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Everything posted by jedimembrain

  1. its just text .. it would hardly use up space
  2. did the third person cam stick to your character? .. when you move right and left do you still sidestep in third person or can you move the right thumbstick about and control the cam?
  3. The sarcasm is strong in this thread <_< One thing I'm a little bothered by .. I run oblivion and fallout 3 maxed out but this is asking for duo or higher and F3/TES4 were only asking for a single core .. I have a duo core but I hate to think I'm going to get lag when swinging my cam around now.
  4. I feel weird always being the one to defend bethesda .. but .. The horse armor was the first 360 DLC and microsoft was totally behind it .. it was an test to see what players would pay for dlc .. guess what? .. players payed for that crap :P .. but bethesda went on to make some of the best DLC of all time imo .. Mods have some good stuff but the art assets are normally rubbish and voice acting non existent or non english .. I love mods but story mods have never scratched that place behind my khajiit's ear like bethesda is so good at.
  5. I like to have the in game notepad cause I type faster than I write with my hand .. simple enough
  6. Thats a must have mod for me .. I don't like fishing by hand .. its very unrealistic .. unless your a khajiit maybe .. like a mod to remove hand fishing and force you to use poles
  7. Wouldnt be able to do face animations with it .. it would just be like a helmet .. I guess the player could wear it over the default head since they dont talk anyways
  8. it might be edited down some but it still might be new footage .. and thats good news to me.. hoping it isn't the same as the E3/Quakecon playthru which is the same mission and path even if he played it live at Quakecon
  9. This is starting to become my portfolio .. Someone else show something soon :u Heres something I made today for a little fun :3 http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/UberNiz/KhajiitSculpt.jpg
  10. ^-^ thats why I love TES .. the butterflies have a use! lol..I assume at least .. if you can pick them you can probably use the in alchemy
  11. As far as style of the races they totally dropped oblivion and went morrowind with each race .. graphics wise its up to date .. no mind blowing skin shaders like crysis2 but its right on par with any other game this gen.
  12. No .. and heres why .. The early footage of oblivion was released long before the game was done.. Oblivion was made on the PC before the launch of the 360 .. they didn't even know what the specs were for the 360 so they crammed a lot in and it wasnt optimised .. thn they got ahold of the 360 and had to chop the game into bits to make it run .. watch the making of video .. it will build your confidence for skyrim ;)
  13. Thats to bad .. I guess repairing was annoying but they didn't need to drop it completely .. Maybe if they went with s system that only decreased the stats after it broke and only to 50% at that ..
  14. First link isn't working but I know what it looks like of course .. It would be cool.. I'm a fan of nerd tats so long as they stay out of the funny zone and are dignified .. ever seen that one with bart simpson bending over and the guy's bellybutton is his anus? bleh .. Hes never getting layed again ~_~
  15. those screenshot were iffy .. I could never find an image format of them only the youtube videos .. I think they were fakes .. good fakes but fakes
  16. omg I lolz .. Those poor argonians D: .. The smaller scales I just used an alpha map on cause its way to hard to draw all of those in .. the bigger scales I carved out by hand to get them looking how I wanted :3 .. and not to long .. The original head was sculpty in three parts a week or so ago when I first say the female argonian screenshot .. then I turned it into a male today and did all the scale work in a couple hours.
  17. You've never watched any comedy movies before lol. I haven't seen that one to be honest. And I might have exaggerated by saying 'any movie'. What I really meant was like Adventure/Action/Science Fiction, like TES, but I think my point stands clear. I think almost everyone who reads this could easily play 100 hours of Skyrim, 100 hours looking at something ugly - nah! :down: Whats wrong with having an attractive or beautiful character? Doesn't it just add to his/her mystique or make him/her more persuasive, noble, whatever. Those of you who would like a fierce or bloodthirsty face - I hope you can make them as well, why not go with the hairy lady? And yes, I do love comedy. For those of you that think this is an example of what your character will be think again .. the character creation system will be plenty complex and you can make your female/male warrior as cute as a button if you like .. I plan to .. but are all the characters in the world cute? .. not likely .. and thats a good thing .. I always hate games where every character is some artist's idea of pure beauty .. these NPCs will be a natural mix
  18. Alright .. Trying to get more people active in this I'll post this .. Its unfinished but it was fun to make :3 .. Its also the only thing Ive made Skyrim related besides the wallpaper. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/UberNiz/ArgonianHead.jpg I'm sure a few of you have drawn out your character plans by now ;) come on and post um!
  19. I vote werewolf for the simple reasoning that vampires are such a simple visual change .. I think werewolves could be a ton of fun to transform into.
  20. A thread I think is missing.. I'll kick things off with a little wallpaper I made today after seeing the amazing new character graphics up close *drools* Rules: No Rule34 "Nudity" No Stolen art unless linked to the original creator "This might fall into advertising?" No Extreme Gore "Anything we wouldn't see in game" http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/UberNiz/TESVRacesWallpaper1920x1080.jpg Full Scale 1920x1080 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VLSJ9BTX btw I know some sites have strict rules on image threads but I double checked the rules and saw nothing .. Don't hate me if I'm wrong on this since Ive been known to miss a rule here and there <_<
  21. Bleh .. Its always children and closet cases that have an issue with this sorta thing .. People need to grow up .. as Pete Hines said "Do me a favor and try not to be ignorant."
  22. The Argonians are the only race Ive really read all the lore on and been interested in beyond just stat boosts .. Also the only race Ive never played as cause they looked like crap xD .. This time they look great though! .. no mods needed imo
  23. I'm sure there are lots of sliders .. And if they do lock them I'm sure there will be a mod that makes them go beyond 100% .. every game has those mods since they are easy to make .. day one most likely
  24. I hated the weather mods for oblivion .. I tried two of the most popular ones and the weather was just awful all the time .. deep fog or heavy rain .. random snow storms .. rain that lasted day and the clouds never came out .. I like what they have shown for skyrim .. the regional weather .. maybe rain now and then
  25. think of lizard genitals .. or birds .. all internal Makes sense for argonians xD
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