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Everything posted by jedimembrain

  1. as far as I can tell from looking at there site it looks like the same deal all the sites have .. pre order you get a map .. pay 150 bucks and you get a statue, map, dvd, book ... I dont see any special EB Games thing going on..
  2. Don't know who you pre-ordered with, but your post made me nervous, and so I emailed Amazon, and they said that they're aware of these holiday situations with release-day delivery, and that they'll ship with whatever carrier will guarantee delivery. Phew. That's a relief. I was afraid that I would have to sit through a weekend of my roommate playing Skyrim, and myself trying avoid looking in his general direction. :thumbsup: I cant find a preorder that ships earlier than 11/11/11 .. looks like they all ship on 11/11/11 which means the earliest you would see it is 11/15/11 .. I ordered the collectors edition and I think I'm gonna get a steam copy too just so I have it on time :3
  3. I guarantee you Bethesda will print plenty of copies. They shipped 4.7 million copies of FO3 on day one. but that is no where near enough for every man, women and child in the US. clearly we need government regulations to avoid a disaster of epic proportions if there would be a shortage of skyrim copy's. What about the Australians??? Will no-one think of the Australians?1?!?! Ive seen enough "zero punctuations" rants to know the Australians are pretty F#&%ed when it comes to game availability in the first place .. so.. Sorry mate ;)
  4. The only real issue with steam that I can see is that you can't resell or trade the game once its set to your account .. as far as the auto updates and mods .. WTF are you all talking about?? .. My games don't auto update if I tell them not to and all the mods I have on new vegas "a steam game" work fine as well as my steam goty fallout3 mods .. This thread is like reading those religious May 21, 2011 end of the world arguments .. and I assure you this story will end the same way :P
  5. Todd Howard did an interview recently where he talks about the humor in Fallout vs TES series and he was pretty clear that when they put jokes in TES they make sure they fit the world .. They wont be putting visual obvious easter eggs in it but maybe a M'aiq like character for a few laughs.. Where as in fallout since it takes place in our world "Sorta" they can have easter eggs retaining to more obvious thing and a lot more crazy off the wall stuff without ruining the mood.
  6. Most of the time this isnt a problem with a game .. Only console launches .. But I have been to the store a few days late and they were sold out .. I live in a mid/small sized city though .. The smaller your town the better off you are with stuff like this and as big as it is on the internet it seems like most of my friends dont even know what skyrim is ~_~;
  7. Thats hard to say.. Depends on my race and play style which I'm unsure of what I'll go with yet .. Argonian thief was clearly in there cause I stole from a king .. My Orc would be in for burning down, looting and raping an entire town lols .. My Kahjiit would have been framed by some racist guard to lazy to catch the real killer.. My Nord killed someone in a drunken bar fight and regrets it with great moral passion..
  8. In a round-about way that's one thing I was implying, yes. :] They should look like fierce warriors, not an evolved form of lime jello! Oblivion faces had one fatal flaw all races shared .. A single base mesh made by the fine people at "Facegen" a third party that Bethesda paid the rights to use the app thinking it was great new tech for a next gen game ~_~ I myself am a character artist and asset modeler and instantly knew facegen was rubbish when I saw it .. before I even played oblivion or knew they used it .. But the real problem came with the beast races .. They were all using the same UV maps and Meshes but just deforming them to work .. This was before Zbrush and a lot of the better high res normal map/polypainting programs so I guess they didn't have an up to date settup when they were working on the game and it really bit them in the ass .. By fallout3 they clearly had a better modeling team and or tools at work.
  9. I don't think your going to be able to max it out but with that rig I doubt you maxed out fallout or oblivion either right? .. I'm sure it will run though.
  10. If they make a fantasy style pet then yes but I see myself dragging my husband/wife in the game around with me into battle ^-^ then reloading if they die of course!... Unless I get bored of them like the adoring fan <_<
  11. Your talking about running just a game. If that's ALL your going to run then sure you can get away with 4gb. As i explained above, just because you can run lots of programs with only 4gb of RAM doesn't mean they are going to run as fast as they could if they had more memory available. People who do more than just game and are wanting to get the most out of their PC need 8gb min on a 64bit OS...period. Crap.. you have all that junk running at the same time? o__o lols .. sorry .. yea .. I missunderstood what you were saying .. but yea .. seriously? xD . do you just run fraps to see how badly all that crap is hurting your performance or do you record too?
