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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. Hey Lexi, hope the earthquakes and tsunami haven't affected your place of residence, and I hope you & your family/friends are safe.
  2. Salaam aalekum miyaan.

    Wassup? Stop tinkering with your PC, and hang around with us buddies around here for a while..

    Did you manage to retrieve all your stuff from the crashed HDD?

  3. Bee, are you in Japan? Hope you and your family are safe.

    Of course, nothing can affect the Pirate Sheep God!


  4. AT, hope there's no impact of the tsunami on Hawii or where you live. Be safe.
  5. Kiri, I came to know you are safe from the earthquake/tsunami, and my prayers are with your folks. Hopefully countries will become more resilient to these kinds of natural disasters. Are the explosions at the nuclear reactor going to affect your family or friends? Nuclear fallout is a terrible prospect, so I pray you won't be affect.
  6. Kajin, can you send me the list of countries affected by the earthquake and tsunami? I know Japan is most affected, but I don't know which of my friends here are all in the affected countries.

    I have seen the devastating effects of earthquake and tsunami at close quarters, so I understand their pain, economic upheaval, and the turmoil in their lives. My prayers are with all the folks.

  7. Hello!

    Why don't you update your profile (click the button on the top-right of this page) and put up a nice avatar ?

    I am adding you as friend, okay?

  8. Hope you and your family & friends are okay, dear. Our prayers are with the folks affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis.
  9. Hightest, thanks for sharing that PDF. I have been an AMD fan from a long time now. Unfortunately, they have been literally squeezed out of the market due to Intel's strong-arming tactics (especially true in my country, where even local vendors don't recommend AMD, or pretend as if they don't know how to repair AMD-based systems). AMD has always been value-for-money, and they started the whole 64-bit computing for Windows platforms -- Intel came onto 64-bit desktop (non-server) computing only later. AMD must be appreciated for managing to survive when many other famous chip-makers have failed against Intel's relentless onslaughts. Few months back, I wanted to buy a Dell laptop, and found not even a single good AMD-based configuration. Lenovo, HP, Samsung did not have the kind of high-performance gaming configuration I was looking for. Alienware is not available in my country. Ultimately, I had to settle for a Dell XPS 15 with Intel i7, even though it was very expensive, just to play the latest games on the laptop. I have had 3 AMD-based desktop PCs at my home (all are old), running as multimedia/file servers. I've decided to go for AMD, for my new desktop PC too. A world dominated by Intel is going to be a very difficult world indeed. I hope AMD with its ATI acquisition can make better CPU/GPU hybrids, so that prices down even further. Healthy competition should be encouraged.
  10. vvk78


    TheCalliton, First and foremost, thank you for reaching out to us. It shows you are a survivor, and it means you have decided not to lose hope, and want your life to improve. A few suggestions, if I may..... 1. Listen to your favorite music (wear earphones if you don't want to disturb anyone) and watch your favorite comedy movies. Forget your worries for a moment, loosen up and let your spirit soak into the feeling of joy. 2. Borrow these books from your school library: "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie, "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul" series (I think there was one about School). Read such inspiring books, they will fill you with positive energy. Laugh, it will make your body and spirit happier. 3. Talk to your school counselor (if there's one), or even an uncle/aunt/neighbor, whom you know is your well-wisher. They will give you practical advice, since they will know and understand your situation better. You yourself must take some positive action, because only then your situation will improve. Your parents might seem harsh now, but don't worry, things will improve. Don't go by their words, or even by their actions now; it is just a temporary phase, and they will appreciate you better, if you decide you want to improve your life, without worrying about their judgement or criticism. People always cheer only those who try to reach the finish-line. 4. I used to do good at school. But as my family kept moving to new cities, my studies took a hard hit, and I became a poor student, especially during the time of my life when my grades were the most crucial. But I still managed to make a successful career. If you use your brains, grades will not matter, so don't worry about them. Just give your best, and it will make things better. Laugh and pray, it is good for your body and spirit! 5. I suggest you learn some new hobbies. What do you like apart from computer/video games? Rollerskating, painting, digital artwork, musical instruments? Try to learn something new and interesting, such as dancing, where you will meet a new set of people. There will be free courses for a lot of things in your city. Make some new friends, enjoy their company! 6. Best way to forget worries is to immerse yourself with a lot of activity. Maybe, you can involve in some charity work -- register with a volunteer organization, and work on weekends. Helping others is a surefire way to become happier. And if you earn a few dollars this way, you can make your family happier. I know personally that lack of finances in a home can dampen and stress out the moods. Companies always look for people with lot of varying expertise; so try to do some odd jobs which can form a good experience for a future career. Salesmanship is one such virtue. 7. You like to read/write stuff, so why don't you write some gaming articles for your local newspaper or magazines? They always seek some articles aimed at teenagers. You might not earn much, but you can proudly show these published articles to your school teachers and to your family. Professional writing is a great way to master the language, and to focus your thoughts in a concise and precise manner -- it will be very helpful to you later in your work-life. 8. Don't you recall any friends who were good to you. Maybe some childhood friends? Try to get in touch with anyone who was good and kind to you. Just being in the company of good people (or even just talking to them over the phone) can make you happier. Get yourself a little pet, maybe a guinea pig, or some goldfish. They'll cheer you up daily! 9. You have a girlfriend, who lives far away from you. If you do not want to lose her friendship, then you must try to be more positive and cheerful to her. Don't keep cribbing about your problems to her, instead appreciate her, admire her with tokens of your love, show her you care. Remember, she is your best friend, if you want her to be. Love can be bliss! 10. Whenever you are feeling bored or stressed, talk to us. We are always there for you. After all, friends take care of each other, don't they? All the best! Keep your face always to the sunshine! :thumbsup:
  11. Is that a Hummer Tank as your profile photo?!


