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Everything posted by nosisab
L'armata Brancaleone is worth a try too, could not help laughing and LOL, lol :)
Make sure you choose "download" instead "Open with" which may happen for the browser's known file extension (like zip, 7z, etc). Anyway it is a browsers configuration issue, not the site.
look at nVidia control panel and check under the "Display" and "Adjust desktop size and position" one of those buttons for scaling the better works for you.
Ops, sorry The_Terminator, I did not see your former post. Do help our friend with Dells specific, something I badly lack experience. The CMOS is just a volatile RAM that maintain some informations related to specific configurations, as the date, time, and some useful informations about the used CPU among other things... yet nothing that can impacts the BIOS except where already told about excessive overclock that can prevent the POST... clearing it forces the BIOS to redo the basic configurations from safe 'hardcoded' informations. The only real disvantages of clearing the CMOS is losing those informations like date, hour and personal configurations. That CMOS is the reason for that battery on the mobo. As analogy think the CMOS as the same as the INI files you may delete and the game recreate a fresh copy from a template. the worse is you losing the tweaks done. About the overclocking I'm sure it was not attempted based in the issue evolution... I just pointed it as one reason the bios may fail to boot... and maybe the cmos got corrupted and so on, highly speculative I know, yet worth a try. RAM timings too are kept in the CMOS and can prevent the POST.
Ok, how do I do that. Is there a small button or switch on the mother board? I will take a look at it again when I get home and see if I can find a disconnected cable to a buzzer. I have never noticed any sound codes on startup so I am guessing Dell disabled it like you said during manufacture. There are a series of Diagnostic lights on the front of the PC that are supposed to display in a certain sequence and tell you what's wrong with the PC. Would that work just as well as a sound code? Not sure how Dell implements that CMOS clearing, yet this is something ALL motherboards have. Normally that jumper is a 2 or in some cases 3 pins with a little plastic piece (that indeed is a shorter) placed at the pins 2 and 3 while in normal operation and meant to be placed (with all the power down) at the pins 1 and 2 for a few seconds to perform that CMOS clearing. I did see once one ASUS mobo that had just two soldering points and maybe some mobo may implement a switch (less probably because it should not be a common procedure and not meant to be done for mistake) About the lights, I don't know albeit it's perfectly possible. You should search for your mobo manual if you can recall it's model while accessing the web, if you don't have it at house, and at least take note of the jumpers positions and everything more you deem worthwhile. Try finding something about the Dell ways to identify that kind of troubles. Anyway the function of the jumper may be impressed onto the mobo's surface and I hope you have means to see it well. At this point I don't have anything more I can think to try and help in advance. Take note of everything you do, even if those lights flashes and carefully observe the way they does it. The sequence and timings may be important to diagnose the trouble. I really wish you luck here. It's not unknown that the simple removing and replacing of some cards may resolve some problems related with poor contact.
I don't think using the power button is the cause. Hardware failures can happen for no apparent reasons. What let me be so positive about being a hardware issue is justly because no image at all... it can't be caused for drivers for that image do not depend on drivers, not even the mobo drivers. The BIOS cant rely at anything more than the non volatile information on the chip to enable the POST (Power On Self Test) ... not even the CMOS should prevent the image to show up. Yet overclocking attempts could do it although it does not seems to be the case. But here there is something you can try: Identify on your mobo a jumper that 'clear' the CMOS and reset the mobo to a safety state. You must shortcut that jumper for a few seconds with the power completely down (unplug the power cable). Hope you have luck there. PS: The importance of that POST it is because it do depends neither the CPU nor the RAM, indeed it can identify if one of them is the problem. That sound code is extremely useful to identify the faulty device. If everything is working fine the post terminates with a single short beep (sorry my English may fail to find the correct words at times). Because of it some manufacturers sets off the buzz... because the sound code would be aways audible, even the code for 'everything OK'. PS2: Since you may have difficulties to log when at home. Try removing and replacing all the cards, it can care of some possible bad contacts. Do it for the RAMs and Videocard at least... you should not attempt to do so with the CPU because the risk of compromising the thermal gel.
I understand, but if you'll do try to identify the troubles for yourself at least that sound code you need to know. If it is not playing at all it may be the little buzz is off (unwired) or missing. You'll need it to know where to look for the problem. The videocard would be under suspection from me from what you did describe before. What is for sure it is not a software issue (unless some virus deleted your POST *the initial bios startup*, a thing I think not because the evolution of the issue). I'm really sorry but without the setup's image or the sound code there is nothing we can do to help identifying the failing device. The only things that would prevent that image to show up are: PSU, the motherboard itself, CPU, RAM or videocard. And it is a hardware issue, no software would let the machine so irresponsible (except where the BIOS POST was deleted by virus, as told above and which by it's characteristics may condemn the whole mobo). PS: Forgot to mention the monitor itself yet not the stronger candidate.
