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Everything posted by Thandal

  1. As the author of NBaio points out in the Description, if you select textures from one mod, and a specular map from another, and body model elements from somewhere else, you'll get results like the ones in your image. Try selecting the various elements all from the same set first, then varying just one at time so that you can tell which ones work together adequately for your needs. :thumbsup:
  2. Glsd you got it sorted, but what do you mean by "remove" your companions?
  3. 2 Strikes in 1 At-Bat. Strike 1 for rude language, and Strike 2 for flamming a modder while demanding (IN ALL CAPS) more. If you can't say anything nice... Reference Post
  4. Well, the "additem" script itself is a mod: "AddItem Script - Console". Do you have it installed?
  5. Read the full instructions for NV4. From what you said, you'll have to re-install it, then do the "Change me back to the way I was before" for every one of the characters you modified, THEN follow the detailed uninstall procedures. Been there. Done that. Facepalmed. :rolleyes: NV4 is one of the very few DA mods that actually does install parts of itself as a Windows application, so it takes more than just "delete the folder" to extract it from the game. :whistling:
  6. Sorry you're having problems. As always with this sort of issue, "What mods are installed?" :confused:
  7. Hey seweryn; Besides the fact that DA (and the Infinity engine it's built around) is much newer than the Oblivion and Fallout series, and in addition to the technical difficulties in using the DA Toolset, another reason for the difference in the number of mods is that DA is much more plot-driven. It isn't an open-world game, so there isn't a lot of room for small encounters and random characters. Small scale mods are pretty much limited to a few types: a) Facemorphs; by number, the most common type. b) Single Items; arms and armour, mostly. How many different swords does the average player really want? c) Bug Fixes (once one modder has done it, no one else has to) The more complex mods need to include so much to make them function correctly both in terms of the game engine itself AND the plot-line(s), that very few are created. But there are some: a) Gameplay Changes (Tactics, NPC behaviour, etc.) b) True expansions (the largest, and most difficult kind of mod) And lastly, with utilities like "The Winter Forge", many players simply "roll-their-own" mods and create the unique items they want for their own use. No need to search for someone else's "almost right" version when you can make it just the way you want. :thumbsup:
  8. Strike 2 issued for insulting Staff in response to notice of 1st Strike.
  9. Fixed that for ya, Thandal. ;) :thumbsup: Yeah, that's what I meant! :laugh: (Ask my spouse, math isn't my strong point. That's why I don't manage the chequebook.)
  10. She's the surface Dwarf Oghren wants you to help him woo. Says he smells like nug droppings! :tongue: She works at the Spoiled Princess Tavern at the Docks outside the Circle.
  11. This is so true. Knowing what's coming allows you to select the exact right party and/or use their skills and items in ways that make what had been a tough fight, easy. My first real obvious experience of this was in battling Zathrian on the side of the LotF. He kicked my Party's ass the first time around. Took several attempts to survive that fight. In my second playthrough he yielded within the first minute-or-so! :laugh: All because I knew both his specific weaknesses and what could be safely ignored in what was going on around me.
  12. Issued Strike 1 for posting a request for help with mod project "as a mod". (Deleted mod.)
  13. Yup, must be group to which I'm assigned. I don't have that same info on my "modify sig" page. Thanks for the screenie, or I wouldn't have known what you meant. :thumbsup:
  14. The one part of the site doesn't say "no restrictions". It says "any NUMBER", not "any SIZE". But I agree that we should be consistent and place the same info in both locations.
  15. Sorry, edriano. None of the others appear in Awakenings. Oghren is the only DA:O Companion who is also one in DA:A. And you've already experienced all the "cameo appearances" by any others. Felsi does make one entrance, but that's it. :confused:
  16. But arguing with the Staff about it in the public forums will earn you one quickly!
  17. Strike 1 issued. Anyone is free to have an opinion about a mod someone else requests. But here on the Nexus, no one is free to insult the requester.
  18. Glad you've had success mondotomhead! :thumbsup: The basic way is to read the modder's instructions, and do what they say. :laugh: For mods packaged as ".dazip" files, they will appear on your "Installed Content" screen in-game, and you cna enable and disable them by ticking the box under their names. For mods that are designed to "just be placed in your '\override' folder", there is no way to know if they'll work correctly or not until it's time for them to function. :tongue: For mods that use the DAO Modmanager (DAMM), ".override" format, you can chekc whether they're installed by right-clinking on the center ("Installed Overrides") panel, but you indicate that your using DAModmanager (DAM) so that doesn't help you...) You might want to take a look at this wiki article: "Using DA Mods for Dummies". Happy (Modded) Gaming! :thumbsup:
  19. Kerscarmern banned. Spamming forum with porn links.
  20. Cyprine banned. Uploading spam porn advert to the files section. Reference post: Mod Deleted
  21. hopecandecieve banned. Offering to provide a cracked version of Photoshop. :pirate: Reference post
  22. the tardis is a portable home in the shape of a police box that is bigger on the inside then it is on the outside. :laugh: Here I thought that you wanted a T.A.R.D.I.S. in order to be able to hop fowards in the story and "skip the boring bits", or backwards in the story and change your decisions! :tongue:
  23. Tocacojones banned. Posted inappropriate images in Chat. Then proceeded to argue with the Staff in a PM over the one-week chat ban. Enjoy your permenant vacation from the aggravation you experienced here. Additional: Alt account 'Dovahkiin11' now also banned - TVD. EDIT by LHammonds: And your other accounts: LordMoose2 RascalTheSecond
  24. guigmb banned. Admitted pirate Chat Log: From the internet, or from a buddy, piracy is piracy. Asking here for help with your stolen goods is asking to walk the plank. We'll accomodate that request.
  25. Hey Serdan90; (You must have other mods installed that increased the number/value of items you have to sell.) Once you hit 1,000,000 coppers (1000 gold) you've exceeded the maximum value for the Party's money that the game can store. :tongue: Easiest fix is to reload a save from right before you went over the limit, and BUY the stuff you want/need, then sell, destroy, or use the Party chest (Warden's Keep DLC, or other other mods) to get rid of any excess in your inventory while staying under 1000 gold total. :thumbsup:
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