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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. I think most people are getting a little to dependent on this thread, no offense to anyone. People hear things and then goes the rumors! We (including me) need to start looking up our info before we post, at reliable sources like Game Informer or Bethsoft itself. Guessing doesn't help any either or hoping, there is no difference. We have facts then rumor. Speculation is good, just please don't go overboard with it.


    Whoa, I black out there for a second!

  2. Upon this bed of thorns I lay

    That is the price I pay.

    To be near to one yet far from all,

    Her beauty is my call.


    Sinking lower into the pit.

    I cannot stop thinking of it,

    How I do this for her,

    How she is my spur.


    Making me do better in all I do,

    To her I always will be true.

    Yet as I lay down and think,

    No words I can put down in ink.

  3. Why do the rocks of life tumble on me so?

    How am I to live through this storm?

    Till I'm rescued by one I know,

    Now the light begins to form.


    Off from my knees I am borne up high,

    By her pale, gentle hand of love.

    I know she will be ever nigh,

    She was sent to me from above.


    Forever my life is in her debt,

    Till the end I will follow.

    No matter what may beset,

    I will be there, as she allows.

  4. Dido that! I can't wait for the dragon melt and the you getting his soul thing, that was just epic on so many levels.


    Come to think of it, I have spent a good portion of this afternoon and evening watching the trailer and the forums. And it doesn't even matter to me!!

  5. Did y'all see when da dragon crashes?!? It makes a crater! Dynamic/destructible environment?!?!? Also I like the throat slittey/stabbey part :ninja: . I'll be expecting another equally informative and awesome trailer within the next few days, and regularly until release.I have spoken Bethesda!!!


    Yes the crater type impact made by the dragon is awesome, all the rocks and stuff flying everywhere. I just how it is put in the game, you know, not just animation to get use all excited then to be let down.

  6. One of my college professors said this and it really works. If you write a poem when you feel anger, excitement, nervous, etc. you really make yourself better. This is how I got into poetry. It doesn't have to be awesome and deep food for thought, not even have to rhythm, just go with it. Anyone and everyone is welcome, so let it out.


    Upon this road I tread,

    Tired and energetically dead.

    Hoping to get through the day

    And my head to lay.

    But to excited to sleep

    Because I got a peep,

    Adrenaline in my veins,

    Is causing me pain,

    Maybe it will go away,

    Later on this day! (or tomorrow morning)

  7. Finally saw it!!! If you culd upload it, I would much appreciate it.


    Exactly what I wanted to see for a in-game experience video. With the running and then having to fight the dragon. I will say that the graphics or animation of the dragon melting and going into the player was awesome. Then when you thought he was safe and all, over the mountain flies another, just around the corner. The voice also was amazing.

    Seeing all the behind the scene video of art and sound made me think of how hard they have really worked to make this game greater than all their other ones. I have no complants, now nor later! Skyrim will be epic.

  8. The official word is 'we are messing around with the idea.' Todd said that about changing form, so it would seem that they would have at least vampires. Being a werewolf maybe in the process, but as the guess of the last Beth podcast said, forgot the name, that giving info on games now is being very limited so not to get the 'why is this not here' or 'you said you would' comment.


    I really hope we have both vampires and werewolves, and can change into both by some awesome trnsformation animation. But there is no word of yes or no.

  9. Upon the wall the boulders collide,

    Enemies as for as can be eyed.

    Hope lost out of time and space,

    Yet it is not the case.


    Fire and smoke assail and get beat,

    The defence of castle is ever great.

    Arrows from above like rain,

    Becomes the orcs' bane.


    In desperate offence, the dragons are released,

    Striking fear in the heart of the great and the least.

    Black smoke and fire in the castle walls,

    As the city look as to fall.


    The King of Elves and Leader of Men upon this scene come,

    To turn the tide and to help some

    Hurt by arrows and fire and rock alike,

    To face Torgnal sword and pike.

  10. The only thing that comes to mind is the fact that in every game the elder scrolls are what 'brought' the occasion about, or told about the problem. Morrowind to me was the last game where you were actually playing because the scroll said someone would become Nerviner(phone spelling) and the emperor thought it was you somehow.


    Oblivion was not the case, from what know, I may not know the whole backstory. Skyrim on the other hand, is like MW the way the story is depicted by the scrolls.


