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Posts posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Windows 7/Vista may cause problems with default directories (everything under Program Files for example) because of UAC. Usually if you move the Oblivion folder outside, let's say in C:\Games\Oblivion, UAC does not interfere in there. I asked about Steam because IIRC it has still a different install method which may interfere (but I never used it, so I cannot say nothing more).


    Searching around I saw the same error of yours (a thread on Bethesda forums) a few times. Every time it was a bad/corrupted mod or something similar. Unfortunately this is not your case, because you tried with no mods loaded. May your installation/hard disk be corrupt? Try with a scandisk/check for bad clusters, just to be sure.

  2. This is strange.

    Which operating system are you on? XP or Vista/7?

    Oblivion may give some strange problems if installed under Vista/7 into the default partition. If this is your case, you should move the Oblivion folder into C:\Games\something.

    Is yours a Steam version, by the way?

  3. Do you have the Deadly Reflex Hourglass in your backpack? It will reset Deadly Reflex. Try using it and see if something changes, else we should try something else. If you still have problems, please describe exactly what happens in DR/DMC.
  4. After sorting your mods out following the tips given to you by yeldarb and ub3rman123 (Deadly reflexes, for example, should always be put *last*), you should check for mods problems, too. Crashes may be caused by errors during installs or severe mod conflicts. Wrye Bash has a "mod checking" tool; it is a button in the main window.
  5. Your problems were confirmed by others, too. I think the mods are bugged.

    I did a small check with TES4Edit and I can confirm what ub3rman123 said: the hands slot is ticked. The gloves mesh covers the hands, looking with NifSkope, but surely there is some problem about it.

    Try contacting the mod author.

  6. Each Oblivion's save file maintains a list of objects, scripts and lots of others things which depends on mods used at the time of the save.

    Some problems may arise if you load a savegame after you install/update/remove your mods.

    For example:


    - You play with some mods activated. You save your game.

    - You can load your game normally.

    - You modify mods, adding or removing some.

    - You start a new game or save on a different save.

    - You can continue loading the last save normally

    - As soon as you load the first save you did, some mods are missing or modified. This may conflict with the data present on the old savegame.


    Some mods have instructions about updating or using them on older savegames.


    Maybe you are talking about two savegames done without modifying mods in between; if yes, then this may be another problem.

    Can you be more specific?

  7. Hi,

    first of all make sure you have latest TES4Edit (it should be mmm 2.5.3 I think).

    Then, the error may be caused by bad mods/plugins. To find the faulting one, you should proceed by starting TES4Edit and select just one or two mods. If no error comes in, reload adding another three-four more, until you get the error again. Tell us your results so we can help more.

  8. Ok, so it seems I've been able to solve it by trials and errors. I will post my results here so they may be of help to someone.


    I was wrong in the previous post: "player.cast" with spell set to "self" actually works, so I decided to use it and adapt the spell script instead.


    Here are the steps I used to make it work:


    - I Activate the horse in sneak mode

    - The horse script first puts its own reference into a variable on my custom quest, with "let MyCustomQuest.activemount := GetSelf"

    - Then it boots the quest with "StartQuest MyCustomQuest". This will start the Menu code placed into the custom quest

    - As soon as I choose the Remove Armor option from the menu, I simply call "player.cast myremovearmorspell player"

    - Now, to equip the armor I used a Range Touch spell, which gives me the target automatically; I just check if it's my horse and voila'. The remove armor spell, instead, must be set to Range Self, so I have no reference. I solved this by taking it directly from the quest variable "MyCustomQuest.activemount" I set before.


    And it works! (So, I hope you will have your dressable horses soon ;))


    By the way, I'm using OBSE and I still have not too much experience on scripting. If you think something may be made better in a way or another, please tell me and I'll try to correct everything as soon as possible.

  9. Hi to everyone.

    I'm creating a mod which makes you able to add and remove armors and saddles from horses. I use a scroll with a scripted effect to place the saddle/armor model and it works perfectly. I then show a menu when you activate the horse in sneaking mode, and you are given the possibility of taking off the saddle/armor. If you choose so, the player or an activator should cast a spell with another scripted effect to remove the model.


    Unfortunately, I can't seem to make it work. I read somewhere in the wiki that with player.cast you cannot force a player to cast a spell with a target other than self, so I tried with an activator, but it still doesn't work. The activator is properly teleported in place but the script will not make it cast.


