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Everything posted by Thandal

  1. Issued Strike 1 for flaming other members who posted opinions about the DA2 Demo. Issued Strike 2 for trolling anyone who had an opinion different from her/his, including use of personal slurs. Reference post removed.
  2. My guess: Either some required textures are missing completely, or you haven't merged ALL the CC settings for ALL your facemorph mods into the chargenmorphcfg.xml file.
  3. Sorta' on-topic: THe first "mod" for DA2(Demo) was posted on March 1st. See the DA2 forum, Topic: "Custom Hawke" for the link to the BioWare Social. It opens the CC within the Demo so you can change your Hawke's appearance. (Same author also figured out how to unlock the inventory screens.) I managed to create a few new Hawkes, I also managed to crash the Demo immediately after finishing some of them, but that may have been because I told it to import the end-state settings from a DA:O save, which is also done within the CC! Interesting thing about those imported settings, they display a "Plot Summary" that tells you all the things they're establishing about the backstory. No matter which one I chose, (including the one for a PC who is still in Lothering!) they ALL said that Alistair was King and that I had let Loghain live to become a Grey Warden. Hope that's a hiccough in the Demo and that the Full Game reads things correctly. Except for the ONCE to get the achievement, I NEVER let Loghain live! (Although I did use the "Resurrection" cheat a few times to test a solution for a friend. :laugh: ) Anyway, maybe there's hope for getting mods to work earlier, rather than waiting on BioWare. :thumbsup:
  4. None of those specs matter to you. What matters is the info ABOVE those items: "8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)." The most important detail there is the "(PC3 12800)". And please ensure that your motherboard can support a 4GB chip in single slot. :thumbsup:
  5. To reiterate the point I made earlier, you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much RAM! :laugh: I've never heard anyone say, "Gosh, I wish I hadn't gotten all that RAM!" I've heard plenty say, "Gosh, I wish I'd gotten more." Your rig, your money. And if the trade-off is between more RAM and getting a good enough video card, than cut back on the RAM. But in a brand-new box today, the delta between 4GB and 8GB is what? US$50? Here's a link to a current NewEgg special, 8GB DDR3 @ US$99! "NewEgg RAM deal". :thumbsup:
  6. Topic Locked at OP's request.
  7. @alkador: Have you considered using "The Winter Forge" to make your own "new" juggernaut helmet? (Just an idea, rather than waiting on someone else to decide to take a stab at it.)
  8. Welcome, pd32! Sorry to hear your having a problem. I like DAMM a lot and have been using it for almost a year now. First thing I'd do is check and re-set all the paths to the various DA elements that DAMM uses. They are set from the "Options" tab, the last one on the right. (I didn't highlight it because this screenshot was originally for a different purpose.) http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/images/1678793-1289965531.png Open that, and select each of the items, re-designating the paths manually (even if it's to the exact same location.) If that doesn't do it, then I'd uniinstall/re-install DAMM itself. Let us know if you get it sorted. :thumbsup:
  9. So...? Tell us! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif Others may be having the exact same issue and be eagerly awaiting word of how you solved it. (Even if it's a "Duh-Oh /facepalm" fix!)
  10. Echoing micalov, that's exactly what you do. You might avoid a few more problems, especially if you're going to be using multiple Character Creator (CC) mods, by reading this: "Using DA Mods for Dummies". Happy (Modded) Gaming! :thumbsup:
  11. xXHiTMaNXx banned. Asked for assistance in modding console platform in Chat. That's not something we tolerate 'round here. Chat Log:
  12. Both are crucial to the overall gaming experience. If either one is insufficient, (inadequate compared to the capabilities of other the parts of the overall sytem, including the software) you will definitely notice. But RAM is so cheap these days, and (when coupled with a decent CPU) can also compensate for some (not all) shortcomings in your video sub-system. So there's no reason not to max it out. And on a cost-basis, it's always the best-buy! Once you've got all the RAM your MB will hold, then get the best GPU you can with the amount you have left to spend. HDD speed (technically, the "seek/read" throughput) used to be a purchase-decision factor as well, but modern drives generally make it a non-issue for gamers.
  13. purah banned. Away with you, Pirate! Chat log:
  14. NOTE: While this works, it also means that you're now allowing ANY program that gets launched on your rig (via a command line, webpage, or anything else) to run as if you had explicitly given permission for it to do so. Assuming that the account you normally log-on with is an "Administrator" account, that's the level of privilege you are giving to any malicious code that you happen to wander across that's able to convince your system (not "you") that it should start. :ohmy:
  15. nosisab has it right. WinXP only supports DX9. Vista added support for DX10/10.1, (but almost no applications or graphics cards did.) Win7 added DX11 support. In all cases, even if a particular program (e.g. DA2) is written to take advantage of the better/faster display processes and offers "DX(latest)" as a choice you can select in setup, it doesn't matter unless you have the other two pieces; an OS and a video card capable of implementing it. :laugh:
  16. If FNV is like FO3, then you can use the "Large Memory Area Flag" fix to enable the executable to recognize/use more than 2GB of RAM. Not sure if that's the case, (don't have any of the FO series) but "daorigins.exe" benefited from the same treatment! :thumbsup: If so, more RAM is absolutely the easiest/cheapest way to improve performance. [Edit] I also have a GT 240/1GB and have been very happy with it. Runs DA:O and ME/ME2 on highest settings, no problem. Unfortunately, it isn't DX11-capable so I'm looking to upgrade for DA2, but no good options seem to exist. See my topic in this forum if you have any ideas!
  17. Thanks, Urbex! That's the way I'm leaning, but was looking for other opinions or options I had not considered. I had no idea when I got it that the GT 240 was as good as it is, (for something that meets all the limitations in my situation.) Just wish it were DX11-capable...
  18. Or you could try this: "Character Respecialization". (Same caveats about the mod not affecting the dialogues, of course...)
  19. ChaosDuck banned. Making another account the same day as being banned, after making another account the same day as being banned previously. Formerly SloMoSpeed, formerly icecoolcola. Seems to get in about 5-10 posts before being shown the door.
  20. REFORESSERS banned. Spam. I'd say "spambot", but the typos made me think it might be a human.
  21. Ok, so my graphics card isn't DX11 capable. :( Thinking about getting a new one before DA2's release next week. :biggrin: LIMITATIONS: 1 PCI-E slot. Just one. (It's tight in that case.) 1 Power Lead (400w PS, not going to upgrade that.) HDMI (although my 21" LCD also has a DVI connector.) Less than US$150 Question: Is there really enough difference in performance and quality OF THE VISUAL/GAMING experience between DX9 and DX11 that it's worth the switch from my current nVidia GT 240 to the GT 430? The GT 430 has LOWER scores on nVidia's own benchmarks, but it is single slot, single power lead, and DX11 capable! Oh, and under US$100! Alteratives I'm willing to consider include the GT 440 (maybe) and the ATI Radeon 5770 (I think that's the right model.) Thoughts?
  22. puggawugga - Strike 1 issued. Advocating use of torrent sites to obtain copyrighted material. Reference post deleted.
  23. NOTE: Great Idea if someone wants to take the time to create NEW meshes and textures for DA versions of these. But direct "converting" of Bethesda's resources into another company's game is not allowed, and the use of any Community mods for Oblivion would need the original modder's permission.
  24. This particular discussion has been reported twice by people feeling that the comments have gotten out of line. If the tone can't remain civil, the entire topic will be closed. Agreement is not required (this is for "Debates", after all) but politeness is.
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