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Everything posted by nosisab
patch 1.5.26 on steam: help please!
nosisab replied to siegmeistercastelo's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It has been repeating at each patch, it is not someone's guilt, plugins like Script Dragon and SKSE directly refers to the engine (the main game's executable) and then need to be updated every time the engine changes. It's not all, the plugins to those injectors (that is what they actually are) need to be updated too, at least most of them. In the case of SKSE, it will just send a message but still allow the game to continue or be launched directly... just itself will not be active and then none of it's plugins, something to take into account if going ahead and playing and "saving" the game. Dragon Script needs to be indeed disabled (to what is enough to disable the dll it hooks onto (the dinput8.dll, if I recall it's name). Someday the game will be stabilized enough and this patching phase will be gone... till then, be aware of the above when installing such mods, you must decide if going to wait for their update or going ahead and disabling the mods in between patches, remember that in this case, the plugins behind them may cause loss of data in your save games; be it on the character's stats or items. -
The wisest packs eight into six. The fool counts eight on seven.
Skyrim crashes after loading modded save, any fix?
nosisab replied to vicitop's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
most of times the problem with save games not loading (when nothing else changed, like patches, mod update and such) is due to changes in the load order regarding to what it was when saving. Resolving that issue may be painful if the previous load order is unknown, hence following BOSS suggestion can help. Although BOSS itself could be the "cause" of the issue for the previous load order was wrong, it should still be followed... Then, try disabling some mods, start with those you deem most probably guilt, do it one at a time. Load the game disregarding eventual warning of missing content, if succeeds at some point, save it ASAP, quit and reinstall the removed mods, again one at a time and follow BOSS advice to that mod before reloading the game. Although unpleasant and boring, it is what grants the best results, better even than simply removing all the mods and installing everything again disregarding the load order at each step. Edit: Remember to make new saves at each the above steps to assure the cleanest state before each new mod is installed. There is an inherent problem with possibly losing items in the process, if that's the case you may want to avoid saving while that particular mod is off. In this case resort to the last save before it was uninstalled and try returning it together with the next in the reinstall queue. -
Oh my, all the while I was writing the above post, Steam pops up stating have updated something for Skyrim... crossing fingers before actually going there to figure out what the heck was installed. Edit: yes, it is another patch, small one but enough to put SKSE down. -> 1.5.26...
Actually that's a very radical procedure for no mods actually compromise vanilla files. At least in something the new approach of having mods in BSA helps preventing overwrite albeit presenting proper difficulties to resolve conflicts. That makes reinstalling the game unnecessary unless if it is corrupted in any way. Now, the loose files at the /data presents a particular problem depending if in some way they have been overwritten in between mods (notice is not the same as overlapped). In this last case the mod's "install" order becomes of fundamental importance. Due to the difficulty of determining what is going on there at some point, the advice to clean the /data completely before reinstalling the mods again makes sense. One the main drawbacks of having loose files is a mod update may leave leftovers from it's own versions and cause issues if the previous version was not totally uninstalled before the update. Still the advantages by far outperform the BSA model when dealing with conflicts but that is another story. Last but not the least, the save games ... That's possibly the most sensible problem here. Many times a game succeeds loading a save game but them the player may be just "unlucky" it did if the "seeds of doom" are already dormant there, in this case an outright crash scream there is a problem that needs to be solved before getting deeper. Most problems related to save games are due to load order and some are evident enough and some are very situational, manifesting only when a set of conditions triggers the issue. To this last case, not even the whole procedure to totally and unconditionally purging all traces of the game before reinstalling the whole thing helps, it still depend or may depend on the load order being actually used in contrast of that existent when saved. Most of times the engine is able to clean the environment of missing features but one should not take it for granted lightly. All in all, the OP proposal surely grants the most possibly clean environment to start with and has the advantage of making harder to overstep something. It would be something I would try only if everything else failed but I talk only for myself. The most important in all this, is if going for that drastic route, enjoy the opportunity to get and install the last version of each mod you want. At this point many originally newbies know better about load order, is learning about the importance of install order for some mods and have a better idea of what he actually used and maybe, only maybe, avoid installing mods with chances of conflicting.
Yes, NMM should find SKSE automatically, what mean it is incorrectly installed (maybe installed under /data instead the main folder where TESV,exe is?). Still, opening NMM just to launch the game is not necessary, you could simply copy skse_loader.exe and paste "as shortcut" to the desktop (it is important it is a shortcut and not copying the file to there). Then you can get to the shortcut properties and change the Icon, not necessary but is nice having a meaningful icon there.
