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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. Right-click the file 'nvse_loader.exe' and click properties. At the popup box read the 'Product Version' value. Do the same for 'FalloutNV.exe' too. If you're up to date they'll be 0,2,0,9 &
  2. NVSE has; GetArmorAR, GetArmorDT, SetArmorAR, SetArmorDT, GetHealth, SetHealth I don't think there's a way to change the armour effects. Shame as it's nice to see the effects listed with the armour in the pipboy. Tokens would work. Another way could be to add a perk that only gives the effect when the armor is equipped.
  3. I thought that ContainerREF.ResetInventory did that. Never tried it though. BTW, GECK wiki is back. Edit: Yes that works, as I've witnessed that with the SafehouseRefridgerator in FNV. There's a bug in the vanilla script where you can get infinite items on the right day of the week.
  4. 1k - 1 (1023 characters) I only know as I read it on the wiki today. Glad you got it sorted :)
  5. Make a copy of your mod file, and delete all resources but the script, quest and message. If the cut-down file still CTD's then attach it here. That script looks fine by itself.
  6. I can't see anything obviously wrong with any of your scripts. Have you tried to comment out all of the ListAddForm lines to see if the messages are working? At least if that part works OK, then it cuts down where to be looking for errors. IF commenting out the ListAddForm lines does stop the CTD, then one thing that might be worth trying is to use a single SPACE after 'GunsList'. There are 2 spaces in your script above. I remember reading something about the compiler being fussy about inconsistent parameter delimiters, and I'm not sure if that applies to switching to double spaces or not. I think the page is on one of the wikis, but I can't find it now.
  7. Yep lol. Sorry I thought that's what you were aiming for. If you want to do the refwalk every time in the current cell just remove the rLastCell lines.
  8. All scripts run in a single thread. So no 2 scripts will ever run at the same time. Each script will always complete within a single frame. The next frame is not rendered until scripts complete. So basically within your refwalk loop, all the refs will be valid. If they weren't loaded then there'd be nothing to 'walk'. If you refwalk an unloaded cell you'll only get persistent refs in your loop. So unless you want to simulate an OnCellChange event, you needn't worry about the getparentcell (gpc). ref rRef ref rLastCell begin GameMode if player.gpc != rLastCell ;Simulate OnCellChange set rref to GetFirstRef 200 0 0 Label 1 if ( rref ) rRef.CIOS SAGApplyScriptActorEffect set rref to apple set rRef to GetNextRef Goto 1 endif set rLastCell to player.gpc; Cache last processed cell endif end Edit: If the 'whole' gamemode block can be skipped when there's no cell change, then this would be more efficient. begin GameMode if player.gpc == rLastCell return endif set rLastCell to player.gpc ;Stuff to do OnCellChange end
  9. @Kreisher, The only way I see this working legally and technically is if mod authors could SPECIFICALLY OPT-IN while uploading their mods to this site. So that would require a checkbox for us to click on this site. [ ] Allow this mod to be advertised on partner sites. Unless I click a box like that, I don't expect any of my content appearing on any other site, nor accounts being automatically created under my name.
  10. The problem started appearing with the latest patch, but it was eventually found to be faulty mods that were the cause. The authors had accidentally used the 'compile all scripts' button (and patch FormID changes meant that a wrong script was running). So while 2CoolDays mod will fix the ghoul problem, it is better just to get a fixed versions of the mods that caused it originally, as they will also be overwriting all other vanilla scripts. @BadDragoness Enclave Commander is one that you probably need to update. Also, grab the ravenmodding replacement of the now very outdated 'Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esp'.
  11. Well said, and thankyou for promptly removing the offending post. @RunningBare, Buddah's post only appears to be in direct response to yours. On the contrary though, I'm 99% sure that he was referring to the post that was silently deleted. The offending post was a baseless attack on you and your work. Back onto topic, the feature to list the users that have endorced files is back :) [it doesn't look like the old negatives have been accidentally added to the positives]
  12. Obsidian have a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. They can use the Bethesda EULA of the GECK. "All your mod are belong to us"
  13. Try disabling the object before SetPos, and then enabling it again after. (There's a wiki Note on the MoveTo command to get around weirdness there with activators)
  14. @Skibbles There are several ways to do it. In Sortomatic... The display items are unscripted static's. You just place them while building your mod, and using the supplied palette files makes this process about as easy as it can get. So they are not dynamically spawned - but enabled/disabled as required. Using static's means that the items won't fly all over the house if bumped into. Most of the ingame weapons already have statics defined that you can use. More static models are included in the sortomatic.esm. They could have been activators too as you say, it's less laggy to use static's and a single invisible Perk to make them selectable from the shelves/walls. You need to be careful when handling Weapon objects with scripts. It's easy to overlook things like the weapon condition and attached weapon mods. The rough way that the display perk works is as follows... User selects a display Item. Disable (hide) all display items of the same type. Retrieve all inventory items that the display object represents into the main sorting container. Count them. If there is only 1 item (eg. Maria), then move it to the player. END Open main container so the player can take however many of each of the items wanted. (eg. The 9mm ammo box represents all types of 9mm ammo) When the player closes the box. Count them again. If none, END Enable (show) the correct number of display items (From the bottom up, so stacks don't end up floating). Place all the items back to the containers where they came from. @Fallen_Angel There are many house mods that have weapon walls. So there are scripts already written that you could learn from (like danthegeek's Underground Hideout Bunker). Do you have experience with other programming languages? If not, you're not actually going to learn much of anything if you just change a few values in someone else's script. There are a few scripting tutorials for beginners. You'd have to put in some effort before you'd be ready to take on the task you've set yourself though. Shall I dig out some links?