  12. Kalraine, that's a nice avatar!
  13. Ooooo Raphiiiiiine...

    Where Art Thou?

  14. Odi, is that your real face as the avatar?!

    Wow, you look stunning!

    I think I might have to grow my stubble into a beard quickly. I recall you having a fetish for beards. LOL

  15. New funny comic is ready: THE TOLL (Werewolf versus Daedroth): Chapter 1: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=84913
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vvk78


      @5746: I just realised that a Daedroth that becomes a were-croc, will morph into a humanoid under the influence of a full moon!!! Does this mean that humanoids are the evil "were" creatures?! Perhaps then, the "psycho" aspect would be readily apparent, for there's no one else more psychotic than a rampaging, obsessed, human!


      @Naktis: Thanks!

    3. BlueDanube


      where's the part 2 D: !
    4. vvk78


      Chapter 2 was uploaded same time as Chapter 1. See its link in the first comment above, in this status thread.


      But if you want the return of the psycho-croc, then you shall have it, sir!


      Give me some time to think of a nice story for him, I will create a new comic later. For now, I want to finish my graphic novella, it is getting delayed.

  16. *Leaves flowers, cookies and tea at siffreo's doorstep*
  17. Push, your new Avatar (blue face = Na'avi) is really cool!!
  18. Hey Naomi,

    How you doing? Kids' schooling still keeping you very busy, eh? Being a mom is hard work!

  19. @Bison: you listed everything in the scene, but you forgot the werewolf!! Now she's gonna hunt you down for not even listing her as an addendum.

    *Stage whisper*

    And while wolfie chases after the bison, we will see whether the radioactive chicken can get the rose.... stay tuned folks!

    Ha ha ha

  20. Hiya Illiad, I got some homemade fried chicken and sauce for you!

    Make sure you thanky Netwit!

    Okie, dokie, c ya around...

  21. *Slurp!*

    Tee, the cola is good!

    Dhang u!! *Blows cola bubbles through his nose*

    Here, I gave your homemade fried chicken to Illiad. You forgot I don't eat meat, I am a vegetarian!


  22. Tee, you need a new status update!
  23. *Whispering*

    Let us see whether Wolfie can resist this...

    *Throws a radioactive chicken into Wolfie's home, through the window and sneaks off... *

    *Radioactive chicken starts pecking curiously at the furniture, and then it pauses, as it eyes the beautiful Rose in the Crystal Vase on the table above*

  24. You make nice pics Juno! Given you kudos for your efforts. All the best!
  25. Hi Valenboy, I've given you kudos to encourage your modding efforts. Try to update your profile here with a photo/avatar, when you get some free time. All the best! :-)
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