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Everything posted by jedimembrain
See .. I agree and understand .. I give tutorials on zbrush all the time to friends and really dont mind helping them understand whats going on with a mesh and render and what is causing one mesh to look better than another .. but in a forum situation like this with someone who clearly doesnt understand the process I cant possibly explain what a face is and why its disconnected and there are holes in the body without typing out a massive beginners tutorial... idk .. maybe I'm snotty in my comments sometime <_< sorry .. least I'm trying :)
It's best to describe something in the simplest way. I'm no expert but I do realize that using correct terminology will only confuse people. Resulting in more questions... It's unfair to expect people to "know" what you mean when you say texture mapping (an example). Someone who doesn't understand is never going to understand. We're all taught the same way as children. Why is it when we gain knowledge we hold it over people's heads and treat them like their stupid? Anyway back on topic. It seems with each piece of info, it's a double edged sword. For every piece of good info there is something bad lol. Its also very annoying when most game players will gladly give there "expert" advice on what graphics are better or how something works and just bluntly misinform people about things they know they don't have a clue about.. marharth just came off like they knew the argument of the single piece armor being easier was complete bull .. I just run into this stuff on the net all the time and it wears me down when I want to explain something or stand up for a game or reasoning behind the game's graphics and I'm dealing with people who don't know crap .. So yes .. I use technical terms like vert,UVmaps,DiffuesMaps,SpecularMaps,CubeReflections .. so at least the people reading will understand that I'm not talking out of my ass and I do know what I'm saying.
So, how are finishing moves implemented and are there
jedimembrain replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think although gore isnt a bad thing .. Betheda just wants TES to have it's own feel .. If they keep bringing parts of fallout into it and parts of TES into fallout then we dont get two titles from bathesda and we end up with a simple reskin of the same game .. gore is fallout to me .. not every game need extreme violence -
Lols.. ok.. if its made as one piece from the start they wouldn't merge them together :P duh .. its a single UV maps and solid topology so its also faster to render .. this makes it easier to make too
I felt the same way .. It always wins in every pole Ive seen on the nets .. I guess people arnt very creative and just go with the one that fits the mood of the game
thought fallout 3 females and males both looked great .. Oblivion was a mess though
Kind of odd because what I've seen from the Gamebyro tech, it would probably be glitchy with what they are doing. Tech can only advance so far and I doubt it could go into a Skyrim-like engine. That is why that rebuilt it. It may seem like Gamebyro on the cover but on the inside its the Creation Engine. Maybe your right and I hope you are .. But looking at the screenshots it looks like Fallout with shadows. Maybe its just the art assets and they are being made by the same modelers .. But the renders look exactly the same aside from the shadows... a Better LOD system too
I don't buy it for a moment .. It all-new could be twisted to mean other things too.. I'm sorry but this is the same engine just modded to have a new animation system and shadowing.. as well as some other things
Exactly! I never quite liked the skill sets presented by the default classes, so I always made my own instead...and mayeb the perfectionist in me had tried one of those "pick major skills you'll never use" characters, as well. Happy to see them done away with. Well in oblivion it was a must if you wanted a powerful character you had to pick your major skills very carefully .. you wouldnt want to level with the ones you used otherwise you would level to fast and end up fighting powerful enemies .. but if you picked a leveling skill then set your major skills as minor skills you could level them up really high without facing to powerful of enemies .. thus making you super powerful .. that an exploit of course... but yea .. broken arse leveling in that game anyways .. this helps simplify it and with the better enemy leveling everything should be dandy
Oh right .. They also said it will be playable at PAX too .. 4 days from today .. Seattle WA
NPCs are so unpredictable in a bethesda game though .. I normally make sure no one is around before I pick the lock anyways .. the way I see it is that its part of the lockpick skill .. anyone can pick a lock if they have the time but your rushing so you end up breaking picks .. but the higher your skill th faster you can crack it without breaking a pick .. idk.. thats what I picture in my mind :/ .. and it kinda goes into what I was saying earlier about player skill vs character skill and how it fits into an RPG .. could be cool though
Same .. Its one big tease and it wouldn't be fun at all .. But I still want someone to demo it and give the details
Good news to those of you going to PAX http://bethblog.com/index.php/2011/08/22/pax-prime-plans/ You get to play Skyrim ~_~; Yay for you.. to bad its sold out :U
So, how are finishing moves implemented and are there
jedimembrain replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Archery finishing moves could easily just be Fallout 3 bullet times .. It wouldn't be hard for them to just copy and paste that on over to skyrim and I would sure like it. -
I guess with the whole tearing it down and rebuilding it with similar codes and such make it Gamebyro. If it was they ill have to pay for it. And calling it the Creation Engine would be illegal you should realize. Also I see many sites call it Gamebyro 2.0 As I said if you destroy something then rebuild it. That is not the same thing at all. If so then the new ME 3 engine would be the Unreal 3 engine. That doesn't make sense so The Creation Engine doesn't. I saw a recent John Carmack interview where he talks about this .. He basicly says that every engine started by stealing hundreds of things from another engine .. When you keep an engine for internal use but call it your own what your really saying is that you stole it and rebuilt it for your own use lol .. and there is a lot of paranoia about lawsuits since most engines have hundreds of copyright issues that no one talks about .. its just part of the game when it comes to game engines.
Exactly .. I'll try every editor option possible for every race.. I'm grinding my teeth to see the hair options ~_~;
Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?
I would like to have layers like coats and undershirts and sock options too .. but this isn't saint's row .. this is a massive RPG and it takes a lot of time to make all those assets and work them into the loot system and balance the game.. This at least ensures more armors than before
Aspects you are most excited for? :)
jedimembrain replied to RevolveAroundMe's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I agree about the immersion stuff or as I call it "Role Playing" bits .. They bring the world alive and make me feel like I am there .. I'm really into the marriage aspect and I can't wait to see some more character interactions. -
So, how are finishing moves implemented and are there
jedimembrain replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
idk how many there are .. not to many .. a couple for every weapon combination it would seem .. watching the demo it shows the same finishing moves randomly for enemy types and weapon use .. like kicking the wolfs then bashing them in the head .. or stabbing a guy in the gut .. the camera seems to sometimes move into thrid person for it and sometimes in first depending on the move... they arnt triggered though .. completely random like with fallouts view angles.. though in fallout 3 they also happened with critical hits so they might have that in skyrim too -
Wait.. what? .. how where? .. no way but explain anyways please...
hu.. never posted in this thread .. seems to change topic to quickly .. anyways .. The single armor instead of greaves and curass bothered me at first but then I remembered that fallout3 had so many more armors because of this and they still have boots and gloves so its all good. They just better not skimp on the clothes/armors
Well if anyone does get access and ends up in a dungeon just run out and find the nearest town and get some more info and NPC interaction. ^-^
They are having children in the game so I bet someone will make a small childlike race mod.. most like a pedomod lol .. but I'm sure there will be some small orc mod of some sort which would be like a goblin Woodelf,Darkelf,Highelf,Breton,Imperial,Regaurd,Nord,Orc,Kajiit,Argonian
Easy .. the keyhole will be more classic hole with a tooth style and instead of bobbypins and a screwdriver it will be picks and .. idk .. some old metal thingy