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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Sound like you have lots of fun Balagor. *hmm* Danish Ice cream :wub: and coffee make the coffee a latte macchiato and I'm coming over. I wasn't ever on a tractor pulling would be interesting to see the flying dirt. ;D( how high and how far if flies.)
  2. There was a Young Lady of Clare, Who was sadly pursued by a bear; When she found she was tired, She abruptly expired, That unfortunate Lady of Clare. Your fail is my win .. Snitching all your waffles :tongue:
  3. Thank you Granny ... nice way to see the landscape from above and have the obligatory glass of champagne A very cozy and relaxing way to travel by balloon and I hope the weather play's along. http://www.tigerstores.co.uk/uploads/c_product/1601075_picture_2259_1.jpg
  4. http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Musik/00000404.gif Rock on! http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Musik/00000404.gif
  5. So it is like every year again the time of Autumn festivities.. since today. I wondered are there more festivals around the world? Are there traditions or habits or any info to this what you like if they are in your vicinity? so i opened up this topic to compare and share experiences of what you like what you find interesting or a to post something you find nice in such festival's. For me personally and since im not a big drinker... i like most to order to the only beer I have a whole chicken thats so nude it wears only a crispy skin above the tender meat in the beer tent after a walk over the festival. It is my personal highlight of such a day. :thumbsup: So please if there is a festival in your vicinity (eaven if you don't attend to) and you find soemthing worth you might want to share post it here. ...let the Nexus October festival begin....
  6. The bad side effect of having a female political effect you may have noticed in watching my country .. might be the € is getting the Bundestag to put up the ancient Goethe's Faust Gretchens question to Merkle because of this mess.
  7. Humbly if the designers of vista and win8 get fired ( i would personally vote for that )... and it Microsoft wants to make money they should enlist as designer Hugo Boss. Aside from the fact that a loot of (brand-related dependent) people would buy the such design O/S like there is no tomorrow, it would have due to Hugo Boss typical minimalism compared with all the functionality that is needed to be god enough for me. but microsofts philosophy of pining the users with inovational and progressive frippery design features is irrelevant because we need basis that we can even with with minimal knowllege put up and work with it easily.
  8. Lets not thrive to much in the history and take on the hot irons of today like " political motivated hate crimes vs. the human rights" .( as example) You will fast knowtice on this that it comes down on how a constitution and the human rights are interpreted by those that are in power ... (hmm..) And to simpfly this thesis even more it comes down on the gap between de faco and de jure. Now to give those in power a little lol and try as 5th class citizen to closes the gap. .... ( only an example how classicism works against the human rights) Closing the gap between de facto and de jure is the main problem here in this debate, because every constitution can look good in the right light but where light is there are shadows...And if those shadows aren't looked at as well then there is danger, ( given enough of time of violations ) that you lose your constitution without knowing it. Another factor i might put on the table here is when citizens don't uses there rights because gov officials, judges and the political parties have always more right than one lone citizen... unless .. the citizen(s) in question remembers how to walk tall and devotes a large chunk of his life time to lay open this. in my personal opinion we should work on closing the gap between de facto and de jure.
  9. The Political Compass test Link Advocates for SelfGovernment no surprises here .. nuff to add...
  10. King Alfred the famous translator didn't learn Latin 'til later; He was aged 39 when he read his first line but then became Alfred the greater. A win for a translator...:biggrin:
  11. How are you and how are elections in your country going ?
  12. Ops my fault .. من امیدوارم که پا خود را به خوبی دریافت کنید به زودی برادرزاده. دریافت خوبی از من به شما بخواهد. (ترجمه G. لطفا به من دستور زبان بد من را ببخش) I hope your toe will get well soon nephew. Get well wishes from me to you . (G.Translation please forgive me my bad grammar)
  13. من امیدوارم که انگشت خود را به خوبی خواهد شد به زودی به برادر زاده. شما به خوبی از من به شما بخواهد. (ترجمه G. لطفا به من دستور زبان بد من را ببخش)
  14. http://zomopro.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/o_rlyeh.jpg O R'lyeh? :biggrin:
  15. Yay ... at least I got a staff position to your hugness .. ah sorry highness.. XD
  16. Granted .. it is monopoly money! I wish for a full functional Hyper Navigational Cube with all navigation points in it of all star systems and galaxies!
  17. Granted... It hugs on your face all the time! I wish for a nice big cucumber salad with onion and vinegar oil, herbs dressing and 2 coke .. oh my another ring of three wishes gone...
  18. I' am... http://images.similarminds.com/movie/9.jpg
  19. Lexx tú caillte i bhfad níos! Tá súil agam a fheiceáil uait go luath agus go bhfuil tú go maith. XP
  20. Happy Birthday Rougespear .. from me too
  21. Happy Birthday Keanu nephew (HUG)
  22. Nice Naktis! I liked it... I have been rummaging trough my golden oldie box again....
  23. Welcome back ! (HUG) i really missed you
  24. Will respond shortly to your PM needs some time looking things up..
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