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Everything posted by mellowtraumatic

  1. Well, I've done it with multiple lights. You just have to pick one object to be the parent object, and then link all the others to that one. I learned how to do that by watching this tutorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfx8hEl7KEw Hope it helps! :smile:
  2. There's already a script in the CK that can toggle objects on and off. I've used it with lights, candles, water, and sounds before. it's called defaultactivatetogglelinkedref. You add that script to your activator and then in the Linked Ref tab, you choose the object you're turning and off.
  3. No, it's most certainly the same. When you're under contract for a show or movie, when you do any public appearance or interview, you're on the clock as a representative of the company who signs your checks. That's not your own time. If you act in a way that they think is going to be harmful to the company then they have every right to sack you. That being said, A&E have every right to bring him back if they like. They're going to make the decision that's best for them and them only. I'm not altogether convinced it wasn't some publicity stunt. They've probably sold a ton of DD merchandise while all this was going on and the ratings for the new season that premieres in just a couple of weeks will be through the roof.
  4. Posting again to say I have been helped over on the Beth forums! :smile:
  5. I'm hoping to get some help with editing a mesh. I've been attempting to do it myself for a week and I've come to end of my rope so I want to ask if some kind hearted soul out there will do this for me. I'm making a square cabin so I need a square roof for it. The roof on the RTCivilWarTower01 mesh is perfect and if were doing this cabin normally I could simply use it as is. I got this bright idea though that I'm going to make the cabin with glass windows so that you can see into it so it'll be a little more immersive so unfortunately the tower is not usable without editing because you can see the rest of the tower through the windows. Here's a screenshot that shows what I need, everything below the white line can be deleted, if that's possible for someone. http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/3926/p8p3.jpg Thank you! Please, help a poor lady modder in distress. I'll be forever grateful and of course, you will get credit for your work on the mod's page.
  6. A couple of mine might be to your liking. I like decorating small homes and try not to fill them with a lot of crazy loot. Hornrich Hearth - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14969/? Fisher's Folly - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35590/?
  7. On page four of the comments, he says it's the Crainte Vomir by Hentai. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11543/?
  8. Thanks, you guys, for keeping us updated on how things are going. I get excited every time I see a new screen, especially with the architecture. I love hearing that some of you will be releasing your assets as modders resources. As a house modder, I can't tell you how much I appreciate having new things to work with.
  9. If you hit the F5 key, while in the render window, it refreshes everything in the cell and your new mesh should be visible then.
  10. I really don't have much of a problem with him saying the things he does, hurtful as they are. I do have a big problem with him using his wealth and actively working against the LBGT community. He was on the board for NOM. He's argued to keep sodomy laws on the books. These days, a lot of the time, it's hard to know what happens to your money and what it funds. I know it isn't much, but if I can keep a little bit of money out of that man's hands to fund his causes, then I'm going to do just that.
  11. Threads is certainly a pretty powerful one. Some of my favorites are: Book of Eli - I was very surprised by how good this one was but hey, it's Denzel. How could it go wrong, really? On the Beach - A movie about the world's last survivors of WWIII, and their days are numbered. Testament - A made for tv movie from the early 80's about how a small, California town deals with life after a nuclear blast. Very good and very sad. When the Wind Blows - An animated, british movie from the 80's about a elderly couple after nuclear war strikes and how woefully unprepared they are for it. One of the sweetest and saddest movies I've ever seen. Barefoot Gen - An anime movie about a little boy living in Hiroshima when the bomb goes off towards the end of WWII.
  12. My latest character has been sporting the aMidianBorn Fur Armor retexture. I'm really impressed it. It looks so nice in the game and I thought I would never be satisfied wearing the fur armor. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27810/?
  13. There's a mod called Rochester, that adds a new castle with some quests and what not. He released part of his new buildings as modders resources. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30433 A few of Stroti's house resources have been converted for Skyrim and someone as TES Alliance is converting this mod of his right now. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/43165
  14. I've been searching high and low for this female outfit/armor mod. Does anyone know what it is? http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/19623-4-1351891757.jpg
  15. I was able to travel back and forth just fine until I installed the official HD texture packs. Then I had the same problem that you did. The textures are great but they're just a bit much for my computer to handle. After I stopped using them, everything went back to normal. I don't know if that's your cause, of course, but that was my experience. :)
  16. You might be looking for this one. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2475
  17. Have you tried Castle Strunmah? I've never used it myself but it's made by Yevic and I used to love that guy's places for Fallout 3. He always make very well detailed and useful homes. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13236
  18. They're wonderful. I could do without the fur myself but they're beautifully done. Great job. You should be really proud of these. :)
  19. Bringing up John McCain, he was someone who a lot of moderate democrats wouldn't have minded having in office at all. It was Sarah Palin who was the kiss of death. People were put off by her in a huge way. Mitt is/was a moderate but his problem was constantly changing according to whoever he was currently pandering to at the moment. What was that joke I heard? A liberal, a conservative, and a moderate walk into a bar. The bartender says "Hi, Mitt!" Regarding Scott Brown, he was just defeated by Elizabeth Warren. At least three of the candidates who made the rape/pregnancy comments were defeated, and Todd Akin had originally had his re-election all sewn up. The first openly gay senator was just elected in Wisconsin. As far as social issues go, I think the country is just starting to move on and the GOP should kind of want to move on with it, otherwise I think these kinds of things are just going to keep happening to them.
  20. Man, Florida is just too close. 49.8% for Obama, and 49.3% for Romney. *biting nails*
  21. *shrugs* Personally I thought Dutch was talking about that in a strictly clinical sense. We have lots of organisms that live in our body, that subsist off of us. There is no real negative connotation to be made from that observation. It just is. And also not every woman in the world is in awe of the magic of pregnancy and child birth. Myself, I always kind of viewed like a little alien growing inside you. ;D
  22. Awww, I see. Don't worry, that explains it perfectly. :biggrin:
  23. Seriously? I make it a point to not even pay attention to the news and I see it everywhere. :laugh:
  24. One of my favorite series is the Avalon Series by Marion Zimmer Bradley. The first book is a retake on the legend of King Arthur, told from the perspective of the women in his life, like his mother, sister, and wife. Very good. http://www.amazon.com/gp/interests/bookseries/avalon/ref=sr_1_6_acs_b_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1351421274&sr=8-6-acs
  25. Had a Michael Fassbender Twofer by watching Prometheus and Haywire. Prometheus was very good and Haywire was merely alright. Certainly watchable but I don't think it ever needs a repeated viewing.
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