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Everything posted by jedimembrain

  1. Your mean hand to hand?.. Last I heard they removed it .. I could be wrong but I'm 70% sure .. That's terrible news indeed. Sorta? .. I hear skyrim has bar fights so that is the only reason I could see this being useful .. in oblivion it was pointless
  2. Thats exactly what I was saying but I do have mixed feelings .. RPGs aren't about player skill they are about character skills and leveling them .. But at the same time I REALLY loved how the lockpicking made me feel like I was really there picking the lock and using MY skills .. soo.. its a hard call.. I wouldn't like it if sword fighting meant you had to really be able to fight with a sword in real life lols .. so I could see where a lot of people hated Oblivion's lockpicking
  3. Your mean hand to hand?.. Last I heard they removed it .. I could be wrong but I'm 70% sure ..
  4. That's cool! Do you have the source for that? I'd like to read or hear it. [: I honestly can't remember .. I do know it wasn't called a "Gears of War" running system lols.. That's just what I call it .. But you run very fast till your Fatigue/Stamina drains .. So theres basically three speeds .. Walk, Run, Speed Run... Also you can only run moving forward .. no more running backwards out of a battle.
  5. strange .. I thought oblivion's was easier .. fallout 3 you HAD to have the skill level to try and pick the lock and even then the pick had to be perfectly set or you broke it with the slightest twist .. With Oblivion I could pick master level locks at level one .. I had the sounds and movements memorized perfectly... Both systems were good to me .. Oblivion's relied on YOUR skill and not your character's which isn't exactly an RPG thing but was fun if you were like me and got the system figured out .. Fallout 3's was more like an RPG should be and character based .. Maybe a nice mix of both styles would work best?
  6. why would u like any restrictions what so ever? are u saying u preffer restrictions before an open world? I'm saying that fallout 3 wasn't that bad .. only near the city did it get bad and if you watch the making of videos they even explain why .. they intended the city to be fully explorable and be much bigger but they said it was too easy to get lost so they chopped a lot of it out .. which clearly explains the walls everywhere near the downtown area .. aside from downtown "which was pretty small" I didnt see any of the issues in the main open world at all .. NV was freaking horrible though .. locked off everything that wasnt on the path they wanted you on .. I'm just saying it could be a lot worse and I thought fallout 3's restrictions were minor. ok i think i understand, i dident play them that mutch becose i dident like any of them as mutch as Oblivion. but i did like the zombies specially with the "im a legend" sound mod :) Really? .. Did you do many side quests? .. I remember on my first playthru I thought the game felt really locked off because I kept thinking the bulk of it was in the sewers and city .. Then I got into the side quests and exploring the open world areas and had a blast .. It wasn't as alive as oblivion but the things you could find out in the waste were far more original and varied.. I still like oblivion more but only with mods .. I'm a bit of a graphics "prostitute" LOLs at this sites strange sense of cursing xD Edit: yea .. I get that too but that was mostly with the main quests
  7. why would u like any restrictions what so ever? are u saying u preffer restrictions before an open world? I'm saying that fallout 3 wasn't that bad .. only near the city did it get bad and if you watch the making of videos they even explain why .. they intended the city to be fully explorable and be much bigger but they said it was too easy to get lost so they chopped a lot of it out .. which clearly explains the walls everywhere near the downtown area .. aside from downtown "which was pretty small" I didnt see any of the issues in the main open world at all .. NV was freaking horrible though .. locked off everything that wasnt on the path they wanted you on .. I'm just saying it could be a lot worse and I thought fallout 3's restrictions were minor.
  8. I wouldn't mind fallout 3 level of area restriction .. its a NV level of restriction I would be afraid of "Yes I know its not a bethesda game" I just also know a TON of people loved that game and bethesda might get the wrong idea about it's fans :[
  9. ong thing I noticed looking at the male argonian .. theres a nasty neckseem still ~_~ .. his head is greener than his body.. bad sign .. but everything else still looks great .. I just remember how bad the head textures matched the body if you didnt adjust the beard settings juuust right.
  10. running fast is like in gears of war now .. you can run very fast so long as your stemina is up .. I like this ... the jumping skill is gone completely as far as I'm aware .. they might level it a bit so you just automagicly jump higher as you go .. but todd howard made it sound like they cut them both completely .. somthing along the lines of *everyone wants to run fast and jump high? so why make them a skill*
  11. Thats what I mean .. I think it could be done right with the proper animations and right restrictions but not this time around sadly.. I'm 100% certain the next elder scrolls game will be on DX11 and the next gen consoles since they are sure to work on fallout 4 next and that will take a year or two .. the next gen of consoles is around the corner .. and as good as PC are these days they are still being limited by consoles .. the animations look bad mostly due to the physics they use .. take GTA for example .. but having a complex aniamtion system in an open world RPG like this is to much for this gen of consoles to handle so the epic jumps look weird and floaty .. I could see a better physics animation system work with a super jump skyrim has DX11 and it wasnt remove because animations. Is it using DX11 though? .. I doubt it .. only a handful of games have .. and I know thats not the only reason it was removed but it was a key reason .. the animation looked silly when the character started jumping to high and to far .. they claim that it was just a pointless skill and made dungeons harder to design for like with the teliport spell .. but even though I agreed with that reasoning earlier in the thread I still see some uses for it .. future more complex titles "fingers crossed" .. more = better
  12. Thats what I mean .. I think it could be done right with the proper animations and right restrictions but not this time around sadly.. I'm 100% certain the next elder scrolls game will be on DX11 and the next gen consoles since they are sure to work on fallout 4 next and that will take a year or two .. the next gen of consoles is around the corner .. and as good as PC are these days they are still being limited by consoles .. the animations look bad mostly due to the physics they use .. take GTA for example .. but having a complex aniamtion system in an open world RPG like this is to much for this gen of consoles to handle so the epic jumps look weird and floaty .. I could see a better physics animation system work with a super jump
