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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. You can enforce custom rules for load order, even mix conflict winners in the conflict bolt dialogs. It will never work like in NMM or MO/MO2.
  2. Just thought that a bleedout mod might also modify the health regen. I am pretty sure that some do. I use Nether's Follower Framework, and I can't remember the last time I had a follower instantly regen health. Check the mod page, and ask there. You might also check out mods from AndrealphusVIII, or ask on one of his mod pages like his Bleedout Revamp ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49240 ), or DM him. He knows a lot about the nuts and bolts stuff.
  3. Yeah, it's a lot to take in - you have to click on the specific line that states how many files are conflicting in that mod. From my LO, see the 27 files line, I clicked on it and got the following: The 2nd pic shows what happens after you click the 'Edit Individual Files' button. 3rd pic shows what is seen when I click on the 1st line, see the two choices? The top line is the current 'winner', simply click (or double-click? - I didn't try to change anything at all, so not sure) on the other to select it as the new 'winner'. Read the dialog at the bottom of the 2nd pic to see what Vortex says about the process. This may not help you until you get things sorted out, or give up and rebuild everything, but at least you will have some idea of how to pick apart some conflicts. You can still go to your mods page, and see what the conflict bolt for Lux gives you, you don't have to change anything right now, just look and see.
  4. Try posting this in the Skyrim forum (SE/LE). Go to 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu item at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for Skyrim. It is usually near the top. Once there, select the forum(s) you wish to post in, and join it.
  5. Good on you for coming back to share your solution! Glad you got stuff straightened out. MS and the Law of Unintended Consequences seem to be inexorably intertwined.
  6. Maybe you should be looking for a 'bleedout' modification mod?
  7. A lot of your problem seems to be that you do not really have a good concept of what file overwrites do in conflicts. Vortex automates the overwrite process, using its built-in LOOT to assume a proper arrangement of load order for your mod lists, patches and all. The cyclic rules can come from your choices during installation, or just internal conflicts between the information LOOT uses for different mod files. You have to think through what the purpose of each file is, and which one(s) should be loaded last, in order to produce the result you want. In the above, CBBE is the base mod, the WACCF patch and the Dawnguard Armor and Weapons files have to load in an order that allows them to make their changes to that base file. Check the WACCF mod page for suggestions on where to place the CBBE patch, if it is to be loaded before CBBE, then your diagram shows that that is the case. If the opposite is true, then flip that rule, and that rule only. If the WACCF CBBE patch is properly ordered, then you will have to flip the rule between it and the Dawnguard Armor and Weapons, since both build or add to CBBE. The 'cycle' is that arrangement of overwrite arrows making a nice little race track that flows around the triangle. When you get more complex cycles, you can right click (I think) on an arrow to highlight the cycle that it is a part of. WRT the missing stuff, I can't really help, reinstalling may have changed choices in the FOMOD for LUX. Why did you reinstall, instead of checking the 350+ conflicting files, and choosing overwrites individually to resolve your problem? You could try to uninstall/reinstall again, but the Immersive Citizens patch should not be available, if you have disabled/removed Immersive Citizens. You might also try loading the save anyway, then saving again, and finding out what happens. What you have seen with the missing files is what happens when you remove/disable mods during a game, messy stuff happens, especially when you have to reinstall stuff to get it to work.
  8. Did you look at the nexus wiki for compatibility between game versions, SKSE versions, and SKSE mods? ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) It is in table format, so it is pretty easy to use. If there is any mismatch at all, the above error dialogs can be triggered. The left hand error states that CrashLogger is the problem, did you get this version ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 )? Make sure that you have the proper part 1 and part 2 of Engine Fixes. Double-check, and if necessary, uninstall/delete all of them, and start over... There are three part 1 files available, and you MUST get the proper one. Version 6.2 is for SE 1.6.1170 and the latest GOG version. Downgrading can mix and match stuff to the point where you can't get anything to work, make sure you followed the downgrader instructions exactly.
  9. WRT Interesting NPCs, you probably still have a patch installed somewhere in your LO. You might have to uninstall/reinstall the Lux patch hub so that the FOMOD will not activate the patch. Removing/disabling mods during a playthrough is a bad idea, you get things happening that can cause corrupted saves, CTDs, etc. The Lux files you cannot see in your picture, look at the Enhanced Lights and FX entry, the 2nd from the top. Focus on the '358 conflicting file' item. Click or double-click on it, and you should get a very long display of the individual file conflicts. I bet that your cycle-producing rules are in there. You might have to click on the lock icon to allow you to access the list, I don't know.
  10. Which game? This is a general forum. If there is a dedicated game forum, you can find it in 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu item at the top of the page. Scroll down/search for your game, join that 'club' to post there.
  11. Welcome 3sloth3! Vortex vs MO2 - generally, Vortex is much more automated than MO2, while MO2 is more customizable. Vortex does NOT have to be running while playing a managed game (generally, there might be exceptions), but MO2 has to be running and the managed game opened through it. The learning curve for the mechanics/conventions of both can be pretty steep, you will just have to look at each one to see if your experience as a developer makes one easier for you than the other. I believe that collections only have any d/l and installation automation with Vortex, and not MO2.
