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Everything posted by soot00

  1. All those off the chart eye popping mods such as Enclave oommander, Real Time Settler, Fallout Wanderers edition etc is only possible via the script extender known as FOSE Without the latter modders are limited in what they can do.. I haven't heard any news of FOSE being released to the public for New Vegas yet (or perhaps it's being tested as we speak). Once FOSE becomes available for New Vegas, expect the same amazing mods to port over.
  2. One mod I hope is converted soon is CASM. Auto saves every 5 minutes and makes 10 or more (user based) save slots. Comes very handy when the game bugs out like the OP's.
  3. that baseball Bat to the grenade had to have been funny. Good stuff. Keep em coming!
  4. The new game mechanic in terms of how one gives and takes damage is the DT modifier. Here is a post by a modder I dug up on the Bethesda forums. Damage Resistance was what Fallout 3 used, Damage Threshold is what Vegas uses.... "For example, let's say we have a weapon that does 20 points of damage. Against a DR of 20%, it would do 16 damage (DR it reduces damage by 20%). Now, against a DT of 20, it would do 0 damage (as DT reduces damage by a flat 20 points). But in practice, engine will allow some little damage (1 or something) DT is very important thing in New Vegas, cos it allow to create some armors, which will practically ignore damage from low-grade weapons. In fallout 3 this goal can be accomplish through the scripts only and not without immersion breaks"
  5. Don't do what I did as it was mostly trial and error and your problem may be completely something else. At one point I was having same issues as you, random lockups with Fallout 3, World of Warcraft etc. Would piss me off having to hardboot when I am healing a raid. Tried everything, reinstall operating system, format hard drive etc. Same garbage. Finally after much trial and error I bought a brand new gigabyte motherboard and installed it myself. Let's just say it cured everything. While I used to get random lockups least once a day, haven't had a lockup of any kind in over 3 months since I swapped motherboards.
  6. Exactly. I just can't imagine on my 5th new character playthru that I can go through the same vanilla quest scripts, the exact same radio stations, the exact same User interface, the exact same weapons, the exact same armor, the exact same combat scripts and hit 1000 plus hours gametime doing so. But hey to each their own :thumbsup:
  7. I actually have more since I prefer it without mods. It's rather pathetic that people have to reply on mods to enhance gameplay. LOL, your loss I don't see how it's my loss. If I find the Vanilla game to be better un-modded then so be it. LOL like I said your loss. Glad you enjoying vanilla game though :thumbsup:
  8. I actually have more since I prefer it without mods. It's rather pathetic that people have to reply on mods to enhance gameplay. LOL, your loss
  9. I shut both of them off for good in the early stages of the game and proceeded to listen to the myriad of player radio station mods like this one, http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35061
  10. Oh boy a noob to mods? I remember my first time. Once you go mods you will never touch vanilla version again, trust me. :thumbsup:
  11. That's where mods come in. We won't see the jaw droppin eye popping mods til the script extender known as FOSE is released and heavily used by modders. I presently have close to 100 mods running on Fallout 3, half of which require FOSE. That game would have nowhere near the replayability if I was forced to run straight up vanilla. Gonna be nice in a few months when New Vegas catches up. In the meantime enjoying both games fully and not blind to the fact New Vegas is way behind the game in terms of Patches, DLC's and Mods Fallout 3 has been gifted with over the years but the potential is definitely there.
  12. I don't see what the problem is. If you invited me over to spend the night at your place you can bet I will be snagging some food and drinks during my stay
  13. Dead on. Bethesda ended up with what?, Patch 1.7 (close to 7 incremental patches??) for Fallout 3 to fix the myriad of bugs and crash issues associated with that product. Without utilities like FOSE which paved the way for amazing mods like Real Time Settler, Fook, FWE and the like I would have shelved Vanilla Fallout 3 long ago. Only a matter of time New Vegas will gain the same benefit of the modding community. Opening day release comparisons without Bethesda's near 7 patches for Fallout 3, no contest, New Vegas wins.
  14. I do agree with another poster who stated these sorts of threads are pointless. Continue to type out a 100 page pro con comparison list if it makes you feel better. In the end, try as you might, you won't change the mindset of the playerbase that loves New Vegas. You also won't change the mindset of the playerbase that prefers Fallout 3. And you also won't change the mindset of the playerbase who enjoys both games equally.
  15. In summary people who played Fallout 1 and 2 prefer New Vegas over Fallout 3. Those that did not prefer Fallout 3. Nothing more nothing less.
  16. Uhh, just read the 23 comments associated with that mod link
  17. There is no right or wrong way. Everyones playstyle is different. Let us know how those stats work out for you as you progress deep into the game :thumbsup:
  18. I am going to reserve judgement til I am maxed out on my gun skill, character level and using a decent weapon beyond my 10mm or varmint rifle. Vanilla Fallout 3 I could keep my gun skill at 30 all the way to end game and not notice a difference. Same for damage revamp mods like Fallout Wanderers edition. In fact on most of my Fallout 3 characters I pretty much was relegated to maxing out skills like Science, Repair and Medicine and ignoring all combat skills because it did not make a noticeable difference to waste skill points on and that to me is flawed design.
  19. Well put. Vanila Fallout 3 was pretty easy sauce. I am quickly finding out Vanilla New Vegas is quite different. Loving the challenge thus far as it feels more balanced. I am actually having to give up missions I probably have no business attempting with my present level / gear or just high tailing it out of a particular area. Will have to swallow my pride and revisit those areas once my character is a bit more seasoned, :thumbsup:
  20. This ^^ Did same with Fallout 3 as well. Aside from minor user interface tweaks like 3rd person cam I always play vanilla version first as it gives me a sense of what the original developers had in mind when they created the world and it allows me to appreciate game changing major overhaul mods like Fallout Wanderers Edition that much more.
  21. Patience New Vegas is less than 1 week into release
  22. Ahh, Real Time Settler. One of the greatest mods ever. Increased my playtime immensely once I got wind of that mod. Can't wait for it to make a showing in New Vegas
  23. I assume you found this already then... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34775
  24. I was annoyed with the same problem as you until ..... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34744
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