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Everything posted by nosisab

  1. That was reported as being caused by Wars in Skyrim mod. I don't know if the issue was already fixed. Before anything else get it's most recent version. If still having problems (if you have a save before entering the ruin, the better), try disabling it while doing that quest, enable it again once it's done.
  2. The Empire is clearly a parallel to Roman empire, I can see a pale resemblance with our history in the barbarian Nords and a subtle reference to Celtic magic folklore in the Bretons, The Red Guard cold be loosely pinpointed in the Iberian/Moorish phase. The name convention reinforces that view at some extent. But Nirn (Tamiriel specifically in this case) lore is stranger than this, most of it's places were formed from people and cultures "abducted" from their original places (actually blocks of lands from alien planets) being that the pretext for the racial mix. Now, seeing the Empire and Nords as parallel with actual Britain and Scots just do not follow in any way I can figure.
  3. You are getting all wrong, the mod installed by mod manager gets its files installed into the "actual" /data folder from where they are expected to override files on the BSA if needed, exactly as it was installed by hand... the only real difference is, provided the mod is correctly packed, the files will always be at correct place and a huge bonus, the manager records the files it installed so to make easy uninstalling if wish. The problem reported in the OP looks like conflict indeed. That specific case of radiant AI failing to name the items (or in some cases the own NPC) is commonly associated to mods changing objects properties or names. General information NMM does not affect the game in any way, mods do. Those entries Seen at it's "Plugin" table are ESPs/ESMs actually installed (which is called Activated in it). Files seen in the "Mods" tab are the packed files and aren't seen by the game and can't affect the game in any way. The activation process extracts the actual mod's files and place then inside the /Data in the correct subfolders, each file installed this way is recorded for that mod in to a XML so it is able to remove them precisely if the mod is deactivated. This mean that, once the mod is installed, the mod manager already did it's job and don't need to be active to play the game even, actually it should not be active while playing, for that reason there is an option in the settings, active by default that states "Close Nexus Manager after launching the game". So, if is not to "manage" mods, let's say to change load order or install a mod, NMM does not need to be started just to play the game, better creating a shortcut onto Desktop of your preferred launcher. My advice here is to launch the game always by skse_loader.exe "even" if not using skse mods/plugins, the reason is simply to avoid the original game and steam launcher which could potentially mess the load order and was reported doing some other nasty things. Anyway getting trough that launcher is as much losing time as activating NMM just to play the game is.
  4. Get DirectX 9c, even if at windows Vista or 7 and have DirectX 11.
  5. Good you found a workaround, but is not actually a Bethesda problem, is that when you change the language (or the encoding as you pointed correctly) the Windows can't find the paths anymore. Well, I don't know if there is a Japanese version, if it exist the problem is definitely solved.
  6. Well, then I believe is whatever you put in the mod, which causes that increase in the file length is the guilt for the crash, not the length itself... or so I think. Use this hint to find out what is really causing the issue.
  7. nosisab


    A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.00. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan,so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Mercedes. The car is parked on the street in front of the bank; she has the title and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250,000.00 Mercedes as collateral against a $5,000.00 loan. An employee of the bank then proceeds to drive the Mercedes into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the blonde returns, repays the $5,000.00 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Miss, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000.00?" The blonde replies, "Where else in New York City can I park my Mercedes for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?" -- To compensate the previous blonde joke :)
  8. nosisab


    A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small town in Arkansas. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde in the 4th row stands on her chair and starts shouting: "I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the color of a person's hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community and from reaching our full potential as a person. Because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general, and all in the name of humor!" The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells, "You stay out of this, Mister! I'm talking to that little Knucklehead on your knee."
