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Everything posted by nosisab

  1. Just disabling ESPs (and ESMs may cause the problem just for being absent) may not help. The first thing you may want to do is moving away the Oblivion.ini (same as backup and delete it) and let the game create a fresh one. If it solves the problem you'll have to redo any previously done tweaks and configuration. That Oblivion.ini you finds into the c:\(My) Documents\....\Oblivion\ That didnt help... it just defaulted my video settings to medium even though my computer has no problem running the game at the highest settings I was running it at before... Anything else I should try??? How do I uninstall the patch so I can at least play the game again? There is not a simple way to uninstall the patch, besides it is not it the problem. Since I don't know the actual state of your installation and you are telling about patch I'll assume you should do a complete uninstall, from the DVD, not under the Control Panel, delete every remaining folders (advisable doing backups... remember just changing the name of the Oblivion folder may be considered a backup. Do a fresh install, if you have SI Isles install it before patching AND, this is very important, use ONLY the patch for Shivering Isles, You must not use the Oblivion patch in this case! If Vista, install the game away from the C:\Program Files ... use something else, like C:\Games or even (and preferable) another partition
  2. Most of those people do say the main quest is smaller and or shallow in comparison, at least is what I have seen.
  3. Just disabling ESPs (and ESMs may cause the problem just for being absent) may not help. The first thing you may want to do is moving away the Oblivion.ini (same as backup and delete it) and let the game create a fresh one. If it solves the problem you'll have to redo any previously done tweaks and configuration. That Oblivion.ini you finds into the c:\(My) Documents\....\Oblivion\
  4. The culprit, much probably, is the savegame under so many load order changes. PS: With each load order change many items will have somewhat modified properties, some may just 'disappear' and others come to life. The save game will expect to find the objects it refers. Most of times the engine will deal it the issue without troubles, but a few may cause serious problems, like stalling, freezing, ctds ... Programing a load order is something that must be done carefully, before saving the games. The problems just tend to get worse with so many mods as showed in your list.
  5. MGE gives DX9 capabilities to Morrowind, allowing better texturization, LOD management and 'mainly' more advanced shaders... the final result is impressive albeit almost so demanding from graphical powerful cards (if not more) than Oblivion itself. The graphical part is not so tightly dependent of the engine, what make it possible. Put together this, Better bodies, faces and several environment mods and you have a game almost unrecognizable from the original. PS: something that would sorely lack is the physics... something which does not shines in Oblivion for that that matters too...
  6. You must understand no modder should create a dependence to OBSE unless the mod plainly can work only with OBSE functions. That dependence exists only because it's something which just OBSE can do. If you are to be annoyed with someone, be annoyed with D2D DRM policies...
  7. Downloading OBSE from http://obse.silverlock.org/ So far, I believe, none of the mods I've chosen required OBSE (except FormID), though COBL reccommends it. I had the v18beta, downloaded the beta3 now and it really don't have the 1.0 anymore or it's missing for mistake. Yet the first thing I notice was it have a major bytecode optmization that will force the use the beta2 or newer for all scripts compiled with those versions, EVEN if no functions exclusive to those versions are used. Need to test it, first removing that dll 1.0 to be sure it was not removed for mistake from the version. The documentation may be in need of an update too and I can't rely on it to certify the dll is not needed anymore. PS: I'm not sure but I think the 1.0 is for the previous TESCS and the 1.2 is for the newer... The game works without the 1.0 but is early to be sure, anyway I do know for sure I do have at least one mod that have the lipsynch and voice compiled with the former CS, but the mod itself was done and compiled with the newer and the resulting previous files just added afterwards, so it will not serve for 'testing' purposes. Until the issue is resolved you may simply use it without the 1.0. I could suggest you downloading a previous version and using the 1.0 from there but I think it's better wait for an official definition.
  8. Since OBSE is not a 'mod' in the common meaning of the word here, it should not be treated or judged as one. What it does is allowing modders to do things in 'their mods' that would not be possible or simply so much harder and performance crippled without it. OBSE is one of those utilities that are NEED or unnecessary, there is no middle term. Well, unless the mod using it have 'full' and 'crippled' versions and is the only one using OBSE. PS: simply putting ... if at least one mod you have do use any function provided by OBSE, having it is not a matter of choice anymore. And, of course, I love it.