  15. The Sortomatic Modders Resource includes that feature. I used that when making the ammo display for the AWOP-Sortomatic patch. See the picture shown there with the stacks of ammo, mines etc. They are enabled when the items exist in one of the containers. The display is active too - so you can grab the items from the shelf directly.
  16. No each ref gets its own instance of the script, with all variables set to 0.
  17. You'll need to keep the 'count' variable outside of the effect script. Use either a global or a quest variable for that. Each tab of X is getting it's own instance of the script, so each instance of 'count' within will never be greater that 1. BTW, There's a mod that is very similar to what you are doing. It adds visuals to the alcoholic drinks. More drinks = more visuals. Drinking by majinshinsa.
  18. Yeah there are no mods there that jump out at me as incompatible (in that 2 mods try to do the same thing in different ways). I don't blame you for not wanting to try to remove mods. That's only really useful if you are (erm lucky enough?) to get a repeatable crash. The top view of FNVEdit conflicts is not that useful. You really need to drill down to the conflicting resource and then have enough knowledge to recognise if the conflict is serious. If your net connection sometimes drops out then try running the game in offline mode through Steam. Also, Take a look at Gopher's recent uploads. His 'performance' tips are good advice that could possibly help reduce the random type of crashes. He also has uploaded a tutorial on FNVEdit conflict detection (I think).
  19. As you're using OFT, then you don't need the IWR-Rebuilt.esp file. That wouldn't be a cause of your crashes though. (certain areas where they both edited may look a bit weird) IWR.esm and the other OFT files work fine together. Just because FNVEdit shows 'conflicts' that doesn't mean your game WILL crash, or become unstable. If you use BOSS to manage the load order, and create a merged patch (as you have), then that's normally all you have to do. You should read the install instructions for each mod though. Installing and hoping for the best will only get you so far. I'm not familiar with the mods you have installed to know if the combination will cause problems.
  20. Nice find Gribbles :thumbsup: @RB The wiki page for GetGlobalValue. If the other mod is not a dependency though, the Global name will not be selectable in the dropdown boxes. So... You could use Gribbles code above to set a float or int variable in one of the scripts local to your mod. This will give you a copy of the other mods Global value. Then you can use either GetQuestVariable or GetScriptVariable to refer to that value in a condition. [links to those funcs are in the See Also section of GetGlobalValue]
  21. I'll take a wild guess and say it probably has something to do with one of the mods you installed. Posting your load order might help narrow it down.
  22. @LenaMarie Another way of looking at that is that you added 2 'huge' mods (OWB & HH). The change in engine may have little to do with it. BTW, if you want to see what your memory usage of the game is then it is probably easier to do if you use the alt-tab windowed mode thingy. That also complements the NVSE 4Gb patch. Gopher has added a vid and doc that walks through the process.
  23. I'm going to state that it's impossible with the hope that somebody will come along and prove me wrong :) Another similar problem, is building a ref to a quest, and then accessing the quest vars somehow. I don't think the actual variable names are used ingame. They seem to be hardcoded in scripts using the offset - so that's probably not possible either. (If the 'other mod' is yours too, then you can write it in a way to workaround these problems.)
  24. An empty mod will still require some memory. At a minimum, the file names are stored in a table so that later mods (that depend on them as masters) will have the ID's resolved correctly. Any non-persistant data can also remain out of active memory until required too. So there will always be a limit on any machine where a straw will break the camels back. I don't know if it would be possible to determine what counts towards the resource footprint of a mod. The guys on the NVSE team may have a better idea how memory is handled. Not sure if anyone has actually reached the theoretical limit in FNV. Maybe if someone is really bored one weekend then creating a rice.esp that simply overrides a global, then copying the file 254 times. There could also be other fixed limits the engine can handle too. Like the number of filehandles perhaps. @LenaMarie, when you hit your 140 limit, did you try changing the Large Address Aware flag of the exe. (ie, use a 4Gb loader).
  25. The 255 limit still applies as the theoretical max. The question of how many 'mods' you can load is like how many 'items of food' you can eat. Add 255 grains of rice to your meal and you'll hardly notice. Adding 255 pies is another matter altogether.
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