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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Which physics mod are you trying to use? There could be a problem with a particular combination with this mod...
  2. Maybe you could try to message one of the mod authors that have characters with warpaint options, to see if they could help you find what to remove/change for yourself. There are videos on xEdit use, look at a couple of them, first.
  3. Missing feet - might be a non-playable part in one of the follower mods, or a problem/corruption with one of the armor/clothing mods. I have had parts disappear when mixing parts of different armors and outfits. Without listing your LO, there is nothing to work with...
  4. This will help with finding SKSE incompatibilities (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins).
  5. Do you have the Crimson Blood UNP file properly installed and acitve (enabled)? That can cause invisibility. The blue textures can be caused by an improper overwrite occurring when you install your conversion.
  6. Just an idea, do you know how to use SSEEdit (xEdit)? I am pretty sure you could patch away your troubles...
  7. To check compatibility of SKSE plugins, go to https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins.
  8. Those pots and buckets placed in various locations, in corners and in holes in floorboards? Those are the toilets. :smile: Same with the wash basins.
  9. Have you tried altering any other base stats? I usually do something with the size of the character's head, and neck/head position. Do you have any other mods that affect the skeleton? Any files marked 'read only' by some mysterious happenstance? BTW - Racemenu just updated again... Also, just looked at your reply on another thread that talked about the .tri files, could one of those be corrupted/read only for your character?
  10. Maybe there is a texture or NPC problem in Raldbthar, even a corrupted download with respect to Total Character Makeover, Immersive Citizens, or Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - I do not use any of these, so this is a guess. Your Corrupted Texture Fix seems to be loading a bit later than I would expect, but I am not sure, since it does not affect any textures in Raldbthar. Project Optimizations - maybe you should try the .esm version, even though Raldbthar is not on the list of affected areas? You could also check SSE Engine Fixes for which fixes you may need to enable or disable - check the comments on its page for suggestions. Good luck!
  11. Sorry for the misinformation, I could swear that I had done this before 1.6xxx came out!
  12. Two basic ways to prevent update after a rollback: 1. Make sure that you set the option in Steam to stop auto update, by making the setting 'only update on game launch', and never opening the game except through SKSE launcher. I believe you right-click on the Skyrim SE/AE line in your Steam library to access the update options. (If it becomes necessary to reset your video device, just start the SKSE launcher w/o starting Steam. You will get the options to select video settings.) 2. Setting an 'appmanifest' file to read-only. Search for this solution, I don't use it, but I think that it keeps Steam from checking it for updates.
  13. TY, Moksha - but I already have 600+ mods, and being forced to add another 70+ (paid version) , or even the four AE mods, creates/created a host of problems. I would hope that you would understand that I simply want to CHOOSE what content exists in my game, or failing that, how to modify it. To the other posters, TY for the information.
  14. FYI: After having this problem, I simply got the original, dirty masters. A lot of my 'no reason - out of the blue' crashes no longer happen. Couldn't do that now, b/c AE is the prime version. Latest consensus is to NOT clean the game masters.
  15. This site will allow you to check which SKSE plugins are compatible (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins).
  16. Here's a site that helps check which SKSE plugins are updated for specific SE/AE builds (SKSE Plugin Status | Modding.wiki).
  17. Thanks for the reply, I am still on SE, not the 1.6xxx AE. I will soon be finishing my current play through, and then update to AE. I was just trying to get a handle on how to make sure that the mods I want are the ONLY ones running. I don't even want Survival Mode. I know that a lot of ppl really like the nitty gritty stuff, I don't. I will have enough to deal with when I change over to Dyndolod 3, drop about half of my current mod list, and replace them with even more stuff... I will probably have nightmares about conflict resolution patching in SSEEdit.
  18. Just wanted to know for future reference, I plan on choosing what I do/do not want to use. Will it be as easy as selecting disabled in Vortex, or will I have to use Beth's mod management in the start-up screen? Thanks!
  19. There is a page here (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins) that has the status for SKSE plugins and AE compatibility.
  20. Yeah, Engine Fixes is a .dll, so it won't show up in the LO. Make sure that you have it and its supporting file installed as per instructions. Double check and make sure that the options that you may need are enabled (a .toml file in skse plugins). Good Luck! I am waiting on a few more of my favorite mods to be fully updated for AE, and I am dreading the changeover...
  21. Nothing really jumped out at me, do you know how to use SSEEdit (xEdit)? You could look for conflicts between your mods, as LOOT is not foolproof. Another possibility is your bashed patch is a bit out of order. If you made any changes at all after you made it, that could cause problems. You are using a lot of mods that I do not, so you may need someone with more experience with them. I don't see SSE Engine Fixes in your LO. Check it out, and see if it has anything you may need, as certain crash sources are remedied.
  22. Here is a list of SKSE mods and their update status: (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins).
  23. The elven faces look like Etherial Elven Overhaul to me, too. I didn't remember the correct name, sorry.
  24. Could it be "Etherial Elves"? I used it on LE many years ago. Can be modded to work in SE.
  25. Someone did - Barely Used Vanilla Actors Recycle Project Special Edition Revamped(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56120). This is the latest in a series of mods that use vanilla NPCs in more developed stories.
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