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Posts posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Hi!


    You may try setting the spell as "Ability" type, with duration set to 0. You will addspell and removespell accordingly. I don't know if that will show the effect icon, tough.


    Another thing you may try is having the spell as "Lesser Power" and changing "player.addspell" to "player.cast". Spell may be cast even if they are not into the spell list, and when cast the effect icon will appear in the effects bar.

    Then, you may want to play with the script to terminate the spell when combat ends ( I think the Dispel script function to dispel the currently active spell may do what do you need ). You may want to put a very high duration and spell cost manually to 0 (unchecking "Auto calculate" ).


    Tell us if things seem to work this way; some problems may raise with spell casting animation and such. If yes, then you may try creating an item with a magic effect and equipping and unequipping it on combat. By setting no body equip part on the item you will be always able to equip and unequip it without interfering with existing equipment.

  2. Ok, to solve 99% of the sorting problems there is a program called BOSS. Be sure to grab both the executable and the latest masterlist update (they are on the same download page).

    When you start BOSS (you can run it from inside Wrye Bash, there is a button to the bottom left) it will sort every mod you have to the correct loading order.

    If you still have problems, Wrye Bash has a "Mod Checker" function, that is near the BOSS button, bottom left. It will list missing files and other errors. Remember this, because it is a really useful function.


    Unfortunately Oblivion may be a bit hard at the beginning with mods, because there are many things to watch out, but don't worry! There are just a few recurring problems that you will avoid quickly in the future, don't get discouraged :)

  3. Hi!


    You may first want to try installing Oblivion Crash Prevention System. This generally solves some crash problems.

    After this, you may wish to run Wrye Bash and check for errors. Probably there will be conflicts with mods and Wrye Bash will be able to tell you which mod gives errors.

    Which OBSE version are you currently running?

    Tell us further details about this if it still crashes. The Wrye Bash error report would be useful.

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