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Everything posted by Thandal
cant open damm
Thandal replied to crystaldragonz's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Well, if you aren't tring to use a mod that's packaged specifically for DAMM (one that's in the ".override" format) then you don't need DAMM at all. If the mods are in ".dazip" format, then you can use the game's built-in "DAUpdater". If they're not, then just follow the instructions in the Readme or found on the "Description" tab. -
Felicia Day Stars in new Dragon Age Series
Thandal replied to hiybbprqag's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
a) They DID make DA cartoons. They're called "Trailers". (But seriously, there really is an animated DA piece in the works...) b) Of COURSE Felicia Day in an elf get-up looks like a a refugee from the Faire! :laugh: Have you WATCHED "The Guild"? Have you SEEN "Do You Want to Date my Avatar"? It's supposed to be funny! :teehee: :thumbsup: (Ok Full Disclosure: I don't have TV service at home, so can't watch Jimmy Kimmel Fallon to see the trailer for this. Maybe it's "serious"... But I doubt it!) -
mochie your mod is awesome, but I have a really messed up hair pack and more colors mod. I guess I lost at a sea of chargenmorphcfg.xml files. So can you please contact other authors, possiblly provide an modern all-in-one beauty pack? @est; Or, you could try this: "CharGenMorph Complier". :thumbsup:
Combat should be this easy?
Thandal replied to vegeta0585's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
:laugh: Glad you weren't any further along than the Tower of Ishal! :laugh: Any idea what caused it? (For future troubleshooting advice...) -
Used the mod area to post a blanket "request for mods". Strike 1 for posting an "empty" mod. Strike 2 for not reading the ToS to know better. Not banning because I presume (based on low post count) that OriginsMaster DIDN'T know better.
(PETITION) unskippable video adds cross the line
Thandal replied to mikeloeven's topic in Site Support
Yeah, as Dark0ne says repeatedly, the ads are served-up by a third party using regional settings based on your IP. So even folk on-line and seeing ads at the exact same time do not see the same things. -
cant open damm
Thandal replied to crystaldragonz's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Do you still have this issue after a re-boot? P.S. Can you upload the screenshot directly to the Image Share here on Nexus? The embedded one is too small to read the details (even when I enlarge my browser display), and the imageshack one isn't any better... :confused: ) -
Topic locked by request of the OP.
(PETITION) unskippable video adds cross the line
Thandal replied to mikeloeven's topic in Site Support
I've noticed something curious. I believe I've read every post in this thread, and only found one whre someone might have agreed with the OP, (it's not really clear what that post is saying...) And no one has "signed" the petition. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Regardless of the "number who agree/disagree, but never take the time to reply", 100% against is a pretty overwhelming margin in almost any circumstance. :whistling: -
Well, a quick look at your list and "Realistic Teeth" jumps out at me. I've read the Readme for that one, and it seems to impact (badly) on almost every other facemorph mod. The author talks about other modders contacting him for instructions on how to make their work compatible with his. Try without that and see what happens. (But take a look at the Readme first. There may be special UNINSTALL instructions as well... :laugh: ) Actually, in this situation (some stuff works, some doesn't) you might want to employ the more rigorous troubleshooting process. 1. Disable (untick the box) all unofficial items on the "Installed Content" screen. 2. Cut-Paste your "\override" folder elsewhere (desktop, other folder, anywhere outside the standard path.) 3. Check for any leftover CGMC.XML files, delete if present ANYWHERE. 4. Create new (now empty) "\override" folder. 5. Test game. Does everything work normally? If not, problem is with actual game install. But if so... 6. Add back mods on "Installed Content" screen in batches (I do 2-5 at a time, depending) testing after every batch. If problem occurs, you have a very small population to examine individually. 7. Add back mods to "\override", again in small batches and testing between each batch. This will identify and isolate the one(s) causing your issue. You can then determine if there's a way to get things working the way you want, or if you have to choose between conflicting mods. Some mods can be edited to play nice with certain other ones. Most can't. For example, all CC mods work by assigning the resources they contain to the approprite attribute (Hair Color, Eye Shape, etc.) and a specfic slider position for the attribute. If two different mod authors used the same slider values for their respective resources... Well, I think TerraEx's Complier prevents a direct conflict, but it may do so by "zeroing-out" the conflicting entires for both mods...
Something isn't "standard" about your set-up. Don't think "Steam vs. retail disc" will matter. Are ANY mods working correctly for you? If so, which?
So...everyone's eyes are black!
Thandal replied to Swiftrz's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
:laugh: Morrigan, and all of the BioWare-built Shapeshifters, (e.g. the former Weres from "The Nature of the Beast") do not use the standard eyes. They have custom ones that give a slight glow, and a hint of a cat's vertical pupil opening. Many facemorph modders worked-out why Morri's eyes were so different, and incorporated the same technique in their works. With mods like Bidelle's and PinappleTree's, the rest of us get access to them as well! :thumbsup: -
Agree that "Character Respecialization" is proabbly one of the best, and simplest, while keeping things "in-game". Otherwise, a search for "Respec" in the DANexus Files section turned up six in about 1/2 second. Most of those will do what you want, but not sure if they are any "simpler". Especially because "Character Respecialization" installs with DAUpdater (or any of the other mod managers). MUCH easier for a beginner than anything using the Toolset or Command Console. :thumbsup:
So...everyone's eyes are black!
Thandal replied to Swiftrz's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
You probably got it right, mate. I'm guessing you have the built-in Intel Integrated Graphics chip? Very few laptops are decent gaming platforms, especially because of the video limitations. :whistling: -
So...everyone's eyes are black!
