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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. I loved Morrowind and had high hopes for Oblivion, a little disappointed tho. Skyrim to me is right in the middle of both of the others. Lore and graphics, gameplay and detail are what I like about these games. Beth can't help making TES games. Yet something outside of the Fallout and Elder Scroll sphere would be a healthy change, I think. Their new engine has lot of potential. More games in a different genre would be beneficial to Beth and us fans of Beth. One thing I would like to see would be the backward time in the games, playing at the "begin" of a series. You could literally do whatever you want and not get in trouble.
  2. I just got home from skiing (with no internet o_O ), and was hoping for a lot of new information, but.. apart from Tiny lampe's overlooked info, there's nothing..


    So, for everyone's amusement, watch the



    ROFL!!! I can't wait for that either. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  3. Very thought provoking, AllanOcelot!



    Dark is the dreams of late,

    Remembering all the things I hate.

    Horrible sights that none should see,

    Being places that no man should be.

    Sound of pain and agony,

    But unable to help any.


    But then morning comes and I think,

    It all is behind, no present link.

    Hoping for a bright day,

    Were no battle lay.

    Only the battle with my mind

    For peace I go to find.

  4. After being here for a year, I finally decided to go premium. Because of how awesome Staff and Admin have made this place. Just disappointed I didn't do it earlier. Thanks Dark0ne and everyone else! :wub: :thumbsup:
  5. The one thing I disliked the most was when sneaking every step I take is answered by "ah, who's there" or "thought I heard something" and I am right behind them. Just the reaction really annoyed me and the fact you don't attack right when in sneak, one long strike. When you get found you should go directly to normal stance not stay in sneak and then wonder why you are not getting any blow on the enemy. :wallbash:
  6. Game informer said there would be 10 unique races and that they are entirely customizable. The only thing I am worried about is the custom part. I just hope it is not like the Oblivion way, tho we have been told differently.
  7. Oh the joy that fills my soul,

    When in your presence.

    I wish and hope it never to null,

    You fill me with your essence.


    All the world fades on away,

    Mine love is all I see,

    To be with every day.

    How can you be with the likes of me.


    In my dreams or is it for real?

    How you make my heart explode

    In the way for you I feel.

    Perhaps why I make this ode.

  8. Time goes on and still I wonder,

    How shall I live like this any longer.

    Being away from those I love,

    Seeing many go above.


    Now I go home till morning,

    But now I know the warning.

    Life is short, so do the most,

    Not sit back and coast.


    In the new day I find relief,

    Away from yesterdays grief.

    For I know she will be there,

    Waiting for me to reappear.

  9. The shout is epic in the trailer! I stopped, made sure I was breathing and has a pulse, then watched and listened again!


    I do not think any info on how the shouts will be used, magic equip like thing. I would assume from the trailer that it will come at a certain point, or you can shout under certain circumstances. I would surprised if they are equipped for the mouth slot, just like how there is one for each hand.

  10. I really enjoyed the trailer and the screenshots just help even more, helps with analyzing the game! Thank for that LHammonds.


    And while I think about it, Zaldiirs' info thread has a really good "Thoughts on Skyrim" that Pushkatu found on youtube. Recommend a look at the second vid in particular.

  11. I feel as tho in a black box,

    With no fresh air to inhale.

    On my door pain knocks,

    Hoping on rough tides to sail.


    But my how the light suddenly comes,

    Just by her mere presence.

    All is forgotten, all worry numbs,

    Her love is like my fence.


    Black is reappearing,

    Storms are nearing,

    Hear the thunder clash

    And the lightning flash.

    Never should I leave,

    To her I will cleave,

    Till the time is right,

    And gone is the night.


    For how can I repay her love to me?

    Never have I felt like this.

    She is open and I am free,

    I have at last my peace.

  12. There is a limit to the amount of upgrading or improving till you get something new. I personally think the engine is in fact new, just by the looks. It may have a lot of the gamebryo stuff but it is different enough to have its own distinction from it.


    Anywho, I am so bored right now I just have nothing better to do than this stuff, awesomeness!!!

  13. I literally spent 48 to 62 hours this week alone playing Morrowind. Oblivion is waiting its turn in the rotation I am doing. It goes like this:


    *hear Skyrim is coming & cry a little*


    1. Play through all of Morrowind before playing oblivion.

    2. Play through all Oblivion before Skyrim comes out.

    3. Play through all Skyrim several times.

    4. Rinse and repeat!


    I may be in the middle of Oblivion by the time Skyrim come out but don't be alone there are others who will not say they cannot get it either.

    Mind you, no cheats and shortcuts, till the second time around. Also different characters in every rotation. Right now I am a redguard sorcerer.

  14. I don't see any special bonuses being offered for preordering it. I think I'll wait.


    However, since my local store took out their PC games section, I'll probably end up ordering it online one way or another. What delay did the pre-order people for NV get?

    It is called the classic pack, at least the one I got. It included armored vault 13 suit, Vault 13 canteen, Weathered 10mm pistol, and Five Stimpacks. Not really that awesome but I preordered because I thought it would be a great game (a little disappointed).

  15. I usually wait till a month or two ( at max) to pre-order. The only games that I have ever pre-ordered were New Vegas, Crysis 2, and Portal 2. I really don't remember any extra stuff for Oblivion and Fallout 3 when they were coming so I didn't pre-order them.


    Come September, just depending on how the game is going and the bonus stuff, I may buy early.

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