If you can't get even the bios startup you have a motherboard failure. By what you described it was not a SP issue, you were already having serious hardware troubles and should have sent the computer to professional care. Most mobos have a sound signal system to identify the problem type, like processor, RAM, videocard... since troubles in those components would prevent the setup image (PSU too can be at failing state at some line, albeit the 12V seems to be working). If you can hear that signal try to identify the code which is a sequence of long/short tweets. Search for them in the web or report them to us. If everything else failed to trace down the problem and you can't get to the BIOS, there is nothing to be done other then replacing the Motherboard (you can try reprogramming the BIOS or changing only the chip but you may find replacing the Mobo easier to do). Indeed you should leave the machine under professional hands.
It's not the OP just about skipping the vault tutorial part, giving all meaningful items and statuses and quests marked as done... and placing the player outside and fresh to initiate the wanderer life?
ESPs can't share informations directly, yet you can reuse files, like meshes, textures and etc, provided both mods are loaded in the game too (yet using items from another mod is not advisable). ESMs should not be used except as resources source and should not have active role in the playing. The better solution (assuming you have the original modder permission) is to replicate the items in your own mod, what you need to be aware is that the meshes have a path pointing to the texture file and if you change the names you must change that 'entry' in the meshes to reflect the changes. Doing this way your mod can be used even standalone and don't need the 'original' anymore. Scripted items will pose additional complexities but it's for you to correct the script's references...
For your savegames going beyond 20mb and crashing this way it's to be assumed the environment you uses to mod is the real issue. I don't have a save game which fits the request, anyway it should be a clean savegame without mods. My advice for you and any other modder is to keep a clean game installation (a modder should know how to backup restore the relevant register part and create batch files to allow toggling between the modding environment and the playthrough environ). That procedure should grant two immediate advantages: 1 - be relatively sure the mod will work and be as independent as possible of external factors 2 - Allowing the test under heavily modded game installations. Of course the savegames (indeed all that fallout3 folder under (my) documents) should be included in the toggling too. Addendum: That multiple installation is possible and I had at least 3 sometime ago (albeit it was Oblivion instead Fallout3) ... One for a 1.1 patched version, another for the 1.2 and one, heavily modded environment I used to actual play and testing purposes.
I already did answer, look for the scripts from the afinity sword mod. Everything from the mod is prefixed as RWL so to be easy to find. Those scripts uses several functions you may want to look, including the pushaway of course. for example, that sword verify the player status and adjusts the base damage accordingly, changes the effective 'length' of the blade reflecting the 'acrobatics', the weight based on strength and 'blade', the ninbleness second speed. Indeed several factors actuate in the weapon characteristics.... but it is in the 'magic' department it shines. It deals a non outrageous amount of damage but that magical damage can't be blocked, neither by armor nor magic means and better, can't be reflected. The weapon have a reasonable to easy critical chance which beyond increased damage will "pushaway" the foe allowing a strategic retreat/positioning or less often it will inflict a single blow kill. a third script will account the use and eventually the own weapon will be substituted for an evolved version that will include soultrap and, heavens forbid, that already awesome weapon will heal the player with a reasonable fraction of the damage done to the foe (something like drain but not the same). The quest script shows a way to enable teleporting while a magical animation is on course (something that crashes the game if done wrongly)... and so on... Yet those scripts do not impact performance more than the strictly necessary and runs only when are 'de facto' used. PS: One will understand the real power of that "defenses bypassing" characteristic when confronting some highly resistant enemies, like gargoyles that can vanquish a mob of ogres exactly because are so hard to hit... Have you seen the face of that one who hits a lich with an awesome 1000 lightning damage plus paralyze weapon just to see it reflected to the PC? :)
just adding to Vagrant post than even changing load order of some massive mods (like overhauls) may turn the savegame unplayable (the common issue is the game stalling at the savegame load).
Something that is often overlook at OCeing is the mobo's ability to supply the potency demand, and no, I'm not telling about the PSU capacity. Verify that Watts your mobo can supply. Some mobos nowadays can supply above 125 W and some CPUs may be under that specification, but chances are you'll have stability and even 'health' issues there.
