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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Have you used SSEEdit (xEdit) to check for conflicts? You can run the check on your entire load order at once, it may take some time, however. In the same vein, have you ever 'cleaned' your DLC files, using the same? Also, have you tried to re-load an earlier save, from before you joined the TG, and start over? I am just guessing, but the conflicts filter is probably the way to go, for a start. I hope that someone else w/a better insight comes along to help.
  2. I wasn't sure about posting a Patreon link, but I forgot LL was ok. So here's the Patreon link - (https://www.patreon.com/posts/nethers-follower-53262094). It is not behind a paywall, or require one to sign up, AFAIK.
  3. There is some kind of underlying tint in skin textures. The trick is to pick the shade that causes the fewest problems for your graphics mods and enb's. I think it usually is changed to black or red. It's been quite a while since I installed my skin mods, but I believe that Mature Skin has you choose it in the FOMOD, Some of the other skin mods might have it, too. You could ask one of the mod authors that do a lot of follower conversions from LE to SE, they might be able to help.
  4. Wow, I have never seen anything like that. On the surface, it seems that something is not loading properly, or you are missing some prerequisite mods in your installation. Maybe your Realm of Lorkhan is corrupted. Remove (r-click on it, select Remove, after using it to get you to the Nexus page), re-download, and re-install it. On your mods page, click on the gear, and enable the 'Dependencies' listing category. This will show if there are unresolved conflicts in your installed mods. Have you checked your plugins list (found on sidebar underneath the 'mods') to see if all of the plugins that you want installed are 'enabled', or for LOOT messages on mod problems? Once you click on the plugins selection, look at the top of the window, and look at the 'flags' header. Click on warnings, look at any shown by clicking on the icon listed. Do the same for incompatible, then LOOT messages. (BTW, your load order is found here, not on the mods listing.) Finally, you could disable all of your mods, then try to start a new game. If that works, re-enable SKSE and the various 'fix' mods, and try again. Add a few more mods at a time, until something breaks again. Have you ever used SSEedit to clean the files in your game installation (it has an autoclean process - look it up)? Search for cleaning skyrim se.
  5. You haven't really described the problem you are having. Is the game not starting, is it crashing once you are playing? Vortex will automatically sort your load order (LO), and warn you of any conflicts that might need to be resolved by you. Double-check your DLL Loader. I have not seen one that could be installed by Vortex. Right-click on its line in Vortex, and select 'Open on Nexus Mods'. Check the installation instructions, then follow them to the letter.
  6. Did you rent the room from the innkeeper? Do you have Flower Girls active in your LO? I have Flower Girls, and sometimes I have to rent the room from the head "wench", and NOT the innkeeper, to be able to sleep. Do you know how to use the 'apply filter to show conflicts' option? If so, just use it once you have loaded up your FULL load order in SSEedit. It may take a while to complete the search, then see what shows up as conflicting...
  7. Just removing mods in a game can cause crashes. Have you tried to start a new game? The SMIM conflicts can probably be overwritten by the other graphics mods. The Papyrus Util conflicts can be tricky. It might be best to go to the individual mod pages, and ask about overwrites there. It seems that older papyrusUtil files in mods can cause problems, so you could also inspect the versions/dates in their zipped archives to compare, for a possible hint on which one should overwrite...
  8. I think that if the character is not one of the vanilla races, LHR will not function. From the mod page: DOES NOT WORK WITH: • Race mods (will not see rings in first person) • Other left hand ring mods Is that your problem?
  9. He has taken his mods elsewhere, sent you a PM.
  10. NMM is not Vortex, and Vortex is not NMM. I have not used NMM in over a year, maybe two, and am not familiar with the latest versions. You used to have to install LOOT separately and use it to sort your plugins for NMM. The two other major candidates are Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex. Both of these have some quirks that can be confusing, MO2 wrt its override process, and Vortex w/its overwrite configurations and updating installed mods in your LO. Vortex (which is what I am using now) includes LOOT in its install process, and will sort your LO on the fly as you install each new mod, or you can install all your mods in an inactive form, and then "deploy" all of the mods for it to sort. Both of the other two have their enthusiastic supporters and detractors, and you can find a lot of help for either. MO2 might be easier to move to from NMM, if you so choose. I went w/Vortex because MO2 was still in a much trickier stage of development when I changed over from NMM.
  11. Do you have any creature-based LL mods in your LO?? One of them may be affecting the skeevers. Also, you could check in SSEedit by loading up everything, and 1) checking for conflicts on skeevers, or 2) just searching for all mentions of skeever in SSEedit.
