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Everything posted by kniggit92

  1. Install it through steam, playing without the updates is pretty silly. If you really have an official dvd you should be able to verify and install it via steam. Also don't install it from dvd and then update via steam, download it fully from steam.
  2. It's a widget. You have a mod that adds widgets. If it's still there with no mods active you probably didn't uninstall a widget mod properly and it's still stuck in that save file.
  3. I love how followers actually know how to use flintlock pistols :) Skyrim's AI is actually pretty clever.
  4. Why do you want optimized(ugly) vanilla textures? Are you having FPS issues? If so you don't want to install an ENB. Try this instead for less performance loss: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63839/?
  5. Make a copy of the male animation and rename it to the female one and replace the female one. Recommend you save a backup.
  6. Do you have a steam version? Do you have the latest unofficial skyrim patches?
  7. 1.9 is the official latest Skyrim version. Do you honestly think someone who doesn't know how to install mods, would know what specific update his non-cracked skyrim is on? Again, it doesn't show that anywhere on steam so he must have illegally downloaded Skyrim, because when illegally downloading it shows the version number. Him saying *not a steam version* is also a dead giveaway that he did not buy the game.
  8. taz visual overhaul is an ENB, it's normal for ENBs to heavily impact performance. As far as inside fps goes: Usually it's the other way around but you probably have a lot of indoor texture mods.
  9. Obviously he means an illegal version else he wouldn't talk about 1.9 since steam doesn't show what update it's on..
  10. Why don't you take a look at how the other mods do it?
  11. EFF DOES have the option to look at their original inventory and make changes..
  12. unofficial patch fixes dragon soul absorption, it's a commonly known fact, don't worry. And no the dragon absorption isn't scripted differently for named dragons.
  13. When running an ENB, try turning off depth of field and ambient occlusion in the ingame ENB menu, this should considerably boost any ENBs performance while still getting most of the benefits. That said, 650m is a weak GPU with a measly 800ish clock speed, only 1g VRAM, terrible memory bandwith/clockspeed and texture rates, not really suited for high end gaming with something like an ENB. Skyrim isn't really playable with anything below 25-30 fps and 25-30 fps wouldn't really be worth it to me, especially when you get stutters and drops into 10 fps etc in busy areas.
  14. I'm pretty sure that owl is one of the dragon claw symbols. Yup: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Puzzle_Totems
  15. You get this spell in your vampire lord form with the dawnguard dlc.
  16. I suggest asking this over at the mods posts page. I also suggest not using the patcher unless you are planning on a new save, running the patcher assigns new ids to spells including selfbuffs etc, causing them to get stuck to your character forever even if you unequip or equip gear, it also causes occasional nude npc's and other inconsistencies. Decide on your load order, run the patcher and play it, don't change major gameplay affecting mods halfway your save game, especially if there's a patcher or a lot of scripts involved.
  17. Are you wearing a bandit armor? Some mods make bandits friendly to other people wearing bandit armor types.
  18. No I got the bug a long time ago so I wouldn't be able to give you a list, now that you mention carriages though, crashes like these are actually often related to carriage mods!
  19. No I'm pretty sure it wasn't either of those :(
  20. Why are you trying to give children adult bodies?
  21. Ugh I had this same problem but can't remember which mod caused it :( Here's how to troubleshoot a problem like this: 1: Check whether it happens with a new save game, if it doesn't, corrupt save, if it does, corrupt mod or conflict. 2: If new save doesn't solve it: Disable half your .esp, from the bottom of the list upwards. Check ingame if the problem persists. If it does, the problem isn't with any of the .esp you disabled, proceed to disable again half the active mods from the bottom upwards, repeat this until you find a group of .esp that causes the crash, then you just reactivate them one by one or in small groups to find the culprit.
  22. No. This is what I meant with the VRAM part: VRAM is where graphics get buffered into, you need a lot of 2k/4k textures to fill up 2GB of ram, you aren't going to achieve that with just some minor mods and a light ENB. The reason Skyrim isn't using up more memory than that is because it doesn't need to. If Skyrim was somehow blocked from using your VRAM, you would be getting blue textures, which obviously isn't the case for you so there isn't any problem with your VRAM. VRAM is NOT useless, it never is. You NEED vram. The ammount of vram you need is not linked to your clock speed, they are separate. VRAM depends on the ammount of data being buffered into your GPU. Clockspeed is how fast you utilize that memory (memory clock speed) and how fast you process graphical data (regular GPU clock speed). The more/bigger textures you load the more VRAM you need to not crash (skyrim can crash if your vram gets filled up completely) The more/bigger textures you have the more clock speed you need to be able to buffer and load them all with good FPS.
  23. You need the face gen file and this tutorial: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_Chargen_Extension_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim
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