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Everything posted by nosisab

  1. Not many, experience taught me to be careful on what to install and the kind of conflicts to expect now and in near future.
  2. The difference in the counting is mostly due to the same user downloading updated versions for the mod.
  3. @Sister Bob Well, it looking for .BSA already let's clear it is trying to find a mod previously downloaded from WS. Supposing the problem is only in a save game, try cleaning it with Wrye's bash. Search the Nexus for it. @all All the above posts points to outdated mods being the guilt. Try getting the last version of them, some plugins like those based on Script dragon or based on SKSE forcibly must be updated to the version of game's patch. I mean, don't try using the utility version for the game's beta patch if not using it. Above all, be aware that mixing installation of the same mod from WS and Nexus is prone to give problems because WS model uses the BSA encapsulated format (which will be source of nightmares soon enough). Make sure to remove whatever BSA from previously installed WS mods before trying to use NMM. Conversely make sure to totally deactivate mods from Nexus before installing the same mod from WS, albeit as far as I know the BSA driven mod blatantly ignores the /Data and this is what I see as it's main weakness and reason for the talk about nightmares.
  4. That doesn't looks like a game's problem but a driver's problem. Please post your computer specs.
  5. Seems a combination of factors is making your resources being eaten and the fallback to Windows id freeing some of it. To the OP, is generally bad idea running applications together with the game, but keeping the browser open while playing is among the worst. Try running the PCB command on console, this should purge the cell buffer and freed resources, if this alleviate the problem the reason becomes characterizes. quicksaving and reloading may momentarily "solve" the problem also. Try these alternatives and report if they work, or some of them.
  6. I had problems after the driver update but seems related with the hardware monitors I use. Although not yet totally secure, seems the MSI Afterburner the guilt (actually it's taskbar display feature). Other than this it is working very well for me till now.
  7. Can't tell first hand about any possible issue coming from Tytanis mod, because I never installed it and this because it started from the idea of being a compilation, what I deem hard to maintain and to keep updated. Still, is not ease to ask to remove a mod based in how harmful that procedure can be to saved games, for most are in a way or another. Sometimes is enough to change the load order for a savegame to stop working all together. There are two main levels for this problem, the most common is if the mod has ESM and some other mod use it. In this case the change in the patch can't solve the problem and the remaining mod needs to be taken down too. The second case most of times can be solved using Wrye's bash, at the "Saves" tab. That beta patch possibly uses a similar mechanism to clean orphaned entries in the savegame, it possibly will solve that Tytanis problem. On the other hand, the real question is: are the individual mods still being worked and updated? if the answer is yes, then Tytanis is out placed and should not indeed be used anymore (the general advice is such compilations should not be used from start). The reason behind this argument is it is not doing something like FCOM, which is not meant just to compile those covered overhauls but actually patch then so they can be used together, what makes it obligatory. If the individual mods are stagnated too, either they reached a point the author believe it is finished unless a bug is found or a mod is bugged and abandoned. If one only case of this last type can be pointed in Tytanis, the claim to remove it proceeds, otherwise it doesn't. Case the author really abandoned the project, even not having real bug, maybe the warning about the fact should be highlighted in the description. To end this post, that subject should be directed to where the author is supposed to become aware of it, as it was introduced in this thread I can't agree and deem it malicious even if was not the OP's intention (and I believe his intentions are good and he believes the mod's harmfulness).
  8. It's an strange issue, sometimes the game starts normally, sometimes it crash before presenting the main menu (that with New game/Continue). May be related with hardware monitors being used in my rig, namely the Core temp and/or MSI afterburner or possibly Fraps (although not using overlay). The post will be updated case I find what is causing the instability.
  9. Indeed, textures should "never" have ESPs. Albeit is good seeing users worrying and willing to learn about the load order, there is a utility called BOSS that has been around since Oblivion's time (hence its name) which works for Skyrim and automatically puts the ESPs in the best known (and tested) load order. Is highly advisable to get it, as much as good idea trying to understand how load order works by yourself. Keep it on :)
  10. What is actually happening there? the mods are shown activated there and them the mods are active. If for any reason they get deactivated and you have the game installed under C:\Program Files (x86) and in Vista or Seven, the previous post is reasonably correct but you may still need to reduce (or disable at once) UAC or run as Administrator or all this together. Edit: One more thing, you have SkyUI listed there, make sure to run from skse_loader.exe, actually you should copy this file as shortcut to your desktop, change the icon if wish, and start the game from there. There is really no necessity to open NMM just to start the game. Is advisable downloading and installing a utility called BOSS and run it once and every time you install a new mod, to grant a reasonable load order. PPS: Now a personal question: Who can tell me what that Update.ESM does? I never activated it and can't even imagine it having any usefulness.
