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Everything posted by jedimembrain

  1. Same ten races .. which has always been more than enough for me .. but the modders are sure to add plenty more with slight recolors.
  2. Enough confirmation for you? :) http://bethblog.com/index.php/2011/08/22/rage-and-skyrim-playable-at-this-years-eurogamer-expo/
  3. Just announced a playable Skyrim demo at the EuroGamer Expo!! .. This is our chance to get better informed on finer details.. err.. maybe .. I don't live in the UK ~_~ .. Any brits out there in the forum planning on attending? http://www.eurogamer.net/expo/
  4. I didn't have this problem in the wastes .. at all
  5. Mhmm.. Facegen was only useful when the characters were made by hand .. and even then you had to know what your were doing .. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs19/f/2007/273/f/e/Oblivion__Character_Creation_by_TheMinttu.jpg Of course skyrim doesn't use this system! yay~
  6. Yea .. Ive been noticing many people seem to be thinking this .. Bethesda should be pushing this more in the demos cause people really think its changed when it hasnt at all .. They only removed minor pointless skills and then removed classes .. If you want to be a mage use magic and level it if you want to be a warrior use your sword and so on .. Better in my opinion
  7. Mods my friend, mods :D Heavily modded would be an understatement when discribing my Oblivion .. Its shocking it still works with all the junk Ive installed over the years o_O still get plenty of random crashes of course.
  8. we went over this .. the city has a lot of invisible walls but the city is a minor area compared to the wastes .. you just need to play it more.
  9. I know my first character wont be my last so I'm just heading into the main story and saving the sidequests for my second go or if I like my character I'll do the wondering and stuff later.
  10. I have a hard time believing it "like most 4chan/reddit stories" .. But its totally my humor xD.. lmao
  11. I agree .. When you don't have level scaling it forces the Devs to set a path for you to take otherwise you end up finding a pack of trolls intended for a level 14 when your at level 1 and just exploring a little .. It just needs to be done right .. I think most people agree that Oblivion's leveling was a mess but Fallout 3 was fine if not perfect.
  12. True .. I'm sowwie T__T I really love and want this game though .. Skyrim feels like my child at moments~
  13. Wow.. um.. relax? .. I think Lowk is right with this one .. You seem to be very missinformed with 1,2,3,6,7 .. 8 is really tricky for level designers .. 5 we don't know much about at all yet .. 4 is pure opinion but most people agree with you.. Seriously don't come off so harsh when you clearly havn't looked into the game enough. I really like most things they are doing with this chapter of TES
  14. Alright .. its working fine! I'm just an idiot .. I had to switch achive invalidation .. ~_~ .. I knew that *smacks self in head*
  15. what if locks at your lock picking level used the fallout3 style system .. then if you tried opening something beyond your level it made you use the oblivion lockpick system.. I like that idea :3 .. they could change the pin sounds and animations so old players would have to relearn the sounds and movments.too
  16. Yea .. I'm installing that next .. that still leaves the helmet textures .. that person seemed to be explaining the problem in that forum post I showed you but I couldnt fallow it .. I guess its using a different texture ..
  17. My favorate is always the orcs even in oblivion but the argonoians are looking pretty good .. I'll start with an argonian and then a female orc .. I'm sure I'll try every race by the time I'm done with the game .. btw .. I've just now within the past month got to the point where I can no longer play oblivion .. it took me awhile but its lasted me years and I just cant find the charm in it anymore .. I know whats around every corner and what to expect from the system
  18. Alright.. thank again .. the helmet model is working now but the textures are messed up .. I found this thread ..http://www.The Link is Not Allowed/topic/12050-enclave-remnant-armor-replacer-for-fo3/ ... This person seems to be having the same issues with the texture .. It seems to be switching randomly with nearby textures in the level .. as I was walking I witnessed the helmet texture change into the flag texture in the nearby citidel base as well as the floor textures and many others I wasnt able to place .. the Pipboy issue from what I understand seems to be a problem with NV and unfixable without a pipboy mod .. which is understandable .. that just leaves the head textures looking messed up.. as well as the chest light flickering .. but I dont mind that so much
  19. btw .. Thanks for the help ^_^ .. Alright.. Its sorta working .. getting a big red "!" block when I try to wear the helmet .. and the suit covers my pipboy and has a small bug on the chest light .. but its close
  20. That would be great .. Nver done it but I'm sure I can handle it .. Ive had to deal with extracting/modding/then repacking files for other games .. do you have them uploaded somewhere or is it a small enough file an email will do? .. also a small tutorial would help .. nothing major just like basic things I must know .. I can figure most of it out I believe .. just a basic explination on what it is that the file is doing.. I assume I'll be taking the assets from FNV then copying them over after extracting them into the Fallout3 data file then the ESP will tell the game to use them instead?
  21. Well I own both NV and Fallout 3 .. I just don't want some suitcase somewhere that lets me just take the armor ..I hate that.. I just want to replace the armors with the Gannon family style armor .. is there a simple way to find the files and drag and drop them over? lol .. maybe not VERY simple .. I can deal with complex things if I have to .. I really want this .. I find the enclave in F3 so ugly.
  22. The only mod I'm looking forward to is a NV style color mood mod .. I'm also hoping it supports Nvidia forced ambient occlusion without the flickering past games have had with it.
  23. *sighs and sadfaces* .. You stomped on my heart Ygfby :[
  24. woo woo woo.. slow down .. dont give bethesda bad ideas >:I .. Theres nothing wrong with sneaking into rooms or practicing summon spells .. healing only leveled if you were damaged ..
  25. Has anyone ever replaced the Fallout 3 Enclave Armors with the NV Enclave Armors? It had a classic fallout look and in my opinion was superior in every why with looks but I can't find anyone who has made this mod ~_~
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