Barring someone actually having been right about the Mayans and their damned calendar, this is probably a good guess. Dont blame the mayans dude xD On topic: Well im just expecting something fresh in the new fallout, and is possible more interaction with the npc's and world. o/ Yeah, now will be Radiant ghouls, stronger than the glowing ghouls although not as much smart.
Seems many are experimenting a bad case of memory leak. I mean chunks of memory allocated and never released before allocating more. That would explain why passing the control to the OS, like going to desktop and returning alleviate the problem, Windows will identify the orphaned blocks and release them. Although not directly responsible for the problem, the high resolution texture packs help reducing the available memory and making the issue manifesting to the user sooner. I have not been playing long times recently to tell if it happens to me too, but would be useful having the load order of those suffering the problem, maybe something in common in there may help the troubleshoot. A dirty workaround until the real causes are found may be using a memory monitor utility able to periodically clean it from those loose chunks (working in the background, like gamebooster does. Maybe gamebooster itself has that feature, I don't remember), at least delaying the problem. Make sure to save the game at reasonable frequency.
LE Recruting Team for BIG MOD!
nosisab replied to IgnacyOrder's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
And then there is the problem of location, most bigger overhauls and quest mods solved the problem reusing already existent locations or got into pocket planes or even went underground... There is a lot to think when planing such adventures for the risks of conflicts, quest breaking issues and some more. The least a big mod affects the "physical landscape", the better. -
Do not ask for Vogron's poetry
Has Bethesda acknowledged how broken Patch 1.5 is yet?
nosisab replied to ProjectVRD's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Be aware that just deactivating mods may not be solution, sometimes this can worsen things yet more, This is specially true to save games. I'm not sure about what is meant by deactivating there, if is just ticking off the esp or actually removing all the files. -
About the number of cores, it is misleading is taken alone, Nvidia uses much more complex cores and even then manages to keep on pair with the sheer amount of shader cores from AMD/ATI due to sheer speed values. The two cards are conceptually different and then performs very differently depending on the circumstances. At the moment I stick yet with Nvidia mostly because previous problems getting ATI to run nicely with Linux but seriously admit both are very good options. PS: A bit off topic, just want to brag a little, I managed to push two mid range GTS450 in SLI (on a crossfire only mobo) and I'm amazed with how good it is performing in almost all games compared with the single card :) actually I can shove textures packs on them better than I could, say, in a 470 with 1GB of VRAM. This combo can run the unigine benchmark with high shaders, moderate ambient occlusion and 4x AA and AF in above 30 FPS all the time, the same card in single is just too sluggish to run unigine even in the most basic setup. Still to try benchmark them with more aggressive setup.
Has Bethesda acknowledged how broken Patch 1.5 is yet?
nosisab replied to ProjectVRD's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Be aware Bethesda makes the patches to and from unmodded game. The community has been too much active for this game, more than ever has been to any previous Beth games, like totalizing around hundreds of mods long before the CK was launched and most of them weeks after the game itself was launched... Although the initial problems with relatively unknown headers and formats is lesser now, we start to see the nightmare of conflicting mods... At some point the game will be relatively stabilized and then the mods will have a chance "to rest" in peace without need to update at each change, notice it happens mostly with "plugins" instead "proper" mods. By plugins I mean those mods acting directly over the engine or by mean of an injector. -
what's specifically is happening? The textures mods will not work if you have the official texture pack with it's ESPs activated. This problem is ease to resolve "registering" the esps on the ini file (there is threads on how to do it) and disabling said esps. The Realistic water... mod was deprecated and replaced by W.A.T.E.R (look after it) although should not be a problem there other than the already covered change described above. I don't know how USKP is fairing at this point but since the game is staying at 1.4 patch, should not be problem too. All in all, it may be just that issue with the offcial textures pack. The easiest way to verify it is just deactivate the mentioned esps from the official texture packs. If that is the problem it is gone.
Just a comment, that texture pack from Bethesda is one those few that are just fine being on BSA instead unpacked... is enough "registering" it and disabling their Esp and all is good and well. About the patch, at the moment I'm using at least two mods depending on SKSE. SkyUI and Elys uncapper, so...
It may be just inactive (I mean got the Esp unticked). Most of times the game can recover from that lack, but sometimes it can't and can result in crash. Sometimes the save can be indeed corrupted. First of all look the "Plugins" tab at NMM and certify all entries there are marked active.
