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Everything posted by nosisab

  1. If you are using Steam tools, there is only the New Vegas version there (which is not for Fallout 3) Get the correct version at the official site, both are there.
  2. Have you tried to start a new game with a fresh character? There is a possibility your savegames are too bloated. You can try fixing them (if is the case), Wrye's bash had that option for former Bethesda games, I did not try it with Skyrim and have not it installed at this moment to grant it is still there, you should try it. PS: Anyway you should expect framerate drops in some exterior areas. Skyrim is a game highly dependent on CPU power also and can bottleneck in some places, like locations with many concurrent AIs from NPCs. A combination of high graphical demand with high CPU demand can be a performance killer. Having vertical synch enabled can be a factor too, leading to severe framerate drops if the nominal value for your monitor refresh rate can't be achieved by the video card, sometimes 50% drop or more.
  3. Something odd here, the exe is indeed TESV.exe and SKSE works just fine with it. Are you sure to have gotten SKSE from the official site?
  4. Sorry, seems I misread your post. I can't really tell about SD releases although understand how it works. If you are sure you are using the SD version for the official 1.6 patch, the problem may be on it's scripts. If possible post the actual message as it comes.
  5. yes, that is the latter official patch and came fresh from the oven after a long beta test. I don't know if SD is already updated to it (your version may be for the former 1.5.xx or for the 1.6 beta).
  6. Hahahaha, makes sense :) ... well, good the cause was found and things might work now.
  7. No, SKSE does not changes the executable in any way, Verify your game version starting without Script Dragon (rename dinput8.dll to dinput8.dll.bak to prevent it's loading), once in the game hit esc key and take note of the version shown there. Make sure the Script Dragon version is for that game version. Besides, most scripts for SD must be updated too. Edit: dinput8.dll is a modified version from the official MS dll, since it is on the same folder than Skyrim.exe it will have the preference and that modified version is responsible to load the actual Script dragon dll which then will load all scripts it finds (dinput8.dll is automatically loaded). So disabling dinput8.dll effectively disables SD and all it's scripts. Do not save the game while SD is out if willing to wait for a working SD update.
  8. Possibly the message is about SKSE not finding the correct version or you may have a patched version, whatever the reason. SKSE is sensible to any change in the executable. PS: For the Steam version of Fallout New Vegas, was needed to start the game directly from Steam (instead using the loader) but for Skyrim it is working directly for me, so it should not be the problem.
  9. this may be caused by a mod, we can't help without knowing what is going there.
  10. Make sure your mod has not dependencies on something you have in your machine but is not expected everyone to have. Remember if something else (like another mod) is active while producing yours, you may have created that dependency, If this is the case and for some reason you can't or want not to avoid the usage of third party stuff, make clear the dependency exist and the mods causing it must be downloaded and installed prior to installing yours. I'm presuming the above due the information about the mod working for some people and not working at all for another. If you think it is a technical issue in the mod confection, you need to provide some more detailed information about how you are trying to do it.
  11. Seems to be that specific problem the mod is expecting "exact" the same version of NVSE instead same OR greater version (I can't say for sure because I don't know details about the mod). From the given information becomes clear NVSE is active and working, it is a specific mod issue. If you are at ease using geck you could fix the version testing, otherwise try posting the issue on the mod's discussion thread. Just be polite. State the problem as it is happening to you and the author (depending on how actively the mod is still supported) or someone else with the author's permission may release a patch to fix the issue. Edit to complement: If the only problem is the message (I mean if the game loads and plays despite it), should be secure for you to play normally, for the newest NVSE version keeps backward compatibility with previous versions unless stated otherwise. Yet, such problem would have many reports indeed, what points you may have a corrupted download of it or the corruption happened after the installation. The advice is to download it again, uninstall totally the previous version and install from that fresh copy. Make sure to have every possible dependency for the mod case it have some (again I apologize for not having actual knowledge about the specific mod). Is possible the mod having conflicts with another mod. RTS is one of the top mods, if that is the case a patch to the (possible) conflict with some other mod may exist already.
