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Everything posted by jedimembrain
I never cared about vampires in the game .. I mean.. the only thing they could really add visually is some teeth .. or maybe make human races have pale skin and red eyes or something .. but then they just look like dunmer .. Werewolves is the one I really wanna know about .. or find out about when I get the game
BEHOLD!! My Hands on Preview of Skyrim!! (RipTen)
jedimembrain replied to CrzyFooL's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks for this btw .. this is the most detailed account of the demo any reviewer has posted "It was an alpha build so when I hit B the buggy guard just walked away as if nothing had ever happened." .. So wait.. Was that a glitch or did the guard not notice .. or.. -
BEHOLD!! My Hands on Preview of Skyrim!! (RipTen)
jedimembrain replied to CrzyFooL's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Vampires.... Thats a surprise :u .. Nice~ -
you could start work on whatever project you have planned now but keep in mind you might have to do some reshaping and editing when the game is released .. might be best to stick to swords and shields atm .. to avoid needing to completely distort your mesh to make it fit the bodies properly .. BUT .. the body slider worries me .. its gonna add a whole new thing to deal with when making an armor .. hmm...
Its the same old footage ,, Ive yet to see any HD footage of skyrim aside from the trailer stuff .. but if they do release some HD stuff I hope to god it isnt the same demo Ive seen Todd walk through 50 times o_O
Anyone notice the one guy yelling "RAPE HER!" when he walked by the female? .. lmao
I think the dialog will be fine .. They will use terms like "love" or "sweetie" a lot to avoid double recording things .. like I'm sure people will call you "friend" and "dragon born" in the main quests.. Maybe a lot of ugly 40 something nords with santa beards though xD
More isn't always better .. Complexity for the sake of complexity doesn't make a good RPG .. and we don't all like to read the manual five times over when we want to delve into another world .. All the reasoning you need
I agree with you Alcrin .. Thats how I felt about Mass Effect and Dragon Age's Romance stuff .. They didnt have many options in the way of male NPCs to choose from and the few they did have I wasn't always interested in .. Dragon Age's gay male was downright slutty and totally turned me off ... wait.. this is a game ~_~; .. I need to shut up lols..
it was going by like crazy .. I can remember my friend coming over and casually saying there is a new elder scrolls game coming out .. fallowed by me doubting them .. then them telling me there is a site and trailer and me jumping onto my brothers PC like a maniac totally doubting my friend and thinking he was trolled .. seeing the trailer and the thundering drum beat of a theme song .. I was stunned ..That harry partidge cartoon really does capture the moment except I wasn't alone and looked like an idiot xD haha .. But these next couple months seem like they are going to be like waiting for the end of days.
Pssh.. Your rounding up <__< .. It was three month two weeks ago for me :P
I would to see fable style house customization... yea yea .. fable sucks and isnt an rpg .. It still has good ideas and pulls some of them off now and then :P
Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?
jedimembrain replied to Topster88's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Ohh that's right... The background of Z Brush is black, isn't it... I've been watching some Youtube video about Z Brush some time ago, and the blocks also appeared on the video. The hair looks better in-game, yes. But still it's stationary like in Oblivion, I guess? The seams... there are no seams technically. As I said it's just the texture of the body is lower resolution than that of the face and neck. Sorry guys, but no. For a start Zbrush canvas has gradient background by default, though you can change it. It could be pink if you wanted. The blocks are visible in ZB because you kinda want to see them at low subD stages of the sculpt. And because there are no smoothing groups in ZB, everything is hard edged. Now once you actually sub D it enough tehy become so small you can't see them. See you can see them on the eye and horns? http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c85/lego-botz/onimWIP.jpg but not on this http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c85/lego-botz/Guyver/GUYVER2WIP.jpg Also note that is ZB and the background is white. :) for the record, BGS use both ZB and max for asset creation. Well maybe someone is using other programs on occasion, mudbox, Maya or modo for various jobs, but ZB and max are the main tools here. Here is a head from my 3dsmax view port I made the other day, it is a real time DX9 shader, this is not a fancy render or anything like that, this is similar to advanced renders like Unreal or CE2, frostbite2. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c85/lego-botz/wipz/DurosHead.jpg visit the folder for a dozen more examples. Explain the lack of 'blocks' in my work? None of that explains those blocks, in fact those artifacts would imo indicate the complete opposite, even if I didn't think that this is supposed to be the chargen, ZB certainly won't have it, it's a sculpting app VERY different to a 3d program. It uses pixols, they call it 2.5d. Even max likely doesn't have it availible in the viewport either, though it is possible. Not sure why they would actually write the program nearly twice. The seam thing is probably more or less on the money. But I am not certain that is all there is, but the indication does seem to be that it is mainly differing texel density drawing your eye there.. as can be witnessed in the females where the seam is less visible, the smooth plain skin with less high frequency details appears to allow the neck and body to blend seamlessly. :thumbsup: I think you were right on with it being part of the creation kit for making NPCs .. I'm thinking back to all the weird visuals of objects Ive seen in the G.E.C.K. and Cryengine3 Sandbox or some other modding SDKs out there. Clearly not Zbrush .. I covered in a few posts back the obvious reasons these arnt being rendered in an external modeling program imo. -
I see it as a once in a lifetime chance and I'm such a huge fan I would regret not getting it later .. CE of any game normally go up in value once they sell out.