Enb dont start - Skse " Couldn't inject DLL "
nosisab replied to Ephesos94's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Almost always one of these: 1 - The version of the game (patch) and SKSE version don't match 2 - The executable is altered (cracked) 3 - Steam is not present and is needed, SKSE will not work without it. -
Not enough information to practical help, maybe enough to point some directions: The shadows map may be too low Do you have some shadder or post processing/injector mod?
We came to that point where the only way to help is knowing what specifically you have in your machine. I mean, your mod list, their load order, "where" is your game installed (and in this case where Steam itself is installed)... machine specs is useful information too but you already provided it. It's not the end of world yet, but is close :) it was this way with all those Bethesda games preceding Skyrim and their literally thousand of mods, most of them conflicting one with another. Those abnegated people working at BOSS, NMM, Wrye bash and why not, WS too are trying to do exactly this, patiently verifying mods and finding their best position in the load order, trying to remove conflicts, merge features, make ease/installing uninstalling mods, but in the end part of the work will rest on the user's shoulder. Be prepared for things will worsen yet more when the big overhauls start coming out and them will be needed hand made patches just to get them working together. Edit: To note the extension of the problem ... all misfortunes are still "credited" to the game or utilities, we did not come yet to that realization that individual mods can be cause of problems all by themselves...
LE Several Mod Ideas - Please Read guys :)
nosisab replied to AmsterdamDream's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Not really a mod idea but an advise. Edit your post and get rid those big red calls, seriously that "advertizing technique" is highly shunned in most communities and you may find it is true here too. Edit: the idea of fishing is good itself, the rideable boats also, still both requires new animations and may be a tad complex to implement for is not something that can be done with the Creation Kit alone. Good luck with your project. -
Well, that mod is pretty "conventional" and should install without problem with NMM. actually it is in the format used by Steam Workshop but that is not a problem in itself. If any problem comes from it is probably due to load order or conflict with one the many mods affecting Whiterun, nothing that would be caused by NMM and will not make any difference if you install it directly. If still you prefer to install by hand, just find the /Data folder inside your main Skyrim folder (Possibly C:\Program Files x(86)\Steam\steamapps\Common\Skyrim) and copy these two files there. Afterward run the game from the official launcher, click the Data button, find the Esp and make sure it is active. If this is the case, a serious cause of problems is Steam itself being installed under that C:\Program Files... (From now on avoid installing any games inside it, other than from Steam, off course). In this case you may need to reduce or even disable UAC and/or run the game as administrator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: At this point may be useful to point something that can eventually cause problem with mods which is simply due to the long path name. A mod having files inside long named subdirectories and/or being itself long named can get above the max path length of 260 characters (the unicode version is extended to above 32k but it's another story). Anyway, that edit is unrelated with the post and must be taken only as informative.
If it is a mod (and not an utility that need to be installed differently), the author is just saying the mod can't be simply put whole but it may need you to select parts of it to install, that could be resolved by scripting the install but that's another story. In that case follow the author direction because the mod is not packed as needed to be used by a mod manager. PS: anyway I advise you to select what you want from the mod, put it all together in the correct way in a proper directory, compress it in 7z and install the mod with the mod manager, it will help a lot case you need to uninstall it later. Of course I assume you know how to do it for is the same you need to do putting those parts directly inside the /data. If you fail doing the correct procedure in one way or another, the result might be missing parts, like meshes, textures... and a lot of headache to fix later. another example the mod "incompatible" with mod managers is if it has more than one ESP and only one can be used. Again this should be resolved by scripting install options, but...
Welcome to the BSA nightmare predicted long ago. Let's hope it will be eventually sorted out in a meaningful way once and for all. Anyway a hard hit to those who believed the promises of an easy and one click mod install. We must be very thankful people like Lojack, ianpat and many other knowledgeable persons are there to save the day, well, at least I believe they can do it before something "new" comes from WS/Bethesda to put everything down again. The greater problem still remains for shared resources from two or more BSAs, which some are desired from the first BSA and the other from the second, will "require" the conflict is resolved either by a merged BSA (what I find difficult) or it will be resolved with "loose" files. good luck to us all, we'll need it. PS edit: I'm aware of it, the main reason you may find posts of mine pointing all these problems appearing on the horizon ready to haunt modders and users from WS day one, when all the mess with the "official textures pack" made it clear. Well, the scripts now going into their own folder, is not unlike the textures and meshes and stuff, OK, the "new" method made it harder to find your scripts inside the mess so to grant them appearing in their respective folder on your mod. I want not to enter the merit of who's guilt, but is now a bit more of work for the modder to assure they are, maybe creating the BSA and extracting the folder from there is the way to go. Sadly enough this BSA plague is affecting the mods uploaded to Nexus, what Lojack says on that article (linked in another post) should never be asked to the user, the modder should pack the mod in the old good "loose files" format from start before bringing it to Nexus. Edit2: Maybe the reason of your mod not "showing up" is because another BSA is getting on the way?
