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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. That looks like an FNVEdit false alarm. The esm/esp file format changes occasionally when a new patch is released. FNVEdit has a file which describes the data within the files, which would then be out of date. A lot of the "unexpected (or out of order) subrecord" and "Unknown X" flags are harmless.
  2. Most people here run the latest Steam version of the game, and FNVEdit will work just fine with that.
  3. Use TESsnip to remove the dependency. right-click the mod in FOMM. Or create a 'dummy' esm file. FNVEdit will spew errors, but you are going to have to deal with all that anyway.
  4. @FatherAzerun, The crafting workbench and ammo benches in Sortomatic perform like you say. You can store 'known' crafting ingredients anywhere in the system and they will be available when crafting. For items added by mods, then they can be stored within the benches themselves. (or a compatibility patch made to add them to the 'known' list.) @Skibbles, yep NVSE was pretty vital for those functions. Edit: Just looked at the date of FA's post. WB Orc :)
  5. The thread I linked above has more info. BTW, There's a great search facility in GECK for that kind of stuff. (Edit -> Find Text)
  6. @bigman, Please stop bumping. davidlallen already identified the problem and supplied the solution.
  7. As timer is a float, then it will be very rare that it will be a whole integer number when the script runs. So that's probably the problem. Change the '==' operators to '>' or '>=', and use 'elseif' blocks. Something like... if timer > 3 ; more than 3 elseif timer > 2 ; 2 - 3 elseif timer > 1 ; 1 - 2 else ; less than or equal to 1 endif
  8. Yeah the number of friends around would influence it. Might also be worth using the skill of the equipped weapon instead of guns.
  9. Read the last few pages of the Enclave Commander thread for solutions.
  10. Oi dogtown, stop teasing ;) I think that comment made me and 50 others rush to the front page to grab the download. Really looking forward to this one :thumbsup: Edit: Well you would go and hide it under the name of Angel Park lol
  11. and there's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis.
  12. Yep, it sounds like you need a GECK update. It's v1.4 you need - make sure you check. Link is in my profile. (This Q has been asked a gazillion times while you were away)
  13. With each of the DLC's, there is a corresponding .NAM file. The only purpose of the .NAM files seems to be to force them to be loaded in FNV or the GECK when those programs start. Move or delete OLDWORLDBLUES.NAM if you have not done so already.
  14. Nevermind. Just realised that link is of a pic that predates this thread. Nothing new to see, we all know how you did it, and can understand why you can't explain it.
  15. I've got to say that when I first read that I was skeptical (for reasons I don't need to go into), but I see you figured it out. The picture you posted in your Stabilizer mod thread clearly shows the game running, but no there is no sign of Steam. ToMatchA7Notseen by OS as intended and is running I have a Retail version of the game too, but can't work out how you did that. Can you share your method?
  16. It doesn't seem to do anything on the PC. It always returns 0. A few people have experimented with it here. This post just reminded me to give that thread an update. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/384942-how-can-i-check-if-theres-any-item-in-a-container/
  17. Just an update on IsDLCInstalled. I've not been able to get it to return anything but 0 either. I did have a hunch that it may be that it used the .NAM files to read the friendly names. I placed those back into the data folder but it didn't make any difference. On the PC version at least, it still seems broken.
  18. They haven't changed anything AFAIK. The LHS panel does allow you to filter by the model used as you describe, but I've not taken that much notice of it. I generally just type 'tuna' in the filter box to find the records that I added. You can also sort the lists by clicking the titles at the top. (EditorID, Form ID, Count, Users, etc...)
  19. You've got the 'Label 51' right before 'if WalkRef' yeah? Another thing to be wary of when refwalking is what's called the 'apple bug'. Before your 'set WalkRef to GetNextRef', use something like 'set WalkRef to apple' to avoid the bug. If it still isn't working, then printToConsole is handy for debugging what gets handed to the loop
  20. I thought it did already. eg. see the code in ChallengeMutantScript BW, To re-enable the error messages in GECK, install GECK Powerup.
  21. @Stevie I saw your comment about disapointment the other day and went looking for your mad scientist mod lol. I didn't realise that you'd posted an attachment in this thread. I went back and caught up. Anyway, yep that method works, pat on the back deserved :) It's already used in several mods that use the Chicken and Egg resource for NVSE detection. As you say, it hijacks some vanilla resources and it doesn't matter which mod places it there, as all mods place the same records. Hijacking existing resources is not essential, that just stops people from getting confuzzled as they won't see your mod 'injecting' stuff into FalloutNV.esm if they run it through FNVEdit. It would also work if you used ID's above the range of the vanilla game. So pick some random ID's above 00200000 and you could inject any record type to share between your own mods. There's more than enough space there that clashes between mod authors would be rare, and it saves going hunting in the main esm for redundant IDs. Might have to explain the injection to unconfuzzle some peeps though.
  22. It wouldn't help. The links are on the main page, and it's locked.
  23. @dj, glad that helped :) Yep now that you say that the top box stayed red, I think it did for me too. It was getting the submit button to re-enable that the valid version number trick worked. @gg, I went back down to 7 after trying 8. It gave me flashbacks of clippy ;)
  24. I saw that too with IE7, One of my mods threads still has underscores instead of spaces as it was the spaces that it was being fussy over. I later changed it in IE by letting the top box stay red, and then editing the version number. Doing that turned both boxes green, so that might be a workaround. What browser and version are you using? I'm using Google Chrome now and it works fine.
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