  12. I found these two (and others) searching for 'leveled item' on Nexus that looked interesting - Immersive Upgrade Leveled Itemshttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5511 Highest Level Item Rewardshttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52101
  13. I got it to work, I didn't get the directory right in PS. Went like this, in ps: cmd [return] [drive letter holding Vortex]: [return] cd [path to vortex mods\skyrimse] [return] dir . /b > [chosen title_for_list.txt] [return] -- Important - no spaces in name for modlist text file! (the modlist txt file will show up in the skyrimse folder listed above, after a refresh) I had to really dig back to Win 95 days with dos commands to piece this together. I am posting this for anyone else who struggles w/these dos-style commands, or is unfamiliar w/powershell. I wasn't well versed w/them then, even less now. Sorry to be so thick. Thanks, HTR!
  14. Vortex open, on the Mods page, click on Open Mod Staging Folder on the toolbar. Focus on the Mod Staging Folder (minimized everything else), then win+x, In Powershell window - typed cmd [return] dir . /b > mods.txt [return] exit [return]
  15. If you already have SKSE installed, you could try More Informative Console (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250), and click on one of the killer rabbits, uh skeevers. The console will tell you what mod last affected your skeever. It might give you a starting place to look for problems.
  16. Try this for an alternative - 1. Make a folder on your chosen drive for 'SSE old saves' (you choose a preferred name). 2. Make a shortcut to this folder, and place it on your desktop. 3. Also make a shortcut to the \My Games\...\Saves folder on your desktop. 4. You can then open both, and cut/paste, or copy/paste to your heart's content. This way you have the old saves available for recovery from crashes/incompatibilities, but the My Documents folder is not stuffed full.
  17. Thx for the windows tip, HTR! I am doing something wrong, however. The directory being printed is just that of my user profile folder for my logon identity. FYI, I have SSE and Vortex installed on a secondary drive, not my root drive.
  18. Here's a very slow, brute force method - When on the Mods list in Vortex, open the Mod Staging Folder. Maximize this window, set view choice to 'list'. Then, print screen as you scroll across your staging folder. Some of the names for the mods in the folder might be less than helpful, however, depending on how the author named them. This would take about four screenshots for my 848 item folder, 13 for a 'details' list that extends straight down the window. Alternately, if you are into depraved self-torture, you could simply use the 'enabled' filter on your Mods in Vortex, and print screen repeatedly as you page down the list. My particular install would require 35-40 screenshots to cover, if I carefully aligned the files so that none repeated. I actually did this when I built my new computer over a year ago, so I could verify which mods were installed. (There were a lot fewer mods on my installation at the time.)
  19. I use this instead, it seems to be less intrusive, and fewer conflicts w/my LO: Enhanced Enemy AI (https://www.nexusmod...tion/mods/32063).
  20. Do you use .NET Script Framework? It has a log section that can show if some mods are not loading properly. Have you simply retreated into an interior location, and waited 30 days? That allows the cells to all reset. I know that there is a resetai command, but I don't think that it is global in application, can only be used on one npc at a time. There is a mod called Enhanced Enemy AI (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32063). It makes a few simple changes to AI, and may help change your situation. You could install it in a backed up save, and see if it helps. It has its own .esp, so your total number of mods may be a factor.
  21. Did you check (in the in-game menu) to see if you have a current bounty on your character? You could try to use the 'paycrimegold' console command (https://skyrimcommands.com/command/paycrimegold). 1. Get close enough to see a pursuing guard. 2. Activate the console. 3. Place your cursor over the guard, and click on the guard. A refID number should show up. 4. Then use the paycrimegold command as per the instructions at the URL above. There are also resources that show the refIDs for the various factions, you could try the command on each one in turn. Be aware, one resource tells you to get your gold off of you before you use the paycrimegold command. I'm not sure this is right, but now you know...
  22. This turns off collisions between you and your followers - I'm Walkin' Here (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742). It also keeps your companions from shoving you off of a cliff! I use it in combination with NFF.
  23. Have you tried logging out on YouTube? I don't subscribe, so I don't know if it will help. Just guessing. My SE is rather beefy, and it can use up to 14 gig ram on my comp. You could also run Skyrim Performance Monitor (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826) in the background while playing, and it will show you how much system and video ram Skyrim is using all on its own. It takes a little bit of effort to set up, but it may help you to see the effects of changing mods or LO.
  24. Found it! NPC AI Process Position Fix - SSE(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/40261) - it's an SKSE plugin. Fewer problems w/this.
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