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Everything posted by Pagafyr

  1. Would I find that a question about a bunch of wobbly noodles that could be covered in burning spicy sauce draws to an end in neither a conclusion or a statement?
  2. I ban not having any fun.
  3. I ban @Oblivionaddicted for confusing @Drakefell01 's dragon avatar, like I did, for a bull or goat too!
  4. I have got that Matrix itch. I keep fighting off the temptation to scratch at the back of my neck.
  5. Here's a brand of coffee for a us Ban for Fun fans. A morning lift to get you in the banning mode or to get together for practice in the banned Band garage. Yuban coffee. (sounds like you ban ) Heh heh heh. I've still got a enough of Deadman's Reach coffee beans, Deathwish coffee beans to last me through the rest of October. All out of Ghost Town Roaster's for now. I ban anyone who isn't alert enough to enjoy a good row of posting to help raise the spirits of others today (and yourself).
  6. After the third cycle of twenty five years I am still eager to find out what comes next. I know there must be something special. My seventy fifth birthday. I am one of the two boys scientist put in separate rooms for an experiment. (Not really! I read a scientific journal that describe it. And told what the results were too.) One room filled with toys and one room with a huge pile of hay. The other boy played with all the toys while I dove in and dug in the hay. I still would be digging in the hay if the other boy hadn't got all upset after playing with all the toys and wanted to go home. They litterally had to drag me out of the barn sized room to get me to leave. I kept yelling! Let me go! There might be a pony in the hay!!! (This birthday I want a horse or maybe the farmers daughter would want to play in the hay too. Nah! She might find a two year old horse before I do and then all I might end up with is an Old Gray Mare to beg to let me have the horse so I can go riding for awhile. )
  7. The reaper only collects the dead. So do not go and die.
  8. Out: A strange woman's voice comes out on the vending machines speakers. I am now ready to play my part to make all the NPCs in your game have AI and can communicate as if they were real people. I dare you to take me out of the vending machine and put me in your game. In: A quest to find a mod for Morrowind that has a quest to find a dragon's nest full of eggs. If you get one egg you'll find it is about to hatch. You must care for it, by feeding it, coming home from quests in good time to feed it, keep it company playing for awhile, and not forget to until it is full grown or it might die from hunger, thirst, and loneliness before it gets big and healthy enough to go with you on quests. I found the way to it by following the quest instructions pointing the way somewhere in Vvardenfell. (The modder really did a good job of making it for Morrowind. Now if I could only remember the name of the mod and the name of the modder.)
  9. I ban @Drakefell01 for giving me a lesson for the day I liked. Soulfire: Greek Fire. Interesting. Could you make your dragon so it has flickering flames seeping out of it's mouth like it's getting ready to shoot fire out in a moment?
  10. I ban @Drakefell01 for giving me my favorite daily experience. That is; learning something new every day. Soulfire? Do you mean that the red color you changed to green around your Blue Ox represents a kind of ancient magical fire you learned about from a game you play that uses the words "Soulfire" as a part of the games theme?
  11. I ban @AaronOfMpls for not seeing the Avatar Drakefell01 has altered \\ a Buat or Goull // that has a face that is sort of blue (like he is holding is breath until his Mom gives him something) while the background was changed to Green. When I said it was red (meaning the face) and if kept red for long it might change to green. George misinterpreted that and changed the background.
  12. I try to insult you. I really do, but it has to be fun for me and insulting to you. If an insult doesn't cause a the person being insulted to be insulted. It isn't any fun at all. I bet you were thinking so hard to come up with your last attempt to make a good insult you didn't notice your adult diaper was full.
  13. I ban @Drakefell01 for crushing three sentences together when trying to think about the movie "High Spirits". A blend of the mysterious, supposing there is an afterlife. A blend of a sneaky way to get tourist to pay to stay at any place. All those TV shows and shorts on YouTube about Para-normal Psychologists trying to prove or disprove ghosts are still walking the Earth. High Spirits is a fun poke at some people trying to save their home by paying their debts. Trying to get tourist to visit their haunted place. The film was made using a real castle in Ireland.
  14. If your Avatar stays red much longer it will dry out and turn green. Then look like the face of the witch in The Wizard of OZ.
  15. An insult. Drakefell01's way to tell someone to shut and go away.
  16. Now that you've got some practice. You're so Ugly you wondered why your Mom kept dropping you off at the Zoo instead of the School when you were ready to start kindergarten.
  17. I ban anyone who hasn't seen the movie High Spirits starring Peter O'toole. It's a little risque! I do not recommend it for families who have children that they don't answer their children's questions about adult activities in the Movie.
  18. I ban Drakefell01 just because no one else has in seven hours. And I found another scary movie at the local Library free to check out free. Pay the Ghost starring Nicolas Gage.
  19. @RedHeadAngel Playing around here at forums nexusmods where it's all about having fun. My apologies for acting like I was twenty something again bringing out the religious fiend I used to be. May you have good fortune with your work. (seriously)
  20. Pagafyr

    form game

  21. Do noodles get whipped around endangering anyone who isn't careful with one and might injure another person flinging them around too sitting at the supper table with it?
  22. OooOo! Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice 2. I only said his name twice. I ban anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet. (Don't worry it's already in the Rent section Online) And welcome @SirCadsimar to Ban for Fun.
  23. Found coffee beans in stores from searching for things with Halloween in mind. Deadman's Reach, Death Wish, and Ghost Town. They are unique because they have pix and stories too. With a little experimenting I found that Deadman's Reach and Death Wish Dark Roast make my almost three quarter's of a century old taste buds happy. I found distilling the water first also makes for a Smooth silky froth and flavor boost. My birthday is this coming Friday and because I have a frightful load of thoughts from memory lane my waking moans aren't as frightening to the neighbors. I've only been drinking coffee's for 21,549.75 days. I didn't start drinking coffee until I was sixteen.
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