  9. Well, let's assume you mean not read only but what is really meaningful is the file must have write access rights (of course being able to read the file is necessary condition for it to work, write access right is for changing it). Is to suppose your ESP is set as active file when starting CK, let's assume you created the container from a vanilla template (which involves changing its ID and then you are asked if want to create a new form). That your form is then tweaked so it is neither leveled nor set to respawn (for this could reset your included content). Let's assume you placed this user created container into the cell being edited at the Render window and made sure it is not disabled by default. Edit to complement: At this point you can chose to place the content directly in this "instance" of the container at Render window or could do it at the object window. The difference is if done in the object window all references to it will have that content in it while doing so in the particular instance grants to affect only that instance. Addendum: Is supposed you get no errors when "save" your ESP at CK. Then, that container would be at the expected location if the ESP is active and then it is granted to have the content you placed in it at modding phase when activated. Such mod hardly needs SKSE but is OK starting the game from it, At this point I'm supposing your mod was active at game start AND remains active if not willingly deactivated. Is being assumed the mod's name figures at the "plugins.txt" file and finally is being supposed you have not a WS old BSA of it hanging around in your /data folder (and must not have it's name in the SteamModList.txt", of course, unless uploading to WS and subscribing from there, case in which you should neither install it by hand nor use NMM. Never mix the two formats).
  10. The cause of bloating is not the size of the mod but how it works. Mods abusing "place at me" or any other way creating persistent objects are among the main cause. One single of such mods can do an incredible amount of bloating in seconds if goes astray and loops. As already stated at the second post, using a bloat remover can be a temporary workaround but the solution is finding the guilt and removing it all together or at least correcting the mod. Wrye's bash is one the utilities which can be used to perform the cleansing.
  11. I'm not sure to have understood what you want. The thread title says one thing, the post content is not clear at all. The file size has nothing to do with whatever is causing the issue. On the other hand, flagging the ESP as ESM will probably do more harm than help. Think ESM should not be used to host normal mod features, should not contain sensible issues like cell changing, spawning points, and so on. It is most useful as resource to other mods to share... in fewer words it should do nothing other than providing resources to be used by mods. Besides, ESMs create dependency and if not carefully planed/done can corrupt savegames and others nasty stuff. Now, to try and help about the crash issue you need to provide information beyond the file size. (sorry I can't figure what is ca. in the post, maybe because I'm not English native speaker).
  12. Good quest mods, can't be specific in this, actually I rater being surprised for good.
  13. Chaos armor is obscene, should have a hidden filter pointing to another filter to ever allow it being exposed to us, poor innocent mature users! Anyway, you know it is an item from another game and then although maybe oversight it's very appearance in Bethesda games, is yet dangerous endeavor in these times of SOPA, ACTA, PIPA, DMCA and whatever pompous acronyms popping around, do you?
  14. Actually launching from NMM is fine, just not necessary to open it just to play (I mean, if not installing or changing anything there is no reason to start NMM, even because normally it should exit itself after starting the game, that option is there). Edit: Your report suggest me the launcher is someway messing things, since the problem occurs when it is "enabled" to deal with the load list.
  15. how are you starting the game? Since you use SkyUI you need SKSE. Although is OK starting from NMM, which must state "Launch SKSE", if it is correctly installed, there is no reason to open NMM just to play. Copy skse_loader.exe AS shortcut to Desktop (change the icon if you want) and start from there. Whatever you do, keep away from the official launcher from now on for it will just mess things (the patch promises not doing it anymore but better staying at the secure side). Edit: I don't know anymore how XP treats that AppData folder (which is hidden), but it may be still used to store the list of mods (called plugins there). If so, make sure the files have write access, even if XP this is necessary.
  16. Allan, that issue is almost certainly due to having Steam and then the game installed under C:\Program Files... use Vista or seven and have UAC enabled. This is a lethal combination for any game which rely on plugins, utilities and mods. Since I can't lightly recommend to reinstall the whole thing starting from Steam to somewhere else, the only known solution to date is 1 - make sure to give write access to Skyrim and all it's subfolders and files (right click the folder and deselect read only, allow the changes to subfolders and files, repeat it for the /data just to be sure) 2 - Do the same for the Skyrim folder at /Documents/My games... 3 - go to C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local and repeat for Skyrim folder there - Notice you may need to assure being able to "see" hidden objects in the Explorer, inside this folder you'll see some txt files, probably DLCList.txt, Plugins.txt, StemModList.txt ... these files keep entries for mods, once they are granted write access the mods entries will be put there, but to be loaded they must be there. 4 - Reduce UAC to "acceptable" level, for me it is totally disabled for it reduces security where it should increase it... MS idiosyncrasy. 5 - Try running as the Administrator. If UAC was disabled the 5 will not be needed... one the reasons I say UAC is ... stupid.
