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Everything posted by jedimembrain

  1. Are you saying I have a singular cloaca? lol Edit: oh..
  2. I missed that bit of lore D: .. aww.. you ruined my fantasies...
  3. Mind gets very graphic when thinking of orc sex.... it could work .. you just need to.. uh .. I'll stop
  4. Yes .. why yes you should .. tell us all oh holy one .. :o .. you are the chosen .. you haz touched the golden Skyrim and been in the company of god .. aka Todd Howard
  5. Poor poor boy .. Theres no reason to be so weird about it .. People are gonna mark you as homophobic and your gonna have a hard time fitting in with people beyond the 5th grade :( *gives you a big gay hug*
  6. Wait .. does that confirm werewolves too ... Thats tricky cause he says vampires .. but also says "yes" to the whole Q
  7. Nothing about becoming one...only that they are in. Read the whole link .. I replayed yes to "Will the player be able to become a Vampire/Werewolf in Skyrim? Or possibly something new?"
  8. Its simple .. Microsoft wants you to buy on the 360 so they tell everyone they HAVE to own the 360 version of the game for first access to DLC .. I don't know about windows and all that though .. This is mostly an attempt to stop PS3 sale on Microsoft's part .. not PC sales... MS knows this game's fanbase wants DLC and they know Bethesda is the master of DLC/Addons/EPs .. AND MS arnt a much of rookies .. I assure you they crunched the numbers and this is paying off in there favor .. so did they pay bethesda enough to make up for the issues the fanbase will have with this? .. my guess is yes .. they know most of there fans will buy DLC a month late like it or not .. "I will"
  9. wow.. 37 hu... Most of those are addressed and fixed from oblivion .. the first one there no way in hell I would change and I think its a major improvement .. The clothing is something I plan to make mods for depending on if I'm happy with in game clothing or not .. a lot of those may be in the game already .. fist fighting isnt taken out .. only the skill is .. a recent interview said that you could beat the game using hand to hand .. so.. that list could really be trimmed down a lot o_O
  10. Actually two, the regular first and the GOTY later. And how convenient that you can't recall the interview. Probably because it doesn't exist. Between boxed and digital sales the PC market for RPGs is easily as strong as the 360 one, if not stronger. Ever heard of steam? One thing is pretty damn sure, if you think that the 360 version will outsell both the PC and the PS3 versions summed up, you live in lala land. Bethesda is easily screwing up way more than half their playerbase. ok.. I have no reason to lie to you .. it certainly doesn't help me to argue with some random PC gamer elitist .. I'm a PC gamer but the types like you give PC gamers a bad wrap .. "They owe us" attitude .. I see it with every game release and it gets old fast .. They don't owe you a thing .. They are selling you something and if you have a problem with there practices then don't buy the game .. I get tired of this same topic for ever game release Crysis2 was the last big annoying PC elitist gripe I had to listen to in the forums .. I'm not out to get you ok .. relax .. Its the truth .. PC sales are dwarfed by console sales every time for every game and Tod Howard did say it in an interview and people argued the same thing when he said it .. later to be backed up by a poll.. I'm looking for number now in fact but I don't have them and I'm not digging throuhg the hundreds of todd howard interviews Ive seen in my lifetime so get use to this cause I might not back up my statement .. it doesn't mean I'm lying
  11. Have anything to back that up? I mean hard data. Xbox 360 owners will have forgotten about skyrim a few months in (exactly like they did with Oblivion), PC owners will still be buying the game years from now. How many copies did you buy?.. Its true .. Todd Howard even says the number in an interview .. of which I can't recall :/ sorry .. But Oblivion sold far more copies on the 360 than the PC
  12. 360 sales of any game including TES dwarf PC sale .. Although I'm a PC gamer and think of myself as the real fan base for TES .. 360 players really are the majority of TES players like it or not .. yea yea .. flame me for telling the truth .. I'm ready .. I can take it :P
  13. Two characters I made a point to kill or pity depending on my RP style...
  14. Yea .. 30 days is no big deal .. I will suck but at the same time I'll be busy with the base game and mods for at least a year or more
  15. Thats an awsome idea xD .. Tom Waits in skyrim!
  16. or they don't want to spoil it .. or its because they are always talked about with werewolves and maybe werewolves arnt in the game .. I'm a glass half full type and bethesda has never let me down in a major way .. I see vamps being in the game but not being able to be one as a major flaw on there part .. they know we want it .. it would be a big tease to put them in and not be playable .. like eating candy in front of a child.. they arnt that evil
  17. Exactly .. But this would be a pretty major risk for bethesda .. putting vampire in the game but not letting you become one .. the interview with todd howard earlier he stated something along the line of "We like to have fun stuff like that in our games but we arn't talking about it now" he said it with a smile too .. I think its safe to assume but your right .. its not confirmed
  18. Vampire are confirmed as of today .. Horses have been for some time .. Werewolves are still unfounded rumors and speculation.
  19. Yea .. I certainly understand the elf thing .. I still like what they have done ugly or not .. But I stand by the humans .. they look good .. I just can't see what your seeing .. I think this may be due to my perspective on the art of the human face since I am a artist and have a good understanding of the uncanny valley it might make me more understand of the larger features .. this is an attempt to stay out of the valley .. if you make 3D models look to realistic they look creepy .. Unless your able to pull off the human look exactly which is near impossible .. most videogames today use this to make there faces less creepy since the technology is right on the edge of the uncanny valley currently. The picture of Tom Hanks from polar expres .. they made him look slightly cartoonish to keep him from looking creepy .. exagerated eyes and mouth help ... the female robot of the other hand is trying it hardest to look human . but sadly falls right into the valley and makes her look downright scary! http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/uncanny-valley.jpg http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/05YwbuEgNY8Iu/340x.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_X3SOWkbdue8/S48U9mmpsWI/AAAAAAAAAMw/ATdE5-t4r8o/s320/the-uncanny-valley.jpg
  20. Yeah.. Ladders could be done .. but edge grabbing in an open world RPG? .. no way .. not with current technology .. every edge in the game would have to be settup
  21. I think they look pretty average o_O ..Aside from having funny hair and some overgrown beard the faces are very much a normal average human look .. I think someone has been watching to much TV.. In fact! .. after looking again I'm going to go ahead and say these people look better than average.. The humans at least .. The elfs are pretty ugly yes ..
  22. Less confirmed "Being a vampire" .. even less confirmed than that "werewolves" .. But this was still awesome news for the day.
  23. I noticed that too. I assume that in alteration of the facial features is possible as was in Oblivion. This is bull .. they are NOT using the same shape .. look closely .. no.. not that closely .. CLOSER .. *smacks your head into your monitor for spreading such slander* they are close but NOT the same shapes at all .. sorry for that :D .. but really .. they arn't .. look at each feature .. also keep in mind they are trying to make them all pretty and nice .. they got a lot of trash for oblivion
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