so awesome :o .. I have no clue where I'm putting that statue when I get it .. Its huge and doesn't match anything I own... I let my brother display my oblivion map and now its his lol .. don't want that happening again >_<
You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too. So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor. I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind. I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be changed by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game. I think it's dragon bones not hides. I mean heck when you absorb their soul all that is left is bones. Definitely no hide/scales or whatever. But yeah can't wait to mess around with it. It seems like a more advanced C.R.A.F.T. system with more things to do processes to go with and ways to do it in my opinion. Good point lols .. It would seem those scale wernt enough to protect them anyways ;)
yea .. I confused myself with that .. changed modded to "changed by smithing"
Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?
jedimembrain replied to Topster88's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You know, they could be from a modeling program. That would explain the tiles on faces and the black background, also the cheap looking hair. I thought about that .. But it seems unlikely .. they would have to export them from the character creation or rebuild the morphing system in the modeling program which would be a pain .. morphing is done by taking the base mesh and editing it with a slight change like bigger brows .. then importing that as a morph for the face sliders .. so they probably just made the system once for the character creation system since it would be a waste of time setting it all up twice .. that makes me think this is either an earlier version of the character creation system .. maybe a stand alone version for testing? .. I'm betting thats it in fact. -
You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too. So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor. I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind. I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be changed by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game.
Must be miss understand Q3 .. Are you saying hotkeys are unrealistic or that inventories full of armors is unrealistic?...
Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?
jedimembrain replied to Topster88's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Let me say I think all races look amazing and perfect .. I wouldn't change a thing and think the females look very pretty.. Anime mod cute? no.. but who the heck wants that kind of unrealistic vision of females walking around a place like Skyrim? .. My complaints about the weird visible edges of the mesh are kinda pointless cause I'm sure there is a reason for it and it will absolutely not look that way in game .. Also .. Ive been comparing in game screens with these and noticed that the hair and face textures are much higher res .. I'm willing to bet these are from the PC version. -
1:Maybe 2:Yes 3:Inventory limits are a staple of RPGs and its doubtful the backpack will be unlimited .. Will you be able to carry an unrealistic amount of loot? yes.. of course .. the game would be frustrating if you got to the end of a dungeon and couldn't carry the loot out :P 4:Telekinesis is confirmed .. Will it be in a staff? .. idk.. Most likely
Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?
jedimembrain replied to Topster88's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thats not from a hard render though .. if it was then the whole face would look like that .. I can't figure it out honestly .. Ive seen this in saints row 2 but that was more clear .. it was from a normal map that was baked at a lower resalution than it should have been and the fliters for it wernt bluring the edges on the pixels enough so it has a blockiness to it .. but this is much shaper like a hard surface render as you pointed out .. still.. its only on the nose and around the eyebrows .. maybe the crease angle for hard/soft render of edges is to low -
I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.) I won't argue but why even say your own stance on it? .. I'll be happy to point out that I'm gay and totally for this in both worlds :P .. But I agree .. like real life .. if you don't like it then don't marry the same gender.
Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?
jedimembrain replied to Topster88's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
the neck seems are minor .. fallout 3 minor .. its there but its better than most games with character customization .. the blockiness on the noses from what I assume is a low res normal map without any texture filtering is obvious but I don't see it in game .. only in these pictures .. I think its just in this character creation menu... It might also just be the model itself being render with some odd edge blending .. but then why is it only visible on the nose? .. its hard to say .. very strange visual bug that I'm sure wont show in game.