Thanks BIOWARE, can't play yet even though I legitimately bought t
nosisab replied to SpellAndShield's topic in PC Gaming
May be a bit off topic since this post is not to talk about ME3, but is on topic with the thread title and explain the reason this is not going to affect me anymore. For years I have been a greater fan of Bioware titles, some the best games of all times in my list come from them but the last few years that feeling started fading and substituted for an emptiness. DA:Origins was the last game I bought from them. Oh yes, I bought ME too and liked it a lot as almost everybody else... then came ME2 and the train was already derailing. A friend of mine pre-ordered it and then I could see what I would be getting into, became too much frustrated it made no sense at all. I thought "is this supposed to be a trilogy?" and decided I wanted not to play it beyond those few hours at my friends house, commenting it's many inconcistencies but above all it's complete dumbing down at the translation to the "console format" (not only at control level, mind you). Then I never really played ME2, don't even know how it develops after certain point and surely can't tell how it ends. But still kept the hope it was there to fill the gap for the epic conclusion... Meanwhile the actual problems with EA began to sprout, coming out from a greater hard disk failure (the C: but not limited to it, the system backup failed too, of course) almost all games needed to be reinstalled, DA:O included, so I did it but I had not anymore the original email for my EA account, and don't know for sure if I could change it, at least not in any intuitive or documented way, I was pointed to create a new account. Then I had to redeem all those thingies coming with my "Collector's Edition" and could not, most were smaller things I did not care that much anyway but one was The Stone Prisoner, Goodbye Shale, I'm sorry have not given you the chance to be a companion that much you maybe deserved for surely I'll not subject myself to all the fuzz and mess dealing with the issue. I'm not sure I can play Dragon Age origins anymore, it feels bitter at this moment. Then came Skyrim (not necessarily in that chronological order) and I could not avoid the "new order of merchandizing and marketing" anymore and had to resort to go Steam, since them I got quite a few titles and made a small but solid library. I don't rely yet on Steam and would prefer being "owner" of the game I buy. I don't mean owner of the content let's let it clear, just I wish I can install, uninstall, reinstall or otherwise play the game as much as I like, when I like and not needing to account for what I'm doing, least yet having to have third party bless and permission to do so... But then Steam is a minor evil compared to EA merchandise model, Origins Store will not see me there does not matter how good is whatever game they release, now I'm pretty sure that supporting EA is killing the game industry once and for all and I want no participation in this. At least Steam allowed me to recover all the games without needing to download everything again, mostly just reconstructed the register and stuff. This can serve as a warning to those "geek" enough to know how to right click some those linked folders, mainly the Documents folder and "move" them outside the C:. Do it and someday you may thanks having done it. If interested in how to do it read the end of this post. So no, no ME3 for me and then no ME2 too, I don't feel I'm losing anything that important anyway. In time: That Bioware was much more caring to their consumers is patent for "reinstalling" NWN2 was as automatic as Steam based games (luckily most games was in a partition in another disk) and the update process detected the game was already up to date and just remade the register and I did not need to pass all that annoyance redoing all those monstrous patches, better yet, without losing all the mods already there. _________________________________________________ ]Instructions to move the Documents folder outside C: 1 - Create a folder named "My Documents" inside the partition root you want it. 2 - Open Explorer and navigate to /Users/YourUserName 3 - right click the "My Documents" folder and then in "Properties" 4 - Click the Location tab and from there click the "move" button and navigate to the newly created folder 5 - Move it, this simple, least not losing some important data in case of needing to format C: and forgetting to backup. This can be made for the "Downloads" folder too, actually all those "links" you see there which have that "location" tab can be put outside C: this way. This hint may be particularly useful to those transferring Windows to a Small SSD drive. -
Well, have you tried to make the items? All the mods I actually know from that list need you to actually go to the forge, to have the correct smithing level and materials so you can make them.