    I tried both player and activator, with spell set to target, touch and self. It doesn't appear to be cast at all. Spell has a fire effect to see if it's cast properly. I read about player not able to cast in menumode situations, so I tried with activator.


    Some ideas about what's wrong in all this? May it be related to this being a quest script?


    Just to be clear, the two effects do work properly if tested outside of the menu. I can add and remove armor by casting everything from console. I just can't seem to make the "remove" casting work from the menu.


    I'll post the horse/menu script only in here, please tell me if you need the other code.


    Thanks in advance if you are spending time reading all this :)



    ScriptName AxelMountsActionMenuScript
    ; Public variables
    ref mount
    ref unarmorspell
    ref unsaddlespell
    ref mounttype
    ; Private variables
    float fQuestDelayTime
    short initdone
    short countdown
    short choice
    long section
    Begin GameMode
    if ( initdone != 1 )
    	let fQuestDelayTime := 0.001
    	let countdown := 0
    	let section := -1
    	let initdone := 1
    if ( section == 0 )
    	let initdone := 0
    	StopQuest AxelMountsActionMenuQuest
    elseif ( section > 0 ) && ( choice == -1 )
    	if ( countdown < 30 )
    		let choice := GetButtonPressed
    		if ( choice == -1 )
    			if ( MenuMode 1001 == 0 )
    				if (MenuMode 1004 == 0) && (MenuMode 1005 == 0) && (MenuMode 1006 == 0) && (MenuMode 1010 == 0) && (MenuMode 1011 == 0) && (MenuMode 1013 == 0) && (MenuMode 1015 == 0) && (MenuMode 1016 == 0) && (MenuMode 1017 == 0) && (MenuMode 1018 == 0) && (MenuMode 1019 == 0) && (MenuMode 1020 == 0) && (MenuMode 1021 == 0) && (MenuMode 1024 == 0) && (MenuMode 1038 == 0) && (MenuMode 1039 == 0) && (MenuMode 1044 == 0) && (MenuMode 1045 == 0) && (MenuMode 1046 == 0) && (MenuMode 1047 == 0) && (MenuMode 1057 == 0)
    					let countdown := countdown + 1
    			else	;MenuMode 1001
    				let countdown := 0
    		else	;Choice > -1
    			let countdown := 0
    	else ;Display menu again
    		let section := -( section )
    		let countdown := 0
    elseif ( section == -1 )
    	MessageBox "Manage your mount:" "Follow" "Stay" "Calm" "Access Saddlebag" "Remove Saddle" "Remove Armor" "Nevermind"
    	let section := 1
    	let choice := -1
    elseif ( section == 1 )
    	if ( choice == 0 )
    		let section := 0
    	elseif ( choice == 1 )
    		let section := 0
    	elseif ( choice == 2 )
    		let section := 0
    	elseif ( choice == 3 )
    		let section := 0
    	elseif ( choice == 4 )
    		if ( unsaddlespell != 0 )
    			let section := 0
    			player.Cast unsaddlespell player
    			MessageBox "Your mount has no saddle to remove"
    			let section := -1
    	elseif ( choice == 5 )
    		if ( unarmorspell != 0 )
    			let section := 0
    			float xp
    			AxelSystemGenericActivatorRef.MoveTo player 0, 0, 100
    			let xp := AxelSystemGenericActivatorRef.GetPos X
    			AxelSystemGenericActivatorRef.SetPos X xp
    			AxelSystemGenericActivatorRef.Cast unarmorspell mount
    ;				player.Cast unarmorspell mount
    			MessageBox "Your mount has no armor to remove"
    			let section := -1
    	elseif ( choice == 6 )
    		let section := 0

  10. I don't know if this may be the cause of the crash, but you have some problems with your mods ordering.


    First of all, you have both House Markers and House Markers Only Bought in. You should use *only one* of these. Choose between the two. Not sure about Psychic Guards, because I don't use it, but it may be another duplicate to delete.

    Then I think there are some ordering problems which can be solved easily using BOSS. Download both BOSS and the master list update. It should solve most issues. If you still have problems, you may need to install Wrye Bash and do a Bashed Patch. Try with BOSS first, though.

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