Thandal replied to Swiftrz's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Welcome, Swiftrz; Sorry you're having a problem. The "All Eyes Are Black" issue is well known, and could be the result of several different things. Without ANY appearance mods installed, the most common causes are either a) your graphics are set too low in the "Options" menu, or b) your video card is not capable of running the higher settings. BTW: Unless you're planning on using one of a very small handful of mods that effect the scripts for actions by the uncontrolled Party members (the "Tactics") there's no reason not to patch to the latest one, (1.04) and many reasons to do so. Let us know how it goes. -
Blank Tooltips/Descriptions?
Thandal replied to CDAGeek's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Another player noticed the same behaviour, and tracked it down to Advanced Tactics. When they removed that, the tool-tip descriptions popped back up. :thumbsup: -
megamanrulesall banned. Requesting assistance in modding a console version. Post hidden, since it offers help in doing so as well. Reference post
This is the kind of discussion that needs to take place in private discussions with the staff, not in the Public forums. Locking topic.
Just confirming, we're talking about your "\[user's documrnts]\Bioware\Dragon Age\Packages\core\override" (or whatever trhe Steam equivalent is) folder, and not the one under "\Program Files", right? Then I would do a quick check for any stray CGMC.xml files left over from the mods you did install. There should only be ONE, ahat's the one that the Complier created by merging all the entries contained in all the others. (And of course you placed each mod in it's OWN sub-folder when you moved them into the "\override" folder. Otherwise only the chargenmorphcfg.xml from the LAST one you moved would have remained...)
Point the last, first: NOTHING after DA:O will effect DA2. When folk talk about "importing" from DA:O, they really mean "importing the end-state plot flags and a few other pieces of information." a) Was the DR performed? b) If not, who defeated the AD, (your Warden, or another?) c) Who became the ruler of Ferelden after the Blight? d) (Maybe) What was your Warden's name/gender/race/class/LI? But your main question was about the various DLC. Here's my totally subjective opinion on them all in order from "Get Today!", to "Don't Get!": In a category all its own #1: The Stone Prisoner. The is a Must-Have. Integrates directly into the main story, adds a great additional Companion, fantastic new Party Banter. In a category all its own #2: Witch Hunt. The only reason to play Witch Hunt is if you care about bringing your Warden's relationship with Morrigan to some kind of resolution. If you don't care, (or are satisfied with where things were at the end of DA:O) don't bother. You'll get to the end and think, "That's it?" But if you *DO* care, then I think it's one of the best. Certainly on-par with LS. Both of the new companions are great, (wish I could have had them earlier.) And considering the enormous number of constraints the writers were under in terms of what had to be acknowledged, accomodated, and left open for the future, I thought they did an amazingly good job. I especially liked both endings number One and Two. (I won't spoil it by telling you how many there are.) 1. Leliana's Song. (Obviously you have to like Leli in the first place.) Best of the "shorter adventures." Excellent soundtrack, fun new NPCs, and made me like my decision in DA:O regarding Marjolaine even more! 2. Warden's Keep. Adds another couple of fun NPCs (Avernus is my fav) a new ability for your Warden, (if you choose) and a Party Storage Chest! 3. Awakening. (I know, it's not really DLC.) Longest, and most expensive, add-on. Lots of the side-quests. Some are pretty good too. There are a few major Known Bugs, the worst ones are the "Silverite Mine", (get TerraEx's "Silverite bug fix mod" here on Nexus) and "Sigrun's Personal Quest", (there's a work-around for that.) But all-in-all, left me a little flat. Just didn't care about my Companions the way I had in DA:O. Maybe because there was no romance option...? 4. Return to Ostagar. Lets you help Alistair deal with the loss of Duncan. Fun to beat that nasty Ogre! (CAUTION - If you have any Human Male nude mods installed, you may be surprised! :laugh: ) 5. Golems of Amgarack. Just a Hack-n-Slash. Devs made no apologies, that's what it is. 6. FeastDay Crap (sorry, "Stuff".) Waste of BioWare Points. Learn to use the Command Console if you want to manipulate the Approval system directly. The jokes would have been better as Codex entries. (Oh, and "The DLC Which Must Not Be Named"? 'nuff said about that one.) General note: All the bonus items you receive for completing a DLC are pretty high-powered. And any you have acquired appear directly in your inventory when you start a new campaign. Even DA:O.)
Error installing mods with Dragon Age 1.04
Thandal replied to Kalfireth's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Duh-Oh! :laugh: Yeah, DAUpdater needs access to the folder where it's going to put all your DLC and other ".dazip" files. There are several other folders under you profile that the game uses regularly. The "Saves" one, for example... :whistling: -
curufaukor banned. Unauthorized use of another's mod. Original author requested that uploader remove it. uplaoder agreed, then took no action, even after a reminder. Mod deleted
Hey Push, (and Tactical); Sorry if my reply was a bit curt. Time-limited when I posted it. But as I tried to indicate, it always raises a Caution Flag with me when I see a "modders should..." statement, unless the entire topic is about "what modders should/could/might do" in general. I saw this thread as being more from the Players' perspective than the modders'. Most of the posts have expressed frustration in having to sort through lots of mods to "find one of the type I'm looking for". That's not the comment of a mod-maker! :laugh:
djshadowz8801 banned. Admitting to piracy in Chat:
Error installing mods with Dragon Age 1.04
Thandal replied to Kalfireth's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Those two don't claim they're for 1.0 "only", simply that they require AT LEAST game version 1.0. Other DLC require higher minimum game versions. From your listing of the error messages, it's clear that SOMETHING is not installed properly, but DAUpdater should have been "installed" as part of the overall game installation process. YOU shouldn't have to do anything other than run it. Two things to note/check: a) What mods are you talking about? b) DAUpdater can ONLY help with mods (and DLC) packaged as a ".dazip" file. Other types of mods need different handling.