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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. Bah! http://picture.funnycorner.net/funny-pictures/5791/Win.jpg
  2. Tortured Tomato?!

    Hilarious name and avatar! Dude, I am befriending you immediately.

  3. How to trick a Monkey God into revealing His Secret. http://www.boreme.com/posting.php?viral_id=26241&page=1
    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. vvk78


      You may also know him as the Irrepressible Mischief Maker, the Immortal & Invulnerable God, the Master of Self-Cloning, Creator of Irreverent Chaos & Seeker of Curiousity, the wielder of Magic Wishing Staff


      Sun Wukong, The Monkey King:



    3. Nadin


      See what happens? You crash ONE supernatural party and get turned into stone. Man, that warlord was a jerk...
    4. vvk78


      Yes, the warlord was a jerk, though a good martial arts / magic fighter, It all depends on how you interpret the surroundings -- the Monkey God can do complex gymnastics and dodge stones.


      Today's show...


  4. Second comment!
  5. Hey buddy,

    Howz life? Any new adventure pic-stories to share?

  6. Piccy to boost the spirits of Treb and all other unwell folks here.. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8585/funnypicturesdoctorcats.jpg
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. se7enraven


      Thanks! Straw hat samurai rules!



    3. BlueDanube


      XD !!!!! lovely !!!
    4. AurianaValoria1


      That kitten is too cute.
  7. Nice name and nice avatar!
  8. Hello! Greetings from a Samurai!

    You have a nice alias name. Did you choose any avatar yet?


  9. *Sneak Peek*
  10. Long time no chat. Howz life and any new pics or stuff to share?
  11. Hey, any new pics to share, dear friend?
  12. *Sneak Peek*
  13. vvk78


    I am a firm believer in believing only what I can see, hear, and touch by myself -- TV theories and Internet speculations won't sway me. I am not bothered about UFO sightings, alien abduction tales, crop circles, paranormal activity, Bermuda Triangle and geo-magnetic anomalies... since most of it is either hoax, or secret government projects, or just some natural phenomenon we haven't understood yet -- did humans properly understand electricity 500 hundred years ago? Most of them used to think thunderstorms were a curse of the Gods and lightning strikes were God's punishment to the earth! The idea that the universe might contain intelligent civilizations other than our own, is an fascinating and curious idea. It sparked a famous 19th-century newspaper hoax in which astronomers were said to have found a society of “man-bats” on the moon. It motivated Percival Lowell’s writings about canals on Mars at the turn of the last century, and it inspired Orson Welles’s infamous “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast in 1938, which sent hundreds of thousands of listeners into a panic over a fictional Martian invasion they thought was real! But if all the alien claptrap is true, why is the ambitious SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project, such a big failure? This year (2011) marks the 50th anniversary of the first modern SETI search. It was in April 1960 that astronomer Frank Drake pointed a radio telescope at the nearby star Tau Ceti and began listening for the telltale ping of an alien communication signal. Instead he just heard static noise, and in the half-century since, the silence has been complete (except for a few unexplained signal anomalies detected and recorded). One of the longest-running projects in modern human history (where even you can participate by installing the SETI@Home software), has not turned up a single logical evidence of alien presence. The overriding problem with SETI searches is that even if aliens are out there, we have no clue how they might think, what they might choose to do, or how they might do it. SETI searchers, have been looking for only a limited class of signals from a very small number of stars. “Maybe we haven’t looked at enough stars or enough frequencies,” says a SETI researcher. “Maybe we’re not looking for the right technology because we haven’t invented it yet.” I doubt that any aliens are trying to contact us specifically. The aliens probably don’t know we exist. They may know there’s some sort of biology here on this planet, but that’s been true for billions of years. Only in the last 100 of those years have we developed radio transmitters, so even if aliens knew of the existence of this planet (or even visited it earlier in the past), they may not know a species here has advanced to the space age. And yeah, all those Egyptian pyramids, Nazca Lines and other architectural or pseudo-artificial wonders can be explained by reconstructing the ancient methods. In India (and other countries influenced by ancient India), huge temples with heavy tons of monolithic rocks were built thousands of years ago -- the huge rocks were split, by making grooves using stone chisels, which were filled with water and wooden wedges were driven into the wedges. After a period of time, the rocks automatically split into precise pieces which could be sculpted and carried easily. There is even documentation of how the huge rocks were moved and the architectural details were built. Remember, the Chinese used tri-sail ships that could sail against the wind, hundreds of years before the Europeans even figured it out. Just because we cannot understand how some great feat was done, does not mean it is due to extraterrestrial influence. We must also remember, that many great civilizations have perished despite great technological achievements and knowledge, due to war, disease, natural disasters, etc., so it is possible some of the knowledge was lost forever. Even today, the best scientists cannot recreate some of the famous ancient Japanese Katana swords - the exact recipe and methodology for the metallurgy, alloys, heating temperature, craftmanship, etc was lost, and we cannot match those ancient weapons quality, despite now having the best technologies ever invented! I just hope aliens never visit us. Because if they do, and they see how badly we are destroying this beautiful (and extremely, extremely, rare) planet, they will treat us as parasites and probably destroy us to save this unique planet. We have no other home except the Earth, let us at least save it and improve it, before the real aliens ever arrive upon us.
  14. If you have a slow PC, you might want to try IOBIT Game Booster (freeware): http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=5952
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. vvk78


      I must admit I am not good at modding, but why would you run GECK and the game simultaneously? Are you running some kind of profiler?
    3. VisseNekku5746


      ^I have to do that too. All the time. I have to make quick modifications, save and run the game again. And closing and restarting GECK takes several minutes
    4. vvk78


      Then I think Game Booster can help, since you can tweak it to auto-turn off unneeded apps/services, and thus gain more memory before running the game with GECK and FOSE simultaneously.
  15. *Divebombing Peek!*
  16. Wow, you have a scary avatar!
  17. I never had that burden, as I am the Lastling grandson. LOL

    I loved my grandparents though - they passed away long ago, and I couldn't spend much time with them. I hope you get over your fears and try to spend some quality time with your grandparents - sometimes we feel smothered by their expectations, but it is still a duty, in a way. You'll know when you become a grandpa!

  18. *Return peekaboo!*
  19. I never had that burden, as I am the Lastling grandson. LOL

    I loved my grandparents though - they passed away long ago, and I couldn't spend much time with them. I hope you get over your fears and try to spend some quality time with your grandparents - sometimes we feel smothered by their expectations, but it is still a duty, in a way. You'll know when you become a grandpa!

  20. So whatz the latest mod you working on?
  21. Just a usual lazy visit... Yoohooo!
  22. Yes, I am Glarthir in disguise. I have my suspicions about you. And I am stalking you. And I am telling you all this, since you will think I am crazy and ignore my stalking.

    Note to self: Find out why Chopin calls himself Amazing.

    *Sneakily stalks Chopin secretively...*

  23. I am doing good. Thanks for asking.

    So, how is the carnival going. Did anything very interesting?

  24. Yoohoo.. Good morning!
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