  13. And the fact that this topic is still going says people haven't given up on the skills either .. Just cause some people talked about these within and earlier thread doesn't mean people still don't want to talk about it in a more specific thread "which clearly a lot of people are still interested in it" there are plenty of more pointless threads out there and at least this is still generating interesting points of view now and then and of course not everyone was in the last conversation. its all good ^_^
  14. Old. Meme is old. Plus, OP wasn't presenting this as news so I don't see what the point of your response was...except for wasting time maybe? My thoughts are even though these were a couple of my last choices to upgrade, the more options, the better; same thing for the whole piece armor. I prefer to have as many options to mix and match. It's a single player game so who gives a f*** if my armor isn't cohesive. Ignore the meme .. I don't like calling people trolls but that was trollish on his/her part :P .. This topic is good and serves as something to talk about .. with that mindset we might as well not talk at all .. we all know the facts and we all know talking about what isnt known yet is pointless right? .. why even have a forum? or right.. cause talking about these things is fun :D .. I myself hope these skills return in future games but are handled in better ways .. I think for this entry in the series they were romoved for good reason
  15. The most pirated game of 2008 was spore. Apparently it also had one of the extreme forms of DRM. 2009 was MW2- steamworks 2010 was COD blops- steamworks What makes you think DRM actually lowers the number of people who torrent a game? It appears it has little if any effect at all. But I can't see a way to tell either way. You can't release the same game twice, once with DRM and another without and see which one is pirated more. You totally missed my point .. Its not DRM ... Its a combination of things and steam is very effective at what it does .. it makes the game easier to get for people who pirate out of pure laziness as well as deterring people who are less expirianced with the torrenting/cracking stuff.. its many different time tested tricks to get players to stop pirating and is effective.. now I'm not posting on this topic again and I'll leave this conversation to you all to enjoy on your own .. Pirating is wrong and the honor system doesnt work .. why don't you all get together and invent a better system :P
  16. Aside from the fact that was mostly rubbish and it IS about piracy .. Piracy is a major issue to the gaming industry and consoles stop it .. I agree with you about control being placed in one company's hands but its the point they are at currently .. This is the PC answer to help prevent it and the most effective one .. we have three choices .. extreme DRM that requires constant net connection that wil break gameplay on router connections like mine "Like hat was done with splinter cell convictions" .. number two would be steam/origin like system that markets the game cheaply and makes and extra step for would be crackers and pirates as well as making it easier to get for people who don't want to pirate but do it out of pure accessability .. and three .. the honor system :D oh yea .. I bet the pirates love that one lol
  17. Buy it on whatever you use to gaming on .. If you want mods and a keyboard/mouse settup don't let steam stop you .. Its a fine app and any issues you or anyone else is having can be worked out easily with a small bit of know how. Most of this won't ever be a problem except the auto update issue some people have that will ruin the script extender "if you even use a mod that requires it" most don't .. Its really a minor thing for MOST people .. I'm sorry for those of you with issues but if you buy this on a console your completely locking out mods :/
  18. if its me u adress, no i dont! But i bought a lot of games that i regretted becose of there low quality, but TES games is another issue those i played i loved and would easly pay twice the amount. Why i dont like steam is becose our online gameing clan requierd of for one game a few years back, we all had issues with lag and other stuff so we stoped playing that game and all uninstalled STEAM. Yes it was a few years back but NEVER again. Back to piracy: like i wrote, STEAM mever stopped any piracy did it? Steam doesn't stop piracy. Steam doesn't try to stop piracy. Steam prevents games from being cracked pre-release. I don't get why you guys can't understand this. No program stops piracy no matter how hard they try within 24hrs of a game release the game will be on *not allowed* with a working crack.. Its a deterrent and it does help lower the numbers of people who torrent it .. Its also a marketing trick to make pirates double think "hmm.. I could be a selfish a**hole and steal the game or get it ten bucks cheaper and download it instantly" Steam normally works out all sorts of special deals to do this in a very effective manner.. Its a marketing tool and a pirate deterrent.
  19. Rage/Skyrim/Prey 2 Rage is pretty close to release .. It might be Prey 2/Skyrim/Dishonored .. ooor.. if I have my way its all just Skyrim :D They could just combine the floor space for one display.
  20. How simpler? Creating a game for PC is much more complex, too many machines differences to take into account. Actually the reasons aren't due to technical issues but mainly marketing reasons. I mean only to dissipate a mistaken supposition, nothing personal since the original left clear was a supposition and not a statement anyway :) Nope .. Its always far easier to make a game for the PC since you have instant access to you console menus and your working on the device your building the game on .. EVERY game is made for PC then ported to the console .. It might be made to be console friendly but games are not built on consoles. Without a doubt marketing isnt the issue .. only cracks and torrents
  21. It sold out at least a month ago or more .. I was looking into it since I don't live to far .. Sigh... But hey! .. I hear these gaming cons are easier to fallow on the internet than in person.
  22. A week from today... Next Friday
  23. Thats right! .. In the behind the scenes on the music of skyrim they showed a Dwemer centurion folding out of a ball in the background for a split second.. I forgot about that .. I think they are trying to show the nordic side of Skyrim so when we play it we will be pleasently surprised by the Morrowind aspects of the environment. http://skyrimguild.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dwarven_sphere.png
  24. Wow.. Massive booth space :U Good to see! .. Anyone think they are just gonna drag out the same ol demo or display something new? Maybe a walkthrough of the Character Editor? :3
  25. Has anyone heard if Bethesda will be a PAX prime this year? Its in a week and I haven't seen anything about a Bethesda presents this year :( .. Anyone hear otherwise?
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