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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/Signs%20for%20Posting/9_quote_run_damn_fast-1.jpg Run...if you want to survive!
  2. http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/Signs%20for%20Posting/factaw.jpg :whistling:
  3. Incoming Transmission Additional information... Hidden curriculum (Wikipedia) Schools, Education and Social Exclusion by Jo Sparkes (PDF) Transmission End
  4. Attention, attention incoming transmission: Additional information.... United Nations Convention Against Torture International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ... and for all who like additional info on international treaties try this link: International Law Transmission End
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Thanks but it was more luck than skill involved in this. It seams Eries was in flavour of me, because I was only there for the fun of it and not to get pew pewed at. Additional I like a good racing games.
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      i thought it was a race! what was the pew pew about?
    4. brokenergy
  5. Here Swedishpancake try that for a change..


    I hope you will rofling on the floor when seeing this clip. XD

  6. Gutes deutsch Balagor... Grammatik stimmt auch und den Typfehler am Anfang, verzeihe ich Dir, groƟherzig wie ich nun mal bin.. Swedishpankcake wird sich freuen. ;-)
  7. I'm only giving further information on this so please don't beat me up, because i only reveal additional info ... Article form February 2011: Bush visit to Switzerland cancelled over security fears
  8. if the corporations are the Feringi then the protesters remind me of the The Catullans a.k.a. Space Hippies on their way to Eden..... :whistling: With a similar chance of successful outcome. If i got it right you are complaining that the Catullans occupy Wall Street New Age Hippies are protesting against Ferengi Corporations that stick Latinum into body orifice of Romulan politicians, because it isn't a Klingon civilian spanking to get out all that Latinum of the Ferengi corporations ..instead of the corrupt Romulan politicians... is that right ? :teehee:
  9. Additional info: -The case blew up as customs officers at the entry of a suspect placed the Trojan on Lapp top. -The transferring of the such collected data to another country is makes this especial suspicious and gives the persons who arranged it knew from the outset that it is illegal from the start. Personal opinion aka 2cents: No governmental official stands above the laws in a self called democratic state... unless.... they make the laws not the citizens, but then how much right do you have to call it a democratic state? For the citizens, by the citizens, with the citizens and through the citizens... not around them, not beyond them, not without them and not with deceit and fraud of laws in a democratic state.
  10. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/thefonzp1.gif A win given a win taken ...
  11. ... not any more :laugh: http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/nervousp1.gif
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SyyZPstIhc&feature=related That's a win in my 2 cents....:whistling:
  13. It is no surprise to me that a more and more abusive government try's to knock at the borders of legality if you add dilettantism to it that can be abused by every one that calls himself a hacker then it seams get too much or do you have another opinion ? If you don't have any idea what happened why a government oversteps his bounds then you might try the following link to an article of DailyTech German Hackers: Gov't Trojan Capable of Planting Evidence, Cybercrime There is a border what is acceptable and what not in laws. How much privacy would you give your government away with every logging, with every unwanted shot of your web cam they can take and send around the world without you even knowing? Now at which point someone can say government officials overstep their bounds and violated the laws or not? When even fake evidence without you knowing can be placed on you computer... do you draw the line there? Debate in 3 ... 2... 1.... go!
  14. :-S Didn't know that was celebrated here .. but thank you good Sir Balagor! ;-)
  15. Please send Pictures of that state ..... :biggrin: Smurfette was one of my favourite characters of the smurfs and I like good cosplays I have to agree with every No here ! Reason : there are already too many on line games out there and elder-scrolls games are best experienced alone and then the experiences shared with many. A similar thing is each one that uses mods makes the game individual and unique for each user, so this alone would be near to impossible to archive at the moment for an on line game to have all oblivion mods ready that can be used to have that unique game experience aside from the conflicts that would be caused . (see bben46's post above) My personal opinion is i like my game individual set up to my tastes and that is the big strength against on line games that have only vanilla setup's, tons of items that cost too much money and too much time to get. I like also the passionate individuals that are like minded and provide such wonderful mods and hereby thank all moders here on Nexus helping me to make my game's an individual and unique experience for me.
  16. Good you remembered Keanu Ah the staff the celebrity's of this topic ... what can i say other than express my deep respect of you all and bow my head. Come over here to the party :dance:
  17. Me wanted to expand a thingy balagor mentioned before about cultural respect.. It isnt easy for somebody to post here in debates in his 2nd language and in my opinion it is better to treat those with respect there are a bit more here because if we keep this only to 1st language English we will soon notice how we are debating in circles again and again So it would be a kind behavior to value posters more that bring in from a different cultural background and experience into debates because it is expands the views onward to other culture's view's and thinking.
  18. Ho! From me happy birthday as well Kendo 2!
  19. @Aurelius Here in my country (Ministry of Finance) have already made plans how a detailed controlled ordered insolvency of Greece could be carry out. And I think other countries have set there opinions to this matter too, so I think it is considered by the EU as an option.
  20. Thank you Ginnyfizz :thumbsup: I can agree on your and Balagors analysis. It has much a valid points. :thumbsup: The real question is what to do with Greece now ? Controlled insolvency or continue on course set? Or are there other options?
  21. Any good reasons why? Let me remind you it is a debate!
  22. The Eu trying to get control over Greece handling debt crisis. Strikes in Greece good or bad right or wrong you can debate it here how the EU is handling it. How are the measures of Greece against the crisis. All that you can debate here please.
  23. Please folks Greece is only very indirect point of occupy wall street topic If you only want to look at the EU and Greece make up another topic. Please keep on topic Best idea would be to look up who owns wall street .... might be there is enough gun powder for your taste
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