Deadly Reflex - No decapacitations?
nosisab replied to Zacke_Backe's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
beyond that percentage you can customize you need to use a slashing weapon (I think) and aim above the chest (I'm sure). What I'm not sure but think highly probable is the victim need to be already badly damaged for it to work. So, uber weapons that instakill may fail to get the ideal conditions to accomplish the effect. -
Spell removal mod that doesn't require OBSE?
nosisab replied to Draco856's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
with the vanilla game you need that ugly hexadecimal code number to use with the RemoveSpell command and no means I know of finding out what you have with your character at determined savegame. Hope someone knows a better answer or you'll have a big time finding those codes and removing then one by one. -
Shivering Isles v1.2.0416 Patch installation error
nosisab replied to renekuhs's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
You may be trying to install a different patch's version (international). Less probably yet possible it may be the vanilla patch instead the SI patch. Or the game may be already patched or be from steam (the first case may be the beta patch version for SI) and finally you may have a hacked exe version. -
it's an scripted effect, that afinity sword mod told above have two scripts (one for the 'physical' and another for the 'magical' strike) with many features one can replicate in his/her own scripts (including dynamic changes in its characteristics that uses the player's statuses to adjust to his/her level and such). They are easy to find since everything related to that mod is prefixed by RWL in the name. The quest itself have scripted effect that allows the character teleporting while under magic animation (something that crashes the game if care is not taken) that may be used as template too. PS: that knockdown I did understand it was the 'pushaway' function that do exactly what the name says, not directly related to damage unless the trow send the 'victim' over a precipice.
It's not so strange, some titles like Crysis, have their 'expansions' standalone. Still, in that case was lack of care to read the box.
At every hit would be a little cheap, but one that ignores foe defenses (magic or physical) does not damage that can be reflected to you... will knock down and send afloat anything smaller than a ogre when conect a critical (and even do a one hit kill at anything if you are luck enough)... and still keeping the fun and danger sense... try the Afinity sword mod. You may be surprised as that baby follows your own enhancements and leveling.
Oblivion: Video Game Promoting WITCHCRAFT, SATANISM, & POLYTHEISM
nosisab replied to JimboUK's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
maybe it's an evil game: it crashes, stalls, slowdown and some more minor issues alot and brings machine's destruction feelings and thoughts when it does :) -
3 big issues, need help!
nosisab replied to Feltorn Von Dentai's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I forgot to tell in the former post. For Mods that modifies the same things (like that ones about cities may do) the install order is very important, if you delete one of them you MUST reinstall the other, even if their ESPs exist yet. It'll grant the textures, meshes and the like will be the ones expected. -
3 big issues, need help!
nosisab replied to Feltorn Von Dentai's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Going for parts. First you seems to have many unrelated issues, I'd suggest you making an Oblivion.ini backup and deleting the original letting the game building a fresh one. Look if it will correct perspectives, tiling and the such. Though possible I don't know reports from the UIs having issues like described, for sure they aways worked for me, in that case the suggestion is reinstalling it using the OMOD, what lead to the next answer: Omod is the same as the 7z mod you know. Indeed it is a 7z file with an extra folder with configurations OBMM recognizes and use to place files into the correct places, keep track of what and where it installed things so it can later remove the textures, esps and etc without pain. To use OMOD is really easy, you'll need OBMM that I hope you already do, it will do so much more than allows easy mod installing, such as easy load order changing, archive invalidation (that one is something you must try before going deeper into changing things, it is a function of OBMM ease to find and force the engine to look for the files at the most actual localization, something useful when mods are uninstalled and the game insists at looking for files at where they were and not the vanilla ones on the BSA). Summaring: Grab the OBMM utility if you don't have it... place the OMOD files into the correct folder (follow OBMM documentation) or just add it navigating to whatever place the omod is from the OBMM 'add' feature. Some mods will use the scripting functions from OBMM so to allow choices about what to install and mod configurations, something that UI mod do use with virtuosity. You may be surprised with so many choices by chance you didn't know when installing it. Once OBMM knows about the omod it will show up at the right window and will be colored second potential conflicts. Even if it id red you may activate it, if you know the conflicts are to be expected, and once you 'activate' it, the esp, textures and all the files will be placed correctly as you did it by hand, and the marker will turn 'blue'... the esp probably is already ticked and the mod is ready to use. -
Just for the curiosity sake, the title 'vanilla' is used because it was(is) the base flavor supplied with ingredients for making ice creams and candies in general. The basic flavor where specifics others were added (or just the most common, easier to synthetize).
that is the trouble, it's the video card in the low end of the mainstream... a decent one for many applications but will fail with most demanding 3D applications like some games at mid to up graphic's setup. PS: the 9600gt is a fairly good card and is cheap now, it rivalizes even with the 9800gt (faster clock)... in it the 9600gt differs da 8600gt that performs a big deal worse (unlike the 8800gt and 9800gt that are equivalents, except over that hybrid SLI thing). you must be aware those sufix (GS, GT, GTS, GTX...) are very important too, sometimes they indicates crippled cards even to the own series. In the nvidia case, anything beginning with GT is progressively better... beginning with GS is progressively worse...