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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Rebel I Might give you one Tutorial... ....at least on Oblivion settings and how to export the sound file For Voice.MP3 files it the settings are : Bitrate: 64 kBits/s Channels: 1 (Mono) sampling: 44 kHz For Music.MP3 files it the settings are : Bitrate: 192 kBits/s Channels: 2 (Stereo) Sampling: 44 kHz For Sound.WAV files it the settings are : Bitrate: Variable / Float Sample Size: 44 kHz Channels: 1 (Mono) Sampling: 44 kHz Format: PCM In Audacity Select Export, now you have two options you can try Option A: on PCM/Wav Select data type WAV (Microsoft 16 Bit PCM) and hit enter Option B: Select other uncompressed data and hit the options button Standard setting should be the desired above WAV PCM 16 bit unsigned on Mp3 files i noticed that in Audacity had troubles to convert the files properly so i used another free program mp3 program but the setting are the same. It seamed to me that the used Mp3 plugin of the latest 2 Versions is not working correct to me. I hope i could help you rebel
  2. Try Reuters But be sure to expect biases there as well but in my experience they mostly have the facts straight if you know how to read around the biases and a loot of news groups buy their stories too and sell them modified for their own customers (hint try looking at the source of each news you read) Here in Germany I have found some journalists that have their own blogs because they cant publish all the things in the news they work for (still biased but at least a bit more honest) Found them going further into the matter by looking at each source and the writer of the news I read. In my opinion you have to think up for yourself what and who you believe and why reading a lot helps sometimes but knowing only the political believes of some one that publishes news isn't a 100 % indicator sometimes high Commercial treaties have to be taken into account too. The solution is in web a mix of Blogs and selected news and some critical thinking. (edit had my typo mania again sorry)
  3. Nice comment on whats in my mind. Granulation. It did hit the mark!
  4. Earth : +5 Wind : 0 Fire : +3 Water: +3 Nope had Zürcher Geschnetzeltes today http://www.about.ch/culture/food/zuercher_geschnetzeltes.jpg
  5. I want here to express my condolences (sorry I'm late) and my great respect of how the people of Norway deal with this times of sorrow. I find that extremely exemplary! It touched my heart deeply.
  6. (off topic) @Pyrosocial I hoped you asked like a true boy scout before helping the women because i know from own experience that it is considered rude by disabled persons in a wheel chair to be helped up a ramp without being asked for help 1st) Kay back on monkey spheres .. Btw Thanks Psychosocial because i think i can to a degree explain how you example appears to be a monkey sphere related) I find the Theory quite possible because in before the last 300 years the most common folks thought along that line (That if somebody is way and not to be seen, he shall not occupy the mind anymore). How far we developed away or not or have we compensated somehow? is an interesting matter. But it is still a theory in social behavior. There have been no studies and no analytics so it is still at an early stage of scientific abstract construct. A theory! But this isn't a new theory at all Douglas Adams played with it in one of his hitchhiker novels .., because it is only labeled new as monkey sphere. read up the wiki if you don't believe me because I was referring to the SEP-Field or fully written out (Someone Else's Problem) Click here for the Wiki entry You only notice when someone to you unknown enters your "monkey sphere" / SEP-Field when you need to make one of the following options come to mind that shall lead to a decision in helping someone unknown: 1. Should , can or will I help? 2. Is it saver to not help? 3. How much trouble can I get when I help? 4. Is help necessary? 6. What have I to lose if I help? 7. Is that someone needing help? Some people decide to help out of an impulse some other think it over. People of the 1st group have basically made good experiences in helping others unknown to them while the later has had bad experiences and is primary in a phase of wanting to but still thinking what is the best way to get them selfs out as fast as possible if it turns out that it becomes a bad idea to have helped. Now What happens if you break the barriers of empty phrases and the "monkey sphere" / SEP-Field in the supermarket ? Example there is a mother with three children in the line at the checkout right in front of you. She has a hard time keeping the 3 year old the 5 and 8 year old children under control. She is certainly annoyed and the father of the children is nowhere to be seen and the line behind you is long because it is Friday or Saturday, so everybody is going to shop for weekend. Now wouldn't it hurt if you ask the woman to help her to put her stuff on the terminal. (and she has a lot of stuff in her shopping cart) Now the decision is yours to break the "monkey sphere" / SEP-Field here what will you do? Now how do you break the "monkey sphere" / SEP-Field with the girl that operates the checkout or in a bakery or butchery how would you try to bring that field down against empty phrases that shall keep up the distance? Interesting isn't it when it comes to the normal daily life? Now if you haven't tried this already i encourage you to find out for your selfs.
  7. Misogyny / Misandry (take your pick)
  8. Baby (you know this good smelling things until you have to change the above mentioned.. Offspring of the hairless apes that dwell in this extremely outdated spiral arm of the galaxy in a totally uninteresting solar system on the third planet those barbaric omnivore live and still call their planet dirt)
  9. A nice welcome to The Nexus Forums RaveGrave! I hope you find here what you are looking for and have a nice time here!
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