  12. Open the console and type: GetNVSEVersion It should return the version number if NVSE is correctly installed and working, otherwise it will return an error code. If NVSE is running, maybe Real time Settler mod is seeking for specific version (it should look for equal or greater) or maybe you are using an outdated version of NVSE. Possibly one the two or both need update. PS: You may need to enable Steam community in-game (at Steam general settings, In-Game tab) for NVSE to work. This grants NVSE will work even if Steam is put off-line mode. Besides, it grants NVSE will work even if the game is stated directly from the Steam library or icon. For me is how it works, NVSE refused to be started directly.
  13. Don't jump on sharp barbed conclusions.
  14. In this case you might have mods conflicts, lacking needed ESM or something alike. Totally different problem than that on the thread. Open a thread stating the issue, provide information about you computer, the OS and in case of Vista or 7, the folder the game is installed. The default C:\Program Files is know source of issues. Finally but most important, the load order and if you do have mods without ESPs, like UI mods.
  15. Take those advices seriously, even if not failing totally this soon, that driver will start to corrupt everything, what can be worsen than the total failure. Such defective HDD could compromise other possible drives by means of confusing the mobo's controller but seems is not the case there. Don't try saving it, the best action is replacing, As Soon As Possible.
  16. ahh, that can be done in its own activation function, I remember have seen something in that line before. Remember Papyrus is way more powerful than previous TES script languages, better learning it's new resources instead trying to reuse the old concepts. Use the Script reference sublink there
  17. I'm not papyrus expert, but as put in the PS... better treating the logic as event... OnActivate. The Problem is I'm not sure about what you want to do (of course is to lock something), but how, why and when you want the object to be locked?
  18. if getlocked do "what?" ... something needs to happen there, even if is just "return" PS: The logic is confuse too but I have not dabbed with Papyrus enough to dare to comment about it. As it is there, the variable timer has no purpose (better if testing it to less or equal 0). You need to make it a "property" if is to be used outside the script. Finally this kind of logic is better treated as "event".
  19. All I want is a good enjoyable game, it may even look graphically perfect but that's not the primary concern to me.
  20. it's using 3.5... the flag (LAA) is working as expected. What is the problem actually? Is the game lagging, sluggish? Skyrim is a mix of CPU bound in some places mostly and video demanding in general, extra memory or the best videocard in the world will not help beyond that limitation. Well, without knowing what is the "gaming" issue you have is hard to point any solution or workaround.
  21. Please be more precise about that "dot" it crashes, I mean at which point this happens, at the character creation? when trying to enter the game (after the birth scene)? Are you using mods? if so give us the load order. Now, there is a possibility of hardware incompatibility as pointed in the previous post but before trying something more drastic try starting the game with the lowest possible graphic quality and if succeed, begin enhanced it at small steps and testing. The chip is based on the 3xxx ATI card, it says nothing about the actual card power but I believe it is on the entry level meaning it is enough for playing videos but not that good with demanding 3D applications, hence the advice to try giving it the lesser load possible from start.
  22. They work under the specification alike, what would be a problem is one stick could overclock nicely while the other could become unstable compromising the whole. The bottom line is: if the pair works stable under the same specification they work... PS: all those timing numbers are to grant the states are already steady and stabilized when the memory is to be read or written.
  23. Something may be bloating the game, utilities like Wrye bash might help identifying the issue. Edit: the causes, I mean.
  24. The mesh file has an entry pointing to the textures, since you are changing the names and path you need to fix it inside the mesh, Nifscope can be used to do it.
  25. most probably missing a required ESM. To be more helpful we need to know what did you install, the load order and stuff... Although possible, starting the game from OBMM is not needed, better creating a shortcut for obse_loader.exe in the desktop and using it to play, OBMM just install and otherwise manages mods, it has no "active" participation in the running game.
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