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Everything posted by jedimembrain

  1. Yes .. only one.. http://cdn.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/NorthernCoastAuroraPanorama01.jpg
  2. You need a new video card, your CPU is very good, but your video card is low end at best..... was this a pre-built unit? If your Power Supply can handle it you should look to upgrade. What's a good graphics card beyond the GT 230 for this? rec card is the 260 .. but if your going to update get something in the 400 series or 500 series .. 450/550 or better 450 and 550 are worse cards that 260 only think is that they have DX11 but is it really a good thing when they they cannot outperform 260? if you really want to upgrade to something that will last long you can go for 5870/6870/GTX470/GTX570 but if that is out of your budget you can go for 5770/6770/GTX460(768M) Wrong .. look into some benchmarks instead of just numbers .. the 550 outperforms the 260 and the 450 is on par.
  3. I'm getting day one delivery so I'll be getting it around 5pm anyways .. even if it did unlock at 7pm thats no reason for people to be upset ^_^ .. we waited this long .. whats a few hours? .. when you really think about it .. the reviewer copies are out and a few industry insiders have reported getting their early copies already .. so there are anywhere between 20-100 people in the world playing it right now as we speak lols
  4. You need a new video card, your CPU is very good, but your video card is low end at best..... was this a pre-built unit? If your Power Supply can handle it you should look to upgrade. What's a good graphics card beyond the GT 230 for this? rec card is the 260 .. but if your going to update get something in the 400 series or 500 series .. 450/550 or better
  5. That is one of the worst metaphors I think Ive ever read...
  6. I hope so .. Since the new posts have been pouring in lately I have a feeling once the game is out the main thread is going to go through about 20-30 new topics a day o_O .. I can't keep up with them as it is .. and This topic has been mostly on topic and a little general chat from the older users who have been fallowing all the news .. Would suck to loose it since it is the only topic I can really keep up with... mostly xD
  7. seriously .. I was trying to be blunt to EVERYONE who has been doing this lately .. I'm sorry it was directed at your post but its been getting worse as Skyrim gets closer .. I mean no hard feelings to you .. It was directed to anyone reading that has ever made a new topic without searching.
  8. I really hate whoever posted the intro lols .. now I have to spend the next 12 days avoiding it :psyduck:
  9. Don't get angry at me .. I was very polite about it .. Why don't you go read the new user rules? And my name is Jedimembrain .. Jedi from startwars and membrain is a reference to Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain.
  10. wait.. someone leaked the intro? ... good thing zenimax is pulling that down .. I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to stop myself from watching lols xD
  11. a poll thread? more like many poll threads on this subject. No sh*t .. I'm really getting sick of logging in in the morning and being bombarded with 5 new repeat threads from some new user who doesn't bother searching .. or even flipping back a few pages ~_~; .. I hate to sound like some wannabee "leet" user or anything .. but the closer we get to launch the more noobs come in with nothing to add but stuff we have already known and talked about .. if you want to bring up an old topic just make sure you have something new to add before you necro it .. and pleeease dont duplicate the existing thread .. I really do check every post in this forum and I don't like to read pages of junk that already exist!
  12. I really don't get why a few people expect a preview of skyrim to be the player writing down stats/perks/items/new features then posting it .. thats not really a preview thats just a wiki... the way Bethesda set pre release press plays was to give them a taste of the game .. and what better way to get a taste of the game? .. Dave did post a good amount of new info but also gave us an example of things that could happen in Skyrim along our questing.
  13. Dave's Preview is up... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/451413-my-three-hours-with-skyrim-two-brave-bosmers-and-one-lying-khajiit/ SPOILERS ... btw this is a spoiler thread duh .. but I mean some spoilers from the article.. some new things to take from this .. Lanterns can be used as traps No way to select your companion's outfit without stripping them down Some giants do attack without provoking Dynamic AI seems about as stupid as I would expect .. Bethesda Devs are not the gods we often wish them to be Companions are possibly immortal .. has anyone else reported this? .. It might have been due to him being a guest companion? Also companions can play jeebus and walk on water ... I hope that water walking was an enchanted item or a spell the companion casted when crazyfool wasn't looking.. :unsure:
  14. Correction .. (skyrim siluet carving) .. Jack-o-lantern implies it is a face :thumbsup: Awesome job though!
  15. Really the only games that do that tend to be smaller titles that relay on PC sales and anti piracy .. or giant games that have some thick headed corporate no name suit that decides they will make more money if they can stop pirates with some over the top measure like needing an internet connection "Splinter Cell Convictions" .. But I don't see bethesda making a mistake that big .. they produce there own games so they don't have no name suits controlling where and how there games are released.
  16. No way .. It will be like F3 and NV .. Log in once and register it .. then you can play in offline mode from then on.
  17. that reminds me .. I might have to write a letter to all of you once the game is out .. you may never see me again once its out xD.. besides maybe in the mod talk if a good group forms :P
  18. I know right?!? It's little things like this that are already in the game that just mean that the mods are going to be even more amazing for Skyrim. I'm pretty excited! :woot: No WAY!! :O .. I didn't read it... gonna read it now .. I'm so excited :dance: .. I love stuff like this! .. omg omg .. I wonder if I can get my friend/companion to play with us :laugh: This is such a delightful little detail of immersion!
  19. so .. I guess to avoid digging up dead threads we just make clones now?.. alright.. :rolleyes:
  20. For realz .. come on :< Edit: wrong link at first .. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/449983-todds-response-to-the-worries-about-the-6-gb/
  21. aww.. I saw bethblog and was expecting news :P .. thats pretty old .. from the E3 booth.
  22. wasn't it confirmed that there are no limb/bodypart based damages? .. pretty sure .. might have just been a rumor though .. I personally doubt it
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