  12. You'd be surprised how much memory each of your programs will use when they are not being limited by the OS and when they are not limited they run much, much faster. Advising people to go with the absolute min RAM is basically saying "you don't need to run at maximum speed, so what if it takes 3x longer for your programs to complete tasks, you saved 40$". We'll just have to agree to disagree. I advise people to build for the future and 4gb of RAM is not going to be viable for much longer. Granted I have a pretty hefty number of programs running at all times... AVG Windows Defender Display Fusion Pro(Multi-monitor desktop manager) Skype Saitek programmable game pad profiler Fraps Power ISO virtual drive manager AMD Vision Engine Control Center All CPU Meter gadget Open Hardware Monitior + gadget ...but i consider all of them essential and if i had only 4gb of ram I would not be able to run all of the following at top speed in addition to those Windows Media Player Firefox(min of 5 tabs) Photoshop 64bit NifScope(2-6 windows) CS or Geck (LAA) Oblivion or Fallout 3 Ram is only imprtant for texture really .. 4gig is more than enough .. its a lot more about CPU/GPU balance .. I have 4 gigs and easily max out oblivion and fallout 3 .. as well as crysis and crysis 2 .. Duo core 2.6GHz CPU "a little wimpy but it does the job" and a GTX550 ti "Its a good upper mid range card and easily handles all games out today at a 1080i res and maxed out graphics" .. But even a GT220 could handle Skyrim .. its a console game .. your PC only needs to be as powerful as a console so long as your running a 720i res or lower "the max a console can handle* you just might not get all the bells and whisles~
  13. I agree .. far from a troll comment .. I also agree with what Alcrin sorta says/asks .. RP "Role Playing" elements are not just technical complexity .. TES3 had that going for it over TES4 without doubt .. But Role Playing? I think not .. Role Playing is like giving the character more things to do outside of base game mechanics .. herb picking .. hunting .. jobs .. fishing .. crafting .. Oblivion had lots of little Role Playing detail .. its really more about what you look for in an RPG not about which one has more details .. As far as calling people trolls .. Seriously knock it off .. a Troll is someone who goes out of there way to get flamed or cause a nerd rage moment by saying something stupid and knowing the people with respond in anger .. the term "dont feed the trolls" would apply here .. I dont think Alcrin was trolling at all but you certainly nerd raged and fed a would be troll .. The key difference from a forum conversation and a troll thread is more in peoples reactions than anything .. if you get angry then your really the one that made it a troll .. it could have just been a simple discussion :3
  14. *scrolls through the list quickly to not see anything* .. Every time I find out about items in a game before I play it its always less fun for me .. it was like that with NV .. I had played fallout three and seen them all before and was just .. meh .. and with oblivion I checked the wiki pages to see which armors I would be getting at what point .. I regretted it instantly lol .. Its like opening your birthday gift and knowing whats inside .. even if its what you want its not gonna be as awesome as opening the gift.. getting what you want .. aaand it being a surprise :D
  15. Okay .. I REALLY want that final Argonian screenshot and gamesradar isn't posting it ~_~ .. The reporter's name was Matthew Keast is anyone can find his blog or something .. Ive had no luck .. This is one of the reasons I don't go to gamesradar .. They use way to many reporters and most of them are completely unprofessional.. sorry .. I just want me Argonian screen xD lols
  16. My personal opinion is that the water looked like crap <_< but so did Fallout 3's water on the 360 .. the PC water always looks much better .. and no one is saying anything about future marketing .. they hint at some stuff coming soon on the blog like PAX .. I'm hoping it will be a crazy amount of new videos and demos as it gets closer and closer .. maybe right after pax they just go nuts and show some great things :3 these recent character screens are a good start though!
  17. Wait till 11/11/11 .. Avoid the internet for a few days while I wait till 11/15/11 for the CE box to get to my house ~_~ .. Play it awhile as an argonian .. Restart and play as a Kahjiit .. Restart and play as a Dunmer .. Restart and Play as an Argonian again but this time really play it lols .. Avoid sidequests and just do the main story .. Finish the game and watch the making of video and look at the artbook .. Then go back and dive into the sidequests and reeeally play the game .. Then mod it and play for a few more years like I did with oblivion and F3 :)
  18. I wouldn't worry .. I played both oblivion and fallout3 and as much as I liked oblivion more I can say happily that Fallout3 Leveling was about a thousand times better .. Meaning the game didnt punish you for not getting that +5 when you slept because you used to many fireballs on that stupid ghost lol .. Or ran into a bandit with glass armor and gold rings on every finger x3 heh .. I assume they have balanced it even more to work with the elder scrolls "level what you use" style of gameplay .. I mean .. Its could only be better .. Did anyone watch the making of oblivion video? OMG they were in such a bad spot back then .. 50 or so people .. working in a basment .. didnt know the hardware specs of the 360 .. rushed at every turn .. I think its safe to say Skyrim will be better in every way
  19. Its hard not to talk about the C-word .. Its kinda the reason they have programs like steam in the first place .. I don't care really .. Steam has never failed me and I'm happy to deal with it. Also getting the CE of Skyrim :3 .. The price will only go up on ebay after they are sold out so whatever.. I want :U
  20. yea .. the dog looks alright .. a little goofy but cute hehe .. also there are two good reasons that this armor is showing a ton .. 1 Its one of the starter armors the reporters were given in the start of the demo and they only played for an hour.. and 2 who wants to see the glass and mythril armors before we find them in game? .. for me that would be a total spoiler ^_^
  21. Your not looking close enough :P silly .. Ive seen a ton of armors in the screenshots "not just the reporter screens either" .. They have shown many types and even more important many different looks for the same armor types .. this could mean two things .. either rusty iron armor vs a well crafter iron armor will look different "which is cool" ooor .. what I think is more likely .. when you collec ore and minerals in mines or hides from wolfs and alike you can craft these items into your armor and make it stronger or lighter or something .. and it also effects the looks .. I must have seen about 4 different veriations on the same iron armor so far! this is gewwwd stuff
  22. You can have friends and drag them along on quests .. You can get married and your wife or husband will live in your house .. that is about all they have confirmed .. anything else would be speculation and possibly raising hopes to only be dashed when we find out its not true.
  23. Yea .. Then is would be like calling Mass Effect 2 an RPG .. oh.. wait... "But seriously .. I'm going to go ahead and clear up what my idea of an RPG is .. Enemies Drop Loot, Character needs an inventory to find said loot, Story Must be flexible in some way, Dialog options are a must, And Finally Leveling in some form.. By these standards The Witcher is an RPG of course but I know I also just called a bunch of other RPGs out as adventure games instead .. like ME2"
  24. Fantastic .. So this is Morgan Webb's Argonian .. That leaves Gamesradar's Argonian left to find :D
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