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Everything posted by jedimembrain
With all due respect, I have to disagree with this. I do not believe this to be a matter of censorship or AO ratings, this is just good old fashioned common sense. Like it or not, many folks are uneasy about nudity, for what ever reason, that is the reality of it. Some folks don't want their children to see full nudity on the screen while the parents play the game and many other reasons, and I can respect their feelings on the matter. If, Bethesda put full nudity in any of their games (or anyone else for that matter) they could loose a lot of sales because of it. Again, like it or not, that is the reality of it. I'm more concerned about Bethesda and how successful this game and others will be for them, as a business. For myself, I do not mind full nudity. I do not see this as an issue of censorship. Ultimately, it is up to Bethesda to make the final choice. Yes,...There is some nudity in Witcher (both 1 & 2), but it is very brief and not that much is shown, and it was done in a mature manner at that. I do hope (as I mentioned in a previous post) that we get realistic bodies and textures and a lot of choice on character customization. Someone mentioned in a previous post that it is more important for Bethesda to focus on game content and structure and I agree with that. It won't be long before the 'nude' mods will start appearing and I can wait for that. I think that Witcher 2 has raised the bar considerably for games of this genre and I wish the folks at Bethesda the best of luck to match it or go beyond it. As for the nudity issue, I agree, many folks here in the good ol' U.S. have issues about it, and that will not go away. I was raised as a country boy and now, as an artist, have no issues with it. But I don't see the nudity issue going away any time soon, least of all here in the states. :tongue: Leave the full nudity thing to the talented folks out there who create mods. :thumbsup: Miss understood my point a little .. I agree completely .. I am only saying that to the people who are worried about it making it into certain stores or fox news attacking it or parents protesting .. That should not be the concern of an artist .. Sales is a good point and even the conditions of the nudity .. it doesnt belong in skyrim "at launch" it should be a mod thing .. But we shouldn't cower in fear of parents who would rather protest than just keep there kids away from it or some extreme right wing view of it to be spun.. That is just giving in.
If i may bud in for a moment, isn't ultima the first computer rpg, appearing at the end of the 70s? (FYI Final Fantasy 1 din't occur until 1987) Also if i recall correctly (boots up Dosbox ultima 1) ultima is an ORPG simliar to TES series note: no trolling intended, just not to many people remember Ultima now-a-days No worries .. not a troll comment at all its just a good point .. I just mean in general early RPGs were very limited.
*roles eyes* .. your people don't get it .. its not about nudity or the AO ratings .. its about censorship .. If you censor yourself to avoid conflict all your doing is giving in and letting the prudes and extreme religious types win .. I don't care if there is nudity in the game .. its pointless for Skyrim .. whats the big deal? See a naked Argonian corps when you loot the body? lols .. I think its pointless for THIS game but to say no only because your afraid of an AO rating is just wrong .. Plus plenty of stores will carry AO games .. are you all forgetting the witcher and the witcher 2?? Ive yet to find a store that doesnt carry that game .. the only thing that matters to a store is if they can make money of the game
Ouch .. "traditional" sorry man but I have to disagree with that.. strongly .. traditional RPGs are by all account western RPGs that fallow the general D&D style gameplay "The first real ROLE PLAYING GAME" I think the word RPG gets used to much .. By loose enough standards you could argue that GTA is a role playing game .. You play a role .. But in a "traditional" RPG the role is defined by you like D&D .. I still think the Witcher is an RPG but certainly not a traditional RPG. So JRPGs are not traditional RPGs? Mmm.. nope .. Its a JRPG .. and idc if I take heat for saying that .. I think JRPGs were the first computer RPG attempts and they couldn't do what D&D did with custom characters and evolving stories since the 2D graphics were limited and devs were locked down to some basic turn based dice role gameplay .. It has become a tradition of its own .. a traditional JRPG that is .. Not a traditional RPG.
Haha .. Thats not a bad idea .. I doubt they will do it like that though ,, Maybe an addon pack or mod
Ouch .. "traditional" sorry man but I have to disagree with that.. strongly .. traditional RPGs are by all account western RPGs that fallow the general D&D style gameplay "The first real ROLE PLAYING GAME" I think the word RPG gets used to much .. By loose enough standards you could argue that GTA is a role playing game .. You play a role .. But in a "traditional" RPG the role is defined by you like D&D .. I still think the Witcher is an RPG but certainly not a traditional RPG.
So your saying you rather not be a ninja that can jump and run like a real ninja? I just like the feel of doing something and becoming better with it, I don't care about those exploits, in fact... what bethesda should have done is remove them from the main skills and put them in some category that doesn't affect your level gain at all! Think your miss understanding what the exploit is .. Its not that you can level from doing it "Although I think its fair to say it was pretty bad when you leveled from running and couldn't fight the enemies in the later game .. but oblivion had all sorts of leveling issues" But anyways .. the real expoit is that you could jump onto archways and out of traps and such .. Thats extra effort the Dungeon designer has to put into the game to make sure you don't .. Sure there is the ninja argument but this isnt assasin's creed or mirrors edge .. This is an elder scrolls game .. Its about the world more than the player and this is an attempt to make the world more believable and natural.
