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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. Redwood Elf explains how he tackled the problem in this thread. Cool possibilities.
  2. It could be a navmesh issue. If that's okay, then look into timing. ie. put a utility.wait() into the above, or create an activator onject so you can test at will that your cow can move.
  3. Notice from that page you linked that PathToReference is a function of Actor, not ObjectReference. (The Actor object extends ObjectReference) So either of these changes should work... Actor property MyRef auto or (MyRef as Actor).PathToReference(Game.GetPlayer(), 0.5)
  4. There is a similar Perk in-game (MageArmor). Look at the Stoneflesh Spell. That uses the conditions... WornHasKeyword "ArmorHeavy" == 0 AND WornHasKeyword "ArmorLight" == 0
  5. @David, I've no idea how to delete those Properties in the CK UI once you Add them :/ (on Quest Stage Fragments) That may be a job that can be done in one of the user-created tools. It does seem to be an oversight in the CK. I think there's some misunderstandings in the thread that you are talking about Fragments (in this case Topic Info Fragments. So no you don't need the scriptname, Properties, or OnEvent sections in the script body. I'm not familiar with the Topic Info fragments, but I've just tried to do what you are trying and understand your frustration. The UI seems broken... or it's just very limited in what you can do. I worked around that by declaring the Faction in a script attached to the main quest. ScriptName YourQuestMainScriptName extends Quest Faction Property FactionPropertyName Auto Then in your Fragment... Faction foo foo = (GetOwningQuest() as YourQuestMainScriptName).FactionPropertyName akSpeaker.SetFactionRank(foo, 0) That will now compile OK, but I didn't test it ingame. I'm not sure if that is the right actor you wanted (the magic akSpeaker object variable), but the wiki page linked above shows you how to get the other actor of the dialog. Hope that helps.
  6. As you open your plugin in CK... highlight the unwanted 'Parent Master' on the right, then press delete. (Oh, and click 'Yes to All' to that annoying popup message that we all do automatically now)
  7. In this case, does EOF stand for missing Event Or Function? Once you fix what darkylord pointed out, that's valid code for the body of an EOF :)
  8. Otis, it sounds like you're looking to create something in Skyrim similar to what Speedy does in FNV. Speedy packaged the whole lot within an ESM file, which modders and users could download from your page. The ESM becomes a dependency for the mod (in the same way the DLC's do). Speedy also allows the assets to be used in other people's packages as Expired6978 suggests, but that is your choice whether you allow that. The guidelines for architecture creation (sizes etc.) probably haven't changed much from FNV to Skyrim. So if you can use the CK to create a bunch of new STATIC architecture pieces in an ESP and BSA file, then from there it's just a case of using a user-created util (I think TESVsnip will do it) to convert the ESP to an ESM.
  9. Yep, It's possible, with NVSE. Useful stuff to know for this task. Refwalking Tutorial. That explains how to use GetFirstRef and GetNextRef, and create your main loop. Within your loop, you could then use IsInList to compare each reference to a list of base objects in a formlist.
  10. No, add the extra condition so that you will be checking for the NULL value that is returned when the refwalk is complete. I changed the code within the loop too to what you probably want it to do. SCN MrMannequinQuestScript Ref Man Begin GameMode Set Man to GetFirstRef 200 0 0 Label 1 If Man ;We have a valid reference in Man If Man.GetIsRace aaaMRMannequinRace ;The ref is of the correct race Man.SetActorsAi 0 EndIf ;Go on to the next reference (if any) Set Man to Pencil01; Apple Bug Set Man to GetNextRef GoTo 1 EndIf End
  11. Don't run functions on references that could possibly be NULL (which will return 'false' in a conditional). Simply add a 'If Man' statement directly after the 'Label 1' line, and the corresponding EndIf just before 'End'.
  12. Use FNVEdit to turn on the ESM flag in the header, then rename the file from .esp to .esm. This way ensures that the additional records in the header are created. (That step is skipped if you use FOMM -> TESsnip.)
  13. Open your load order in FNVEdit, and see if that complains about missing dependencies.
  14. The menu is probably not working like you think it is. ShowMessage does NOT block the script. So by the time you press option 0 the OnHit part has already completed. The button press value will be stored until your same script calls GetButtonPressed. [As GetButtonPressed is just after a ShowMessage command then it probably always gets the value -1] The wiki has an example of how to catch menu input within a gamemode block. BTW, It generally a good idea to avoid gamemode blocks where you can, as they run every frame. For that reason it would be more efficient to put the menu code within the armour token, as that has a shorter life. You could check the inventory count of the token within the OnHit block so only one is added at a time. Think about efficiency later though, get it working first :) Another thing which seems a bit weird to me now that both scripts are here, and I'm not sure if it is intended. The mine is placed by the player using his own ammo, yet it is only triggered by the player.
