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Everything posted by nosisab
player.additem not working...
nosisab replied to Cyberweasel89's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
I get more and more confused the more I read this thread. The more accurate answer came from one of the first posts. You can't add an Reference Id, only Object IDs are accepted. Like yourself said it's an item from a mod, that object id will not match the one you see on GECK and the mod author can't supply that id too, it depends on the load order. For example: If the actual mod that item pertains is the 11th in the load order (counting every other active before it, including the main ESM) it will be 'always' prefixed as "0A" notice the count starts from index 00 and obviously must be converted to hexadecimal. PS: Maybe saying something about ObjectID and ReferenceID help understanding what happens. The objectId is the name of the common parent and is given at the item creation. This id never appear in the actual game, every instance of the object 'in game' receives one and only one (unique) Reference ID. so... Reference ID. That is the reference each instance of an object receives in game. It's what allows many clones from a same 'steel sword' be treated as unique. When you uses the AddItem function you cant specify a reference ID, you need to specify that 'generic, father' ObjectId of the desired object... but what you actually receives is the Item which so receives it's own referenceID from the engine. It's opposed to what happens with functions like enable/disable that only accepts the ReferenceId and not the ObjectID, so the only enabled/disabled object is that only individual and not "all instances of that item in game". (Actually Fallout 3 allows using enable/disable on objectId (contrary Oblivion) and this is a very dangerous command usage that should never be tried on console.) -
The restrictions applies only to what affects the Register. Since the OP said he will be reinstalling the game that part will be cared, the same may not be valid for some utilities that should be reinstalled to work on the secure side. Other than it I can grant it works since it's the way I kept more than one 'patched' version and activate one at a time, like patches 1.1 and 1.2 for both Oblivion and CS. Obviously such changes need to be made at register level too, what is not the case from the OP. If he manages to get the game working fine and patched to the same level the actual one, as pointed by bben46; bringing again the backup /data and /oblivion from (My) Documents will work fine. Remembering again the utilities themselves should be clean reinstalled. Last but not the least it is: hoping no mod places files outside the /data, I don't know about one that does so, but a possible thing it is. Edit: Sorry I posted almost a copy of your last post, bben46, they came almost at the same time and yours gives more detailed procedures.
You earned respect with intelligent posts, tales, opinions, commentaries and the like. About everyone here like you by what you are, the way you are, that intelligent person you show you are. That our world is already late to change intolerances for a more open mind. Those that may feel bad for something that is not even physical are the ones that need to look at themselves. Just continue being that Dezdimona we can be proud to call a friend.
The only way to know what mod must be the last is understanding what they change. When a mod states it must be the last, actually it means it must not have another mod that change the same thing than it loaded after. If two mods changes different things and must be after what they change; that order do not matter. If they do change things one of the other... so you must understand what you rather to prevail (and the danger the lacking from the other can bring up).
Sorry, I meant Fallout 3, but since you uses XP being at Program files is not the problem. Someway your /data files seems to get corrupted someway, reinstalling the mods will grant the files will be fine. If the issue is caused by conflicts between mods it will be beyond my knowing, so you may want to wait for someone experimented with them. Good Luck
Did you install Borderlands in the same folder as Fallout 3? Since I can't imagine why you'd do it, the better is leaving borderlands aside and focus in the real issue. You may have authorization issues if using Vista (and maybe 7, I don't know about that last) and installed Oblivion in it's default place. If the above do not applies: Turning off mods without removing their files and saving the game can lead to problems. Since you did not supply enough informations to narrow things. The better I can advise is you installing again all those mods. Even so, some savegames may be beyond repair by now. Hope the above is enough. Try making a new game and verify if the items show up, at least.
Processor and ram question
nosisab replied to Retribution's topic in Hardware and software discussion
It's not about initiating the old debate but the whole point in Vista and more yet now with the seven is going from the 32 bits (and its limitations) toward the 64bits realm. But the game should play fine with your specs once you do not try to maximize everything. Some well applied tweaks may enhance things yet more. Since the game is too new those tweaks are yet to be discovered, keep looking for them. Yet about the game, it was not launched here although it's already announced for 13 nov country wide, and so that answer is only speculative and based on general experience. And this experience says you will not have performance troubles running this game type with acceptable settings. -
Not much to say, mine 'makes sense' only for Portuguese and maybe Spanish speakers (the complete nickname is Nosisab Ken Keleh) which pronounces what sounds (in Portuguese) something like "that who nobody knows about" or "It's unknown who he is" For now it is a name for an ancient D&D campaign character that pretended to be a mysterious mage and a name older than many of you guys over here :) well above 3 decades ago. PS: Actually I have several these names that make use of words that sounds with a different from the expected 'meaning', for instance: John Defoe Kevin - That sounds like the 'philosophical' question: "From Where came I?" Lathra Dukesseu - "that is your's stealer" - "she who steals what pertains to you" - Needless to say it's the name for my thief female character. Eladora Sorrezah - "She loves just pray" - Bet someone she is the party cleric? and many others
Since party games and single character games are so different, personal taste is what will matter in the end. DA is a party game, so pauses are a must have to play it the way it should, albeit one can always put the party members under AI scripts and pretend it is single char. Possible, far from better.
better yet if scripted to open very hard locks :)
Sadly such realistic effects need a 'monstrous' physic's calculation amount. That is the reason it's seldom implemented.
