girlfriend hidden, especially if you are seriously like her. By talking to one of your parents about her (whichever parent you are closer to; I am guessing it is your mom), you actually give some weightage to your relationship with your girl. You send her a message that you want her to be an important part of your life, and whatever problems you have now will be solved, if you can have her reassuring presence in your life. I know you are young, and relationships at this age are fragile, but still a bit of reassurance always helps to strengthen the bond and solidify the trust. If you mom already know your girlfriend, then ask her to call up and talk to your mom. Let her tell you mom that you have serious problems, and that she (your GF) is concerned about you, that she's afraid you will injure yourself or do something drastic. If you yourself try to tell your concerns to your family, you might not explain it well, or it might peter out into the same old ping-pong talk and continued apathy towards you. But a concerned update from your girlfriend (or even any other well-wisher, like a school counselor), will make a huge difference. This kind of jolt coming from a third party, can awaken the parental instincts of your family, and even if they accost you and scold you, it will be out of fear of losing you, rather than real rage. Then the matters will improve, and your girl will also be closer to the family, and she too will feel comforted that you have the support of your family now. A school counselor or elder family relative can assess and explain things better to your family, but I know some people don't like it if others intrude into their private matters. But the way, why are you cutting yourself for? You really think this is the end of the world? Worst night? LOL, dude, you have no idea how much better your life is compared to many other youngsters like you. You are not disabled (I hope not), you have enough brains, you are charming enough to get a girlfriend (even I don't have one!!!), you still have both parents to support you (just try to improve relationship with them), so just get a grip on yourself and start improving your life! All the best! :thumbsup:
  6. My pleasure to peruse and endorse your great work. And thanks for the kudos!
  7. Spammy thread. Last poster will rot away, in heaven.
    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. CheeseyBall



      Moooo imma cow

    3. wolfsangeleyes


      Mooo you're having an identity crisis. You're a goat!! Meheeee
  8. What's your opinion on IE9? http://windows.microsoft.com/ie
    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Nadin


      I use 7 too. It is to Vista as the year 1940 was to 1930.
    3. vvk78


      I have been using Firefox since its first version, and after a while all the customization & themes get boring. I think 80% of all Firefox themes have issues from a usability and readability perspective.

      Also, with Firefox and Chrome racing to release a new version every month, your favorite theme will become unusable pretty soon.


      Windows 7 without UAC is better (and more secure & user-friendly) than XP, but XP is still the best (and fastest) Windows OS for me. Old hab...

    4. vvk78


      Old habits die hard. :-)
  9. Wolfie dear! Where do you keep disappearing every now & then?

    Tricks? See my comments on our friends' profiles to see my tricks! LOL

    So, howz life treating you and whatcha doing these days?

  10. Ami, please see my comments on your latest screenie.
  11. *Returns the silent stare*


  12. You can rest and graze on the green meadows of my farmhouse at any time, my friend.

    Just be careful of the werewolves and bouncing sheep!

  13. You're playing Crysis on Ultra High?

    *Jealous pinch*

    Crysis 2 will be released this year, but not as graphics intensive as the original.

  14. I have lots of Muslim friends, so I understand a bit of Urdu and Arabic.
  15. Nadin, why did you change your profile to Gordon Freeman; did you start playing HL2-TF again?
  16. I like this avatar!

    Befriending you, as we have some common friends! :-)

  17. *Peekaboo*
  18. Help the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Efforts: http://www.google.com/crisisresponse/japanquake2011.html
    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. vvk78


      Okay, I just finished reading your link on that expose by CBS, and I am truly shocked, since I always used to have a good opinion of such charitable organizations.


      It is sad to see people misusing funds meant for needy people affected by such major disasters. Similar fraud happened against the 2005 tsunami victims too, but I didn't think fraud would happen on such colossal scale by reputed organizations. Sad...

    3. vvk78


      Do the due diligence before any monetary help.


      Check up on non-profit organizations before interacting with them for donations, etc.:






      Source: FBI warning:


    4. vvk78
  19. Belated birthday wishes Katy!

    Looks like you can celebrate Women's Day and your birthday together every year!


  20. Hello buddy! Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my imageshares.

    Howz life?

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