  15. Links to flashlight mods were given the last 2 times the OP started threads to ask this same question. He's never followed up so far. Maybe he doesn't know how to locate his own threads.
  16. YVW devin :) You can create a new Perk, but it's the perk abilities and entry point effects available that are hardcoded functions. There are a lot in the list to choose from that would be good for an armour mod though, and you can combine effects and adjust the magnitude of many through the function data. The wiki explains some of the functions. For others you might need to check how they are used in-game.
  17. Yep, you're right about it needing to be an object script. I'd assumed that's what you'd done :) The effect script on a piece of armour would only run if the armour were equipped, and it would be written differently using ScriptEffectStart blocks etc. (I'm pretty sure that the OnAdd and GameMode blocks are ignored in effect scripts). So... Change that script to an Object type. Set the armour 'Object Effect' to NONE, and select the scriptname in the 'Script' dropdown box.
  18. I think placeatme needs a reference that is in the worldspace. So add these lines... ref DeadDude set DeadDude to GetContainer DeadDude.placeatme 40mmGrenadeExplosion 1 If that still doesn't work then I'd add some ShowMessage debugging lines to see how far the process actually gets. Edit: Just noticed GetDistance in there too. Same issue: DeadDude.getdistance player
  19. The main reason mods need updating due to the patches is that some FormID values change. That's why you're seeing the above now when you use FNVEdit. Take a look at the FormID Diffs upload (see my sig) for files and utils to help check what has changed w.r.t. your mods.
  20. I saw your edit of the OP. A missing dependency is probably the most common cause for this kind of error. If you go back to your orig load order and then open FNVEdit it will fail too if you are missing a file, and tell you which one :) If FNVEdit does open OK, then at least you'll be able to rule out that one.
  21. @Ranokoa, Security through Obscurity is no security at all. There are people here that can bypass any measures you take if they wished. To most end-users the stuff inside mods is completely obscure already. I still don't understand the anti-cheat concept. Not for single player games anyway. When I download mods I do normally have a look at it in an editor before putting in my load order, but that's just my own quality check. I don't look too deeply for the same reason I avoid 'spoilers'. If your docs explained that you wrote it as a challenge with specific rules, then that's how I'd probably play it :) If you make it too obscure, then you may find it biting you in the ass. Come 3 months from now when you need to solve some bug you'll be kicking yourself if you've made your code into spaghetti. FWIW though, you could write a script that checked/reset tons of values, and you could also detect if other mods were installed. The easiest way to obfuscate your mod would then be to just strip out the script source from a copied version of the final file. At least that way you'd still have your nice commented source scripts to read in 3 months time.
  22. As always, grab NVSE at nvse.silverlock.org. To make sure FNV is up to date, follow the same advice given in this recent thread. GL :)
  23. That sounds like the problem you get when you install a mod but don't install all it's dependencies. Have you changed your load order recently too? (Or done anything else around the time the bug appeared)
  24. This sounds like a lot of fun :) Creatures: Mutant Bandicoots and Dragons. Faction: A raider parader gang led by Priscilla. Their base is a big bus, obviously. Quest: "A dingo ate my baby". That's what she claims. Do you go in search of it? Oh if you need a voice actor for a 'whinging pomme' then I'm your man ;)
  25. Here's a good explanation of tokens. Another use for tokens is for menu's. The first time I read about tokens for fallout was on Cipscis' tutorial for menu's. It was later that I learned that token just generally means unplayable armour. So no they won't be seen in the inventory, and you don't need to specify a model at all when you create the armour baseform. Tokens can be used to run scripts, or just used as a property of an actor by its' presence in the inventory. I'm not actually sure if tokens can be equipped via script as they don't normally have any biped nodes checked. If they could be then adding some of your object effects to the token would be straightforward. player.equipItem nighteyetoken Using hidden perks would be easy as you could just add the perk to the player and forget about it. To get them not to show use [ ] Playable [x] Hidden ... and yep create a GetEquipped condition on the armour as you say. The downside is that you can only use perks with the player (and companions with some extra fiddling). You're also limited to what perk effects are already available. I don't think there's one for nighteye but may be wrong. For bonus's that cannot be done via perks, then the scripting could be in the armour itself. Use an OnEquip block to apply the effects, and remove the effects in both the OnUnEquip and OnDrop blocks. You could use a non-running quest script that just declared the state variables to keep track of upgrades. ie. int upgradesActive, int Upgrade1On, etc. I think this is one of those projects that have umpteen ways in how it could be coded :) This reminds me in a way of Imps Powered Power Armor mod. I've not looked at what techniques he used in that but had lots of fun playing it.
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