Edit: sorry misunderstood the text and gave incorrect answer. Please report your own post so to assure a moderator/admin seeing it.
So you can't actually join them? Factions are used so it's member will be friendly one to another and yet be hostile, indifferent or even friendly toward another faction the member do not pertain too (any actor in game can have more than one faction or even none, beyond the main). Most aren't meant to be joined by the player. And factions aren't the only factor to govern the hostility, there are the disposition and aggression. See as example the deer, with very low disposition toward the player as lower aggression too, so it will always run away (yet it characterize them as hostile and low 'morale'). The hostility arises when the NPC/Creature disposition drops (or is lower from start) under the aggression. Those three factors decides the friendly/hostility and behavior in all encounters interaction. In time: Albeit the faction will weight to enhance the disposition among their members, they yet go hostile if the disposition fall under the aggression by enough ratio. PS: If someone is interested this link shows how it works
Some mods do not only overlaps files as physically overwrite former ones. So You must be aware when it happens and the "install" order is meaningful too. The first installed mod will lose files and so, even removing the newer mod that first is still compromised and must be reinstalled. Those mods OBMM reports in black have 'at least' the own ESPs overwriting and such is really grave. The correct procedure in this case is removing completely the former mod before installing the newer. Yet even in that case it may be the expected behavior, for example if the intention is patching that former ESP. As you see, being careful and trying to learn what the mod is meant to do, reading it's documentation and all these recommendation from praxis, never is too much.
if the mod states it's obmm aware (it'll have an extra folder with pre made OBMM configuration) you just need to do the steps you posted and the omod file is built. Once it's done that omod file appears at the OBMM's right window with an icon color: if the color is green no conflict is detect and you can "activate" it, what is the actual installation and the icon goes blue. Remember only blue icon indicate the mod is indeed installed. If the installed mod have ESPs and/or ESMs they will show up at the left window and will be already ticked activated by default and it's just play afterward. If the mod is already omod you need only "Load" and activate it. It the mod is not OBMM aware, you'll need to be sure it can be simply turned into omod, most will be but some ask for decisions and choices and so will need scripting and it'll be beyond the scope of your actual experience level with OBMM. Better you just install that mod second it's documentation. Does not matter if the mod was installed by hand or OBMM, all and every ESP/ESM will show up at the left window and MUST be ticked to work. The advantage OBMM offer in this case is being ease to change the order those ESPs/ESMs will be loaded. In Time: if the OMOD file is red it implicate it have conflicts with something already installed, most of times it's expected and you can go ahead and activate it. If it is black so a very serious conflict and ESP overwriting exist and the mod should be verified carefully BEFORE activating it.
getting sick and tired of oblivion raining now
nosisab replied to strikerdes's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Sounds like you have a mod that forces the raining again. Since we can't know what mods you have if you don't say. it's just a speculation. -
ban Monolithic0117 for being monolithic.
Oblivion wont start after installing MMM.
nosisab replied to Anthony477's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
The game stall on loading a save game? crashes immediately? Have you tried creating a new character? For the first option the main cause is incompatibility between the savegame and the load order itself, it may happen by just changing it. For the second, the most common reason is a master (ESM) is missing. Or the savegame relies in something that is actually missing, case the crash is on load it. the third option may help identifying the issue's cause. -
Actually rodents are a real problem, a TV is more or less what would be a Lamborghini in others countries and the guy must be seen as a national hero for many... Indeed I'm invidious he did beat my feats for the fighter guild by a (un)fair amount and may have slayed more rats in RL than me in all Morrowind and Oblivion campaigns together :)
That's a known issue that happens when the PC goes from Shivering Isles to Cyrodiil without passing the 'normal' gate. The simpler way to correct it is reentering SI and coming back from that portal. PS: it's not mod related and will happen even in vanilla SI games. Well, the statement is valid if no mod was the cause you quiting SI by 'abnormal' ways... going trhu the portal again will set the control variables correctly and solve the issue.
What? it's the same as changing the extension to .zip and hope it will do the trick :) BMP is raw, uncompressed format, the others are compacting formats and the differences are something similar to differences between zip, rar, 7z, arj, gz and so on... just for images instead general files (same rationales for sound).
Well, seems you already identified the cause, play special attention to the CPU and GPU fan coolers, replacing them if needed. Do a better cable placing so to minimize the air flow obstruction and if you are from a 'hot' country this time of year you may want a general room cooling (it will do well for the computer as for you too).
I believe no one knows it all, but TES imperial library site is one of the best places to start.
Probably you are doing something wrong indeed. When building an OMOD file OBMM 'seems' to froze just after doing the compression, the gauge normally shows 99% at this point, and depending on the amount of mods you have and their lengths it will need a very long time to process everything and place the message of omod done. Second, since you says it was while compressing, not while activating it, nothing could possibly happen to your mods in the data folder to justify your mods getting data conflict, except if something more happened too. Third, if was while activating (what is when the 'actual' files are put in their correct places into the /data structure things surely got astray and you just need to correctly build and activate the OMOD to correct it. So the secret is: OBMM did not freeze, it need a long time with big mods, more yet when it need cross reference with every other mod you have and they are big too. PS: since Qarl's textures changes almost every world texture in vanilla game, you must expect an impressive amount of conflicts... it's expected and so it's just normal.