  9. strange, that dll should be there. From where are you downloading OBSE? PS: If you do use any mod that need OBSE and do not have it, you are in dark waters...
  10. I'm not talking about that lmao I want a mod for Morrowind that has THE SAME LEVEL OF GRAPHICS AS OBLIVION. OR BETTER. same texture size. Same polygon count. Equally vibrant and colourful. Same shaders Identical lighting sources. Same water visuals. did you ever try MGE? Using another engine to play the game IS the issue (at least one of the main problems).
  11. I don't know Morroblivion, I thought it exactly what you are asking and maybe you shouldn't ask it. To understand the principles: Bethesda 'asks' material from a game not to be used in another, even among their own games (and maybe, mainly). How I think you aren't ill intended and just misunderstood the rules, you may want to report yourself this thread and ask for it's closing ASAP.
  12. off topic, just got curious... how many spiders that super bug will eat yet before growing up a bit? (from your sig :) )
  13. The vanilla files aways were in BSA, some patches will put some objects into the /data... one reason (and not the only) is them being safe there and you can aways recover from a messed environment. A few mods uses the BSA format and it should be avoided to imitate from any modder that doesn't have a really good reason to pack this way. The game will have a much harder time figuring what to use among repeated objects inside BSAs than just having to chose between BSA or /data. Actually you can see BSA (for this purpose) the same as a /data folder structure, just packed.
  14. Albeit not having enough data to a concluding answer, things points to messed up ini file. My advice is backing up it and deleting the original (or just move it away) and let the game generate a new one. I haven't fallout 3 installed anymore and don't know the correct line(s) to look after in it, but may be worth a try and find it and correct, if you have too many tweaks you rather don't loosing. The former answer (from the unpronounceable Quetzlsacatanango :) ) is a good start too, since the game uses the play time and the final mess probably is cause of messed ini. PS: thinking further, maybe there is nothing wrong with the ini, yet the saves will be really messed for good because the clock change (backup them and let in the folder only the one you are actually using). This should give you a clean start and your former saves will be yet safe. Indeed it may be good for other reasons too, considering those numbers...
  15. what is happening is the first two digits (01 there) is the index ... it is directly related to the mod position in the load order. At GECK it is 01 because the active file is your mod being just after the main ESM (that is the 00). That index is given at game start in a dynamic way and being a "byte" the maximum is limited to FF what gives a range of 256 absolute max mods activated, yet in practice this range is slighter small because some reserved numbers. So using the console to access items others than the original ones is trickier, one way is you simply counting the number of active mods including Fallout3.esm and your mod; subtract 1; convert the result to hexadecimal (you can use the Windows calculator to do it) and that hex number you obtain will be used instead that 01... Like if your mod is the eleventh in the load order: 11 - 1 = 10 what after converted is 0A and your item will be in game 0a000ea7. obviously there are better ways to give the item but they includes using quest scripts or placing them lying around someplace you choose, or inside a container (preferable a container you create yourself and place somehere) and many others.
  16. At level 20+ my "Antamages" gets the 'strange' custom of "willing" taking blows from Ogres just to improve their light armor stats :) I remember sometime ago, just a few eons in the past, when heavy armors had some utility for my chars beyond the merchandise value. The only real problem with Antamages (what indeed is just a magic gifted race battle mage, with only blade and light armor plus 5 choose magic schools and The thief for birthsign) is surviving the few fists levels. Once they do they becomes HIGHLY resilient to physical and magical damage and strikes with lightning speed and/or magic ... The good thing about that setup is being very easy to control the leveling. I never train (with trainers I mean) the main skills except maybe for the master levels and it allows to good secondary skills leveling. Indeed I experimented with having just a few, not likely to use in the daily affairs but easy to perform when required, skills. But the newer characters uses that setup described above with success, albeit leveling faster. Heavy Armors are good for slashing and hashing but the price is too high (beyond what no armor will help against Afinity Sword, as no magical defenses will too). PS: Although I use the thief for birthsign it's not meant to be a stealth char; just for the boost on speed and agility and, 'mainly', luck, it provides. Attributes highly recommended to have with the above sword.