  17. Did you delete ALL the Steam except Steamapps? oh my... that Steamapps was probably the only you could "securely" delete. Yet your purchase history is surely still saved at Steam but at that point is like you have to reactivate your whole library, maybe download a lot of things again.
  18. Midas magic is designed in a way it does not touches the game mechanics, although not telling it could not happen I find it hard to understand how it could break the savegames, if disabled you would only lose all spells you already had. For the save reason the spells themselves should not conflict with anything except maybe with mods changing the magic system in a way to break the vanilla spells too. Of course it is still subject of bugs, malfunction and stuff, that would be more the case of the cell changing (like the reactor and items used to create the spell itself), but this is not what you are reporting. About tytanis I can't tell much for I don't know the mod, all that I know it is a compilation and people reporting it has been in a dormant state to the point of some claiming it dead. Now, one whole thread was created exactly claiming it should be removed from the download area under the accusation of breaking save games... well, at this point better letting the answer to someone who know it. Edit: Werne beat my answer and did it in great style, kudos :)
  19. Containers may be tricky, Most of then are leveled and do respawn the content. One can lose all items along the game play just for putting the precious armors and weapons or whatever in one of them. And then you choose such a container and in the phase of the game you don't even have yet total control of your character when enter the cell, let alone inventory and menus. A bit more secure is creating your own container or just put a gold bag hanging around to test. Although I can't grant it, I believe that area is double dangerous to mod because at this point the mod's user may be moving through two different approaches, following either the Imperial guy or your "friend" stormecloack from the very start scene still in the cart. To grant your mod "survival" better would put the stuff after the "tutorial" phase, if wanting to avoid Riverwood at all, you could let it near the 3 doomstones midway for till them not even a single enemy encounter happens. Anyway, if you see your mod is ticked on NMM and you can find the ESP is "indeed" at the /data, so your mod will be loaded, it may just not be working as expected.
  20. That symptom is classical of load order changes creating deadlocks to the save game. Seems it is already starting, not a surprise at all except maybe it is happening sooner I foresee. Is not ease to recover the save game "if" that is the case, removing mods are not warranty of solving the issue and may aggravate it even. If the previous load order is known, reconstructing it should help to get the save to load and them, changing to the "correct" load order can be done at steps. Anyway, trying to get that "correct" load order must be done as soon as possible for things will just become worse from now on.
  21. Something like the "bizarre" tag? :) makes sense in a way, hard is getting the consensus about what is bizarre.
  22. Well, a good fight in the video but not a good fighter :) Should concentrate on dispatching the lowest healthy at a time and not losing time with summoned for they just keep coming. And in that specific case, try to keep using the bow for it surely is far more damaging than that his great sword. But yes, vanilla is boring ease :D
  23. If you ever installed any body textures mod from WS and have it in BSA, no other mod will ever work until you remove that mod ESP and BSA. For other than this and supposing you installed UNP correctly it shall work. PS: UNP does not have ESP, so it should work even if the data files is grayed out (although should not be for many other reasons).
  24. That rig absolutely should be more than enough to run the game without problems. Since you said the artifacts happen in the game too is reasonable to discard is a corruption in the load scene videos. If did not yet, install the newer Nvidia driver even because it was tweaked for Skyrim and boasts a huge performance increase. Make sure to totally uninstall the previous driver, my advice is to you to download a program called "Advanced System Care" from Iobit, the same which made the Game Booster. That program in it's light and free version has some nice features, one of them being an uninstall feature that allows deep scan from whatever leftover at the register and/or on the HD and remove them. Install the new driver over that clean environment. If the problem still persists the suggestion is verifying the Windows "System Log" to see if something "strange" is happening in the system as a whole. The System Log is accessed from the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> System Log You may want to filter the entries so only Errors and Critical are shown in the list (which may be bloated with informative entries). At the moment that is all I can think to help troubleshoot the problem. Report back the result. Good Luck. Edit: The system log may ask for administrative privileges if the UAC is set high. Edit 2: ahh, of course, make sure not using post processing injector mods while testing. Rename whatever D3d9.dll found at Skyrim root folder to something like d3d9.dll.old to grant the (whatever possible) graphical changing mods are disabled.
  25. Not many, experience taught me to be careful on what to install and the kind of conflicts to expect now and in near future.
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