  12. Then just use the second one, click on the conflict bolt by ELFXEnhancer and get the second dialog opened that way. Find the two rules I highlighted above, and change just one of them. Again, I would flip/change the rule between the Lux 3DNPC patch and the ELFXEnhancer rule. If it shows up as locked, then just click on the lock to enable the ability to remove and re-do the rule, making the Lux 3DNPC patch load AFTER the ELFXEnhancer rule. Try this first, and save the result. Even after you do this, there is a chance that you may still have a cycle here. It would probably be from the Lux.esp Cell Weather and Lighting, and the ELFXEnhancer. If this is the case, just make sure that the Lux Cell Weather loads AFTER the ELFXEnhancer, by repeating the conflict bolt procedure.
  13. FYI - that dialog about Address Library can also be activated when you introduce an older SKSE-based mod into your LO. Go to ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). Use it to check the .dll mods for compatibility with your version of SE and SKSE. It may also require you to look at the list of .dll mods in the skse64.log in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder.
  14. It's been a long time since I had to resolve cyclic errors in Vortex, sorry. Try this - click on the reported cycle, it should open a graphic that shows the interactions. Select JUST the interconnecting arrow between the ELFXEnhancer and the IC ELFXEnhancer Patch -OR- the ELFXEnhancer and the Lux 3DNPC patch. I would select the latter, then right click on your selection and tell it to 'flip rule'. This is a sample of a cycle I induced in my LO. I resolved it by clicking on the conflict bolt to the right of 'Ave's Skyring' on the Mods tab in Vortex. You could do the same by finding the ELFXEnhancer.esp in your Mods tab, then left clicking on the conflict bolt, and changing the rule for either IC ELFXEnhancer Patch or the Lux 3DNPC patch. You may have to click on the lock icon in that bolt dialog, and select 'Remove Rule' before Vortex will let you change it.
  15. Just get the interaction dialog back in Vortex. Click on one of the two marked arrows, and use the resulting dialog to flip THAT rule.
  16. In Vortex, you can order your mods by descending installation date, which will show you the last mods to be added. I would not be surprised if MO2 has a similar feature. When Skyrim stops working all of a sudden, the first thing you should probably do is verify the game files, UNLESS you are not running the latest version. If you are not, it can still be done, but is a bit trickier. If you clean your game masters with xEdit, you will have to re-clean them after a verification, if any changes are made.
  17. In your case above, the quickest way to resolve your cyclic rule problem is to click on and flip either the first arrow in the cycle, OR the last arrow in the cycle, as it is the ELFXEnhancer@Cell Weather & Lighting that is the cause of the cycle. When you do this, I think that you get a graphical tool that will illustrate the cycle. Just click on the load order rule arrow in the graphic you wish to change, and flip it. Review your Lux patches, along with the Enhancer patch, to see if any might be adversely affected when you choose the rule (arrow) to flip with the 'flip rule' tool, BEFORE you try to make a choice. I would assume that you should flip the last one, if you want to keep the changes Lux makes in the cell weather.
  18. EFM allows for more expressions to be displayed by face animations, but yes, they both are enhancements to standard facegen in Skyrim.
  19. @Wolfstorm Have you checked out Pandora for animations? It is supposed to replace both Nemesis and FNIS. I am probably going to try to use it when I update my game to v. 1.6.1170 in a month or so.
  20. I didn't pay attention to the part about 'automatically downloading' - I don't think that Vortex can do that yet. Maybe nothing can, with the number of options available re: landscape/body/skin types, etc.
  21. Vortex has a update search available, it can be a bit wonky when trying to figure out the results. The biggest problem is when a mod has been superseded/replaced, the result states something to the effect of 'mod not available' with a bright red result box. The bigger your mod list, the longer it takes, of course.
  22. The save game issue may just be the game blocking saves that are not 'aligned' with the current character, since you had the problems WRT mods being disabled. Isn't there a menu setting that allows you to see all saves, no matter which character? It's been forever since I had to worry with/about that.
  23. Just to be sure that it isn't something simple that you missed, you should list your SE version number, SKSE version number, and SSE Engine Fixes version, since plugins are being disabled after installing Engine Fixes, which itself is a symptom of an earlier version of that mod. From the Engine Fixes comments page, on how to know if it is running properly in game:
  24. You should ALSO be looking/posting on the dedicated Skyrim SE forum, where the above solution is found. More people with Skyrim experience will see this. Go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for Skyrim, join any/all forums that you wish to post in. Alternately, you can click on your quoted selection above, then click on Skyrim SE in the directory above the post, and it will take you directly to the Skyrim SE forum. Join that specific forum to post there.
  25. You should probably list the exact version of SE that you are using (different versions can have their own peculiar problems), and you might get better, faster responses if you post this on the Skyrim SE forum. Go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, scroll down/search for Skyrim. Select any/all forums that you wish to post in. Good luck!
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