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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. My Lesson of the Day:


    On those days where you just want to stay in bed and do nothing, it is the best time to get out into the world. Instead of laying or playing, do the opposite and get outside. You will find the life is worth living and being needed.

  2. Time I spend with you,

    It always seems new.

    Doing things I dreamed of,

    Just being with you, I love.


    Making me feel so alive,

    With you I do thrive.

    Time seems to go to fast,

    But it will always last.


    I cannot be away from yourself,

    Because you make be feel like myself.

    We are so similar,

    I see us going far.


    When I leave you alone,

    My feeling for you have just grown.

    My true colors I have shown,

    I hope this you have known.

  3. That is interesting, seems to me you know a little about war or battle, or maybe its just me having flashbacks again!:biggrin::thumbsup:


    Anyways thanks to everyone that have written and read this thread I appreciate it a lot. I was thinking of starting a new thread about something but decided to combine it with this one instead as it is in the same line of thought. I call it the LESSON OF THE DAY!


    So now instead of just writing something that comes to mind and writing it here, if you learn something, a lesson, share it with us so we may know also! We all could benefit from lessons others learn.



    My Lesson of the Day:


    Even when people seem to joke and play, you must take it seriously. There are tiny indications that you are to heed to and supposed to follow, tho you think it not. Overall, be mindful of what is said, don't pass it over with a smile, less hard ache down the road.

  4. Welcome to our humble abode! I am sure there is someone here how can answer your question, as I am not that savi technically speaking.:thumbsup:
  5. I like how the city name and the regions (if that is what they are) are named like Winterhold or Whiterun. Eastmarch is a very interesting name that stands out to me, I might have to spend extra time there! The Reach I guess would be where those Greybeard guys are.
  6. Wow! That is very impressive. The more you do the better you get, just remember that.



    Amongst the time we know as life,

    Many valleys and mountains we climb.

    Yet, some quit while other tough it out.


    Never in my journey have I complained,

    Understand my travels have been very great.

    Because I always have in mind,

    Every joy of finishing.

    Right to the end I laugh it by.


    May this be a lesson to all who will,

    A teacher with no code,

    Keeping a light for all to use,

    Even in the sun lit noon.

    Some may take to heart and understand.


    Maybe I should sit and learn,

    Each day I seem to make even more mistakes.


    Just need to know what is right,

    Over the hill and around the bend.

    Yearning to finish the race We run.

    Full of life and young age,

    Under each others tree we lay,

    Lay watching each other till we never part!

  7. I want a terrifying enemy, an enemy that is fast and agile and utilizes it's environment. Like a giant 10ft. centipede that will actually crawl along walls and ceilings in ruins and droop down to grab you in it's mandibles or run into a tight space or up onto ceilings to escape if hurt or to ambush from the shadows. I giant venomous centipede would be terrifying enough but one that stalks you and you don't know where it is but can hear it and see the mutilated corpses of it's "prey" strewn about in the darkness I would think would make most of you soil yourselves behind the keyboard. Oblivion didn't have any scary creatures I need to learn how to mod and change that in Skyrim.


    That would actually be awesome! Just think in the middle of a ruin or dungeon, instead of a spider as in the trailer, a huge monster, killer bug hiding and thriving. Actually sounds like a good mod if anything!

  8. Love,

    Like a flower grows and blossoms.

    But also sometime withers and rots away.



    As seeing a person fall on their bottom.

    Yet you feel it where you stay.



    The feeling of getting disappointed,

    Then the want to strike first.



    Knowing what was wrong and that it's you.

    The relationship now need to be nursed.



    Seeing the light shadow the night.

    The first rays through the storm clouds.



    Gets a new meaning if done right.

    You see it take two to fight,


    Two eyes see more clearly,

    Yet, two take time to make one.

  9. I hope... I hope that any potential Dragon-Bearer hollers FUS RO DAH! upon birth... you know, for that extra oomph of rainbow-filled force. :tongue:

    Okey that is awesome, the link!


    My whole thing about the name is if you want that mystery prize (free game?) so bad, I would / not do it. Just think about it!

  10. Very thoughtful of you Maharg67, thanks!



    Back down the road I see,

    Many people after me.

    Taking my footsteps to lead their way,

    I hope in smooth roads to lay.


    I look at my feet to see where I go,

    There are so many ways I don't know.

    But I try and hope in the best,

    And work it out nonetheless.


    In the distance I see the light,

    The end of my long journeys fight.

    I look and see the path will be over,

    And hope my love leaves me never.

  11. I have always enjoyed this site, even before joining. You always trying to better the site and the possibilities for all of us. Thanks Dark0ne! I support whatever you think is best for everyone.
  12. Your day at work is mine at play,

    Sitting and watching the hours go by.

    Having plenty of time to slay

    Waiting patiently as I try.


    No time to sit and play,

    To busy being lazy.

    Making the most of what I may,

    Just go away and let me be.

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