  11. I believe you can't, even because Steam mods are at SW sites and I don't have a clue about how they are packed. ANYWAY, never mix the two repositories for a same mod, whatever you choose for certain mod, stick with it or make sure to totally remove the previous version before migrating to the other. PS: Other than the install method (and steam using BSArghh) the mods are exactly the same from the game standpoint.
  12. If you mean Skyrim patch, probably, anyway your problem is characteristic of "Access Rights" issues from Windows. That's due the game ins installed at that accursed C:\Program Files... folder. Since I can't advise you to try changing Steam directory at all even because I can't see one there, the problem is still the same.
  13. Strange, no problem at all with Midas magic here. Have you installed it from SW and Nexus? if so may exist conflicting versions hanging around. The solution in this case, disable the Nexus version (which will have the files into /data) or unsubscribe it from SW and make sure to remove the BSA. My personal advice is using the Nexus version for the better control provided, but it is personal choice, just never mix the two. Whatever the choice, reinstall the mod afterwards. Other than that, Midas magic does not changes the magic mechanics and should not conflict with any other mod which does not crashes the vanilla already, although surprises are never to be discarded as impossible. Possible problems could arise from mods editing the same cells the reactors are or material used to create the spells or, eventually, quests. If using the vendor version, the cases must be troubleshooted in case basis.
  14. Maybe but maybe, just maybe these mods may get their own sites as happens already now. If this came from someone with a least clue at least it would be a case for worrying, but that's clearly not the case. Still, mixing mods from Nexus and SW must be done with double care. Using BSAs to encapsulate mods will be a major source of problems. To try to resume a brief explanation for the claim. imagine /Data is meant to be used to "override" files in BSAs, so the files in it are sure to be used. Files in BSAs will fight among themselves and make almost impossible to use conflicting features from different mods without making one the mods totally dominating at the load order. Let alone patching that mess will be harder than already is. For that reason, although I'm not sure if a case ever exist, modders should avoid uploading BSA encapsulated mods to nexus, least it starting to have the same problem. Of course BSAs are useful when used correctly, for example in mod resources and alike, but surely is not to be generalized.
  15. You did exactly the procedure to "clean" a mod, so that's OK. Remember the originals are not changed directly, whatever change you did to it was in your own ESP, the procedure you did corrected the changes you may have done, assuming you found all of them.
  16. No, not harmful to your computer, the real problem is the former driver can still have something hanging around and which "may cause" instability, anyway, just uninstall the driver and install it again, Search the net for a program called "deep care" which has a limited free version which allow uninstalling and checking for loose files and register entries. It should grant complete uninstall of the drivers and allow clean new install. Edit: correcting the above information, search for Iobit Advanced System Care, the actual name of the utility. Even because the program has some more nice features :)
  17. Depends on what you want to do, the properties allow access from outside the script they are defined (much like quest variables but way more powerful). Follow that link for it is official information on using Papyrus.
  18. Verify if you have Infrared control active (many motherboards has it and is activated deactivated on it's boot time setup). The same in Windows. Not sure if is your case but that control active is known to cause the issue. Of course you may want to verify your keyboard Layout against the standard US. Although looks like you are trying the correct key, your keyboard layout may be yet more unique than most. Edit: I remember have seen mods which brings the console by mean of spell or something alike for these cases of non US standard keyboards, search "console" at TESnexus mods page, there are many there, one should help you.
  19. have you tried making it a property? Variables and properties
  20. Skyrim made that question from that upset restoration girl from the college... valid. Although always useful to have a few perks in restoration, developing it turns the character lacking on offense. Edit: even because in vanilla is one the hardest skills to increase.
  21. OMG, I'm pretty sure this circlet had waterbreath enchant. Detail, this actually happened, just I sold it by mistake. And was deep and under ice rim, somewhere far north, exploring a wrecked ship or something alike.
  22. yeah, this may happen if don't have a save prior entering the ruin or getting the quest, can't say for sure.
  23. Was reported at the time that infrared option turned on in the motherboard being responsible for it happening also. If is the case and you don't use it, try disabling.
  24. hmm, I totally would for playing a troll :) Now seriously it is creating a playable new race. Has been done before and probably will again. Keep tuned.
  25. That issue with the Blade guy in Riften is old known although I don't know if it was fixed by 1.4 patch. I don't recall it from the memory alone, it involves extracting the respective voice files from the BSA and placing it at /data, Search for this specific bug, it is well known and the solution documented in several threads. Edit: About the mods themselves, this may be a good opportunity to look if they have updates before reinstalling. About the savegame(s), I can't say, you must try and hope for the best. All depends on which files were caught open and/or had not the Windows caching system commit changes in them yet.
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