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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. As Fatal said get what you can afford. Just remember if you get a higher end graphics you need 4+ gb of ram, I recommend 6 at least. And build from scratch! New egg is a good source to start building your own and a lot cheaper if you know how to put the pieces together.
  2. New York, St. Louis and its arch, or even Florida near the Kennedy Space Center. Those are the State picks, outside I would say London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, etc. pretty much anywhere there is a big city with a lot of destroyed building that have history to it.
  3. Over the hills and beyond the rills,

    Through the water and the fire, I see her

    Looking, waiting patiently for me.


    But how can I lead, when I bear others' needs.

    I must find a way for this burden to lay.

    So to not trouble me, so that we could be.


    To short have I known, and to long have sown.

    I must take it slow, but deep in connecting know.

    One may turn to two, but that may be to few.


    Only until she is ready, I will remain steady

    In the path I have made, for a future to have laid.

    And in looking back, it all worked out as we knew.

  4. I would hope so too, for the levitation part anyways! Using the xbox360 from what I understand for the trailer means no cheats.


    Anyways there is also the DB gear, or at least looks like it, and it has a hood, but Oblivion had that too. I guess the question of the ages is now physics?

  5. I was about to say that, good job scot. In the trailer there are a couple times where, on my mind the cloaks at least move independently of the character, wind or magic effects it. As for hoods the scene were the hooded figure walks thought the town, you can see one there and also a good example of the clothes physical as the person walks. All that is what I remember for know at least.
  6. My Lesson of the Day


    Life is a puzzle! Everyday we try to fit some more pieces together. Somedays we get it, but more than that we don't get the match. I myself like to work inside out. The edges will match the heart or core, which everyone will see and know is the real me.

  7. I:

    All alone in the world, with no direction worth while. Miss guided shipwreck . Bird without a nest. No future past myself.



    Future bright before you. Waiting for a home. Guiding ships to safety. No need for others, but someone to comfort.


    We! How could one think differently. One is such a lonely number.

  8. Off into the distance I fly on your wing,

    I see the stars, moon, and sun swing.

    They greet us with open arms,

    Even the sun without it's harms.

    Light years I travel, with eyes fixed on you,

    And I see your heart is mine too.

    Away from the world where all complain,

    Never to return from whence we came.

    Beyond the earth and stars,

    Out of existence and time's mars.


    Yet I have not left the ground!

    Just staring into eyes, I found

    I can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere,

    Because you will be with me there.

  9. Music is one of the top reasons I keep playing the Elder Scrolls. Ever since the soundtracks for the others came out it has only got better, which I am very excited about Skyrim because it seems to be a combination of both Morrowind and Oblivion. Just cannot wait any longer.
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