Skyrim isnt out and they are two completely different types of RPG .. I could give you my personal feelings on the subject and that is I don't like the Witcher because they force you into someone with a pre defined look and role as well as it being linear .. BUT .. Thats purely my personal opinion since the games cannot fairly be compared.
I'm with Todd Howard on this .. It was a useless skill and wasted time for level designers who had to think about the skill .. Just going back to Oblivion I can remember a few exploit areas in some dungeons.. Its just not worth the effort when they could be adding better features.
to be fair the first thread wasnt well organized .. the best thread was on bethesda's site but it was locked due to over posting ~_~ bleh .. the thread here is just people posting pictures now and then and commenting .. at least this one is presenting them and hoepfully updating them .. btw .. you should also list the missing pictures .. of which there are plenty still! Well .. Ive only been fallowing the argonians honestly .. but there are two argonians missing ... Gamesradar's Argonian .. and Morgan Webb's Argonian .. she talks about it in the last episode of feedback .. even says that she was told she would get a screenshot.
They are not sold out .. But you all just convinced me to preorder just now lols xD .. My only gripe is that I won't get it till 11/15/11 ~_~ .. Maybe I'll head down to the store on 11/11/11 and buy the normal version then sell it on ebay when my Collectors Edition arrives.
Khajitt character posted on Gameinformer
jedimembrain replied to myrmaad's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Like Ive said before .. There is still some missing pictures from the quakecon demo that havn't surfaced yet and two of them are Argonians and might contain tail/leg views.. -
From everything Ive seen it looks like they did three key things to the graphics from Fallout3 to Skyrim .. Draw Distance "They made more LOD models and worked hard to optimize them", Physics Animations "They are using a whole new Havok physics engine that looks much smoother but I will note that I still see characters sliding a bit in the demos when hit", and finally Shadows! "This is the biggest change to the engine and the one thing its been lacking since the famous Oblivion shadow demo that was released before they really knew what the 360 hardware could do" .. all of this in mind and knowing it will still be on the 360 and much better optimized than previous titles I would say its safe to say if you could run oblivion or fallout 3 then you can run Skyrim .. Just don't expect anything to mind blowing .. Its still an open world game and its not running on Cryengine DX11 or anything crazy :P I personally just upgrading to a GTX550 ti and I'm ready to crank up a few effects ^__^
Yes .. Censoring ourselves to keep from fox news or some other media group from doing it is just silly. Corporate censorship is one of the most evil forms of humanity in my opinion .. But we already know they will be wearing underpants so this is a little pointless .. Let the modders at it ^__^ As far as ratings go .. I believe "The Witcher 2" is already on its way to the 360 .. So clearly the adult rating wouldn't really be a problem.
Just so all my fellow screenshot hunters know .. There are four argonians.. 1up,Distrutoid,Gamesradar and Morgan Webb said on Feedback that she played as one and that she was told she would get her picture when they are released .. So that leaves two Argonians left to be found .. Gamesradar and Morgan Webb's Also .. That Image looks a little blown up .. Not as high res as the others .. Not sure if that is the HQ version :<
Sorry to hear .. Hope someone else using Nvidia gets this working. If your feeling determined you could try messing with the "ambient occlusion compatibility" value. I tried changing mine once with wall sorts of funky lighting issues going wrong.
Here are some screenshots and framerates of the different SSAO Settings The First is OGE Performance and what I thought to be the best SSAO for Oblivion until today.. The second is the Quality Setting of the Nvidia forced SSAO with a much higher frame rate and smoother results.. The third is Nvidia Performance Settings with an even higher frame rate BUT with bad lighting glitches indoors sadly :( http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/UberNiz/OblivionSSAO.jpg
By Global do you mean the "Global_Driver_Profile"? That does not define Oblivion's SSAO.. Fallow the steps exactly as the image file shows in the link I gave. With Performance setting I'm already noticing some bugs indoors due to the way the designers layer some walls. This was a problem in New Vegas as well but not nearly as noticable so I'm going to try a few other setting and I'll show some pics of my results.
This might not be news but it would appear that Nvidia now allows SSAO on Oblivion "for me at least" A couple months back I learned how to enable a super high performance SSAO on Fallout New Vegas thanks to a friend of mine and the second I got that working I tried it out on oblivion only to find it didn't work at all :( .. But I just updated my Nvidia drivers a couple days ago and tried to start oblivion up today and to my surprise the AO was working perfectly and only eating 1-3 fps unlike the other performance SSAO mods out there! I had left the Nvidia setting turned on and I suppose Nvidia had updated my card "GT220" and it suddenly started to work! :) I'll post the instructions for any other Nvidia users who want to give it a try. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=1620 Thanks to tapioks for making this tutorial .. "Just open Elder Scrolls Oblivion instead of New Vegas" If this isnt new then I'm sorry for the post but this never worked for me before Nvidia's recent Driver Updates. Hope it helps someone else!