  17. Aways I see "xyz" f***kd my anything I read "I did something wrong and now I need someone to blame" It isn't strange thousands of people uses UOP for so long and don't have their games destroyed or even worsened? I (me) counted among these thousands. And aways I see statements like that from the OP I lose immediately all 'willings' to even read the whole post and try to help. Think about it.
  18. At this time Beth may be putting all powers on TES V (and may have people planning FO 4 too). Yet don't be surprised if a major DLC (like Shivering Isles) comes, just don't take it for granted. Besides they already know, for now as ever, the community will load itself to surprises even them with high quality mods. Give it time. Look back to Morrowind and Oblivion. Even the first sees yet activities in the moding scene, the second is clearly active... And Fallout 3 do not even got 'stable' yet (from the patching view point) for the community feeling assured enough to go for the really big dogs.
  19. YES, for all questions (It's my opinion at least) The mods you finds here, in this very Nexus. Take a look.
  20. You may want to look for virus. If you do not tweak the ini Oblivion will not use the second core, 1MB RAM and vista are good enough... if you do not intend to use demanding programs. Every NVidia card comes with the panel, you just need to right click with the mouse on any empty portion of the desktop. Windows register gets bloated with the time and use... there are so many things to cripple performance you'd not believe... believe me, you need to do a rigid clean up on your system and the above mentioned TweakGuide is one of the bests sites to start with. The 8500 videocard is enough to play it, but at moderate settings only.
  21. NO!, you need to unpack it (renaming will not work), 7z, rar, zip and others are packed files... you may want to use the 7zip program which unpacks all the mentioned formats, is free and can be find here, in the Nexus. All actual files and folders will be inside that xyz.7z file (ESP, textures, meshes and everything else... INCLUDING THE DOCUMENTATION you should not fail to read). Most of times you can unpack directly into the /data folder.
  22. I did fear my post being misunderstood and edited it to state I was pretending just doing some humorous comment (or so I thought :) ). Indeed that idea of yours is good and you could even elaborate, telling someplace you deems ideal and why. PS: that 'room' at aleswell is technically yours, the container there is safe and you'll never need to pay for it (if I recall correctly, long time ago I did the quest)
  23. You already have one which fits your needs (well, it's not technically your's but...) The Aleswell's Inn near the IC. May not have a couple of cats but two females dunmers that will annoy you likely :) Adendum: And Yes, you can fast travel to it... have a wonderful 'vista' of the IC and if you have Frostcrag reborn you can ever see it imposing high and absolute in the Jerall Mountains, envy the lucky one that dwells there and have some ubertuber weapons and armors to boot (among others facilities) :D PS: Suddenly I felt this post may be misunderstood as critical or demeaning instead a simple humorous comment it's intended. Your idea for a simple but elegant house is indeed good and somewhat lacking in the game (outside cities I mean, though I tend to avoid at maximum mods that changes cells for no really good reasons).
  24. please notice the PS I put in the former post. Ops... its not the same item, the amulet gives a certain resistance to frost and weakness to fire but nothing so 'violent' PS: its not the resistance itself, its script forced (need to say I use the no glow mod so normal magical effects just vanish and don't remember anymore if the resistance gives continuous effect, but in that amulet told above, it is repeated at times).
  25. What form of Archive invalidation are you using? archive invalidation?????? Nani???????? my problem is as shown below Archive invalidation... this name is misleading... it just forces the engine to seek the new installed files (invalidates those in the BSA, for example, if the news are inside the /data structure... or force the use of the newer BSA on the block... and so on). It is a function you find in the utilities button in OBMM (a much better way than keeping a txt file with the names of archives to be invalidate, in the Oblivion.ini) PS: The question from Buddah proceeds since, sometimes, simply making an 'archive invalidation' is enough (and sometimes NEEDED) so the game will use the newest files. And the symptoms are indeed those of invisible meshes and textures... PS2: a see now what is your doubt... BSAs are indeed compressed files themselves, among other things and mainly, folder's structures with all the files are kept in it. Actually your meshes should be .NIF files, never a BSA, what happens is the already said... they may be inside BSA.
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