    I do not foresee any interaction as in Oblivion were you actually steal one of the scrolls. Unless those voice guys have some!?!

  11. ... would require more work for the devs and the game to perform ...


    Not really. All they have to do is take the existing models, separate them here or there, reduce the armor value of the original item, add the new items to the leveled lists and sprinkle them around here or there. It's something that could probably be done within a day by an experienced modeler with all the resources already at his hands.


    What I think he was getting at is that the more individual parts you have, the more of a strain it puts on the game. So it was removed most likely for a however minute performance increase so they could improve other areas.


    Yes and yes! I agree maybe the devs can do it in a day. It would be easier now that there is not as many types of armor substances (iron, glass, bonemold . . .), but then having all that will be a performance hit in almost every area one goes. It would be awesome don't get me wrong, but sometime I do think, you can go to far with the whole "your" character thing.


    And speaking about this, maybe some in-game look see's will be helpful. Tomorrow morning I think this subject can have a good answer too!

  12. Variety would help the "customize" your character feel, but I just don't see that happening in Skyrim if and only for the reduction in the amount of skills and class removal. If Beth had to reduce these, then something else is being enhanced, like the feel of freeness. Making separate pieces of armor would be more immerse, but would require more work for the devs and the game to perform - with the new graphic especially.


    I'm using my phone. But in so many words, I hope you understood what I'm trying to get at.

  13. But I think we will see an epic influx of new modders, just as the old masters leave the modding scene.


    Love what you said, because for the first time I will try to completely finish and upload my own mod. With the creation kit, I feel like it is a new or different thing, and it sounds like you are powerful.

  14. Considering that there is nearly five years in making Skyrim (assuming that it started after Oblivion), I understand the improvement of the graphics, it is a natural part of the gaming industry. Let us begin with Morrowind! Graphics were horrible compared to now, but back in 2002 that is the best I believe that they could do, since MW was very lore heavy and epic story. Oblivion was, lets say a graphical test! Very interesting and short lived story, but which had better graphics than most games of the 2006, which is why it is called a benchmark game.


    Skyrim, from the screenshots, looks similar to the Oblivion engine, Gamebryo and havok with major improvements - and the fact that Beth made it their own way!!! With today's young people, graphics is the fuel. Most people never played "bad" graphic games like Morrowind, Daggerfall, or Battlezone(1998 PC game that looks like MW). Everything has to be realistic, and with that goes a good story.


    You either get good graphics (Oblivion) or you get epic story (Morrowind). To some one is better than the other, no big deal we all are different. I myself cannot play a game without a somewhat good story. I believe that Morrowind had the best story for a game that I have every played to this day, rivaled closely by Battlezone(PC).


    All that to say, I agree that Skyrim need an epic (or close to it) story, and many different side quest so far out there you think "why do I have to do this", that's what keeps you busy. Graphic and story have had enough time to be equally good. This time around I expect a new level of game. One that is both graphically awesome with a very good story or lore heavy one at least.

  15. The first thing with upgrading is to spend as little as possible, i.e. buy new graphics card ( or two). It is much cheaper than buying a whole new computer. I make my own desktops, just buy the pieces and put them together myself, much less money, and better parts at times. A nvidia gtx 470 runs around 250 - 400. Plug it in and see how it does. You may have to upgrade other thing like processor or ram sometimes, that is even cheaper than graphics cards ( 20-60 ram).


    If you want a new computer, don't buy at the store down the street, you get a lot of "extra" stuff you do not want. Go straight to the manufacturer online. My almost three year old Alienware is still kicking everyone in the balls through several upgrades tho.

  16. If there are dwemer ruins, and there will be, it would be more than likely that there would be daedra there in some way. Daedric shrines like in Morrowind were epic, the wayshrines in Oblivion were good also. Maybe a combination of thee two, that would top the cake, so to speak.
  17. I know this will probably happen in Skyrim (with the dynamic environments and all), but one of the things that really bothered me in Oblivion was that rain went straight through outside shelters. That drove me absolutely insane.


    I concur with that. I remember going under a shed for the horses at a stable, and it was still raining on my! My character went berserk and kill many people till the rain stopped. Hopefully Skyrim will fix that problem.

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