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Everything posted by Kraeten

  1. TES6 won't be announced until the next fallout is released, and since that game hasn't even been announced yet...... You're getting way ahead of yourself.
  2. I recommend RealLike ENB. Stakado is a bit too moody for my tastes, feels almost as if my character is always wearing shades.
  3. If you want to attract other modders, you need to demonstrate that you have some skill with modding. Just having ideas isn't going to cut it. Screenshots of new meshes, or even just a few screencaptures of new environments would go a long way towards making your pitch more attractive.
  4. Elder Scrolls lore is hardly anything to rave about. If Zenimax made considerable changes my feathers won't be ruffled one bit.
  5. Except he never stokes up a hatred for all elves. The Nords already have reason enough to hate the Thalmor, after they forbid them from worshipping one of their foremost Gods. If you can point to a souce that proves his race-baiting, by all means do so. As for his making a fuss about the whitegold concordant, he had good reason to. It was a completely BS treaty that effectively gave the Dominion what they'd demanded in the first place before the Great War. There's no proof Ulfric purposefully invited the Thalmor into Skyrim. As for not caring about Skyrim's fate, that's demonstrably untrue. Ulfric is filled with nothing but regret for the role he played in starting the civil war, should you discover him in Sovngarde. It's also apparent in the conversation he has with Galmar he'd have preferred to take Whiterun without bloodshed. He isn't a sociopath.
  6. Yeah, I wish so too. Bioware lets people port assets from Dragon age 2 into Origins, and vice versa...and you don't hear them screaming about lost revinue. It's rather strange imo that Bethesda is so stingy about this sort of thing.
  7. Ah yes, the Hitler analogy. You Imps sure love comparing Ulfric to Hitler. Nevermind the disparity of when they existed, or that your lukewarm definition could just as easily be applied to the GOP. Need I remind you there's nothing to keep the Dunmer or the Argonians from leaving Windhelm? Most important of all the Empire's occupation of Windhelm doesn't impove their prospects in any way whatsoever. So it's a moot point of discussion really. But by all means talk about racism, when Windhelm's own stables are owned and operated by an Altmer of all races. They have an Altmer general goods merchant too. In addition there are two Dark Elf merchants. If Ulfric is trying to oppress the elves in Windhelm, he's doing a damn poor job of it by letting them largely control most of the businesses. As for the argonians, they can't be allowed into the city because of the racial tension between them and the Dunmer....who served as their former slave-masters. Bruunwulf knows this just as well as Ulfric does, which is why they're left living in the docks regardless of whether or not the Imperials capture Windhelm. Regarding Hammerfell, you're quite mistaken. When the Dominion continued fighting there after the White-Gold Concordant, they threw themselves upon the Redguard for five years before giving up, and all the while they had nothing to fear from the Empire who had effecitvely surrendered Hammerfell to them. It was no token force they used against the Redguard. As for Ulfric's state of mind, that's very much arguable. Does he lust after glory? Sure, but that's what a Nord does. They're a people who aspire to die as proud warriors and so enter Sovngarde. Like the Norse that inspired their creation, they love music and especially the telling of sagas.
  8. Happy I could help :happy: . Speaking of that Falkreath castle, I must say I'm pretty darn jealous of your imagination on that front. I never would have thought to replace the stone edges/frames with wood textures. You took what was a bland looking ruin and made it look noble and rustic. It strongly reminds me of the Ferelden style architecture featured in Dragon Age Origins, which I was extremely fond of.
  9. Why not the Tribunal robes? It comes in 5 colors and in clothing, light and heavy format. That is a superb mod, but I figured it was probably more ornate than the OP wanted.
  10. This looks really damn good. You're a very talented level designer. :smile: If you haven't already, I recommend you download the update for the Griffon Fortress meshes. They weren't rendering their normal maps in the first release, and that's been fixed. I'm definitly going to frequent Dawnstar more often when this mod of yours is finished, I really like what you've done with the place.
  11. You could try Imperial Mage armor or Stormcloak Robes.
  12. You speak as if every Ruler of old was possessed purely of noble intentions. These were men of ruthless ambition, and can hardly be painted as black and white as you so obviously desire to. Compared to many of own medieval historical figures Ulfric is a pretty upstanding guy really. He could have made slaves out of the elves and Argonians on his doorstep, instead he allowed them to remain despite their providing nothing whatsoever towards the war effort. He could have butchered every single Jarl he deposed during his conquests, instead he spared them. Unlike the Empire he didn't use torture to extract information either. But apparently he's a total douche...because two racist drunk beggars made a scene in the city square or something. Fact of the matter is the Empire isn't what it used to be. Where the Septims of old commanded almost all of Tamriel, Mede only commands Skyrim and High Rock. He would command Hammerfell as well, if he hadn't decided to fearfully abandon the province. Some twenty to thirty years after the Great War, things are hardly any different. If anything things are worse than ever, as even after observing Hammerfell's singlehanded resistence of the Dominion warmachine the Empire is still so afraid that they won't even bar the Thalmor passage across their lands. Indeed the Thalmor are allowed to go where they please, kidnapping and torturing people with seeming complete impunity. And what do the Imperials have to say for themselves? "We're the only thing keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim. Derp." Yeah...great job there.
  13. Closest thing to a proper plate armor mod is Baraban's Standard Heavy Plate. Here's a screenshot. Other plate armors to consider would be the Elite Knight armor, fashioned after Dark Souls. Or Jacko's Knightly Armory. I'm sure there are others, but these are in my opinion the best quality ones you will find. I'd also mention that if you like Ebony Armor, you could try this altered version that makes it look more medieval and less....elvish.
  14. Would this creature be moving? If that's the case, you would need to weight the object to the creature's skeleton. You would import the creature into 3DS Max/Blender, making sure that you have the Import Skin and Skeleton boxes checked. Then you would import the static object, probably without collision. You would then apply a skin wrap modifier to the object, and then manually edit the vertices and their weights.You would likely weight the object to a single bone, like the spine. And the weight value would be 1. The static object should appear dark red, showing the weight strength. Then you would export your mesh. Look into armor tutorials, what you want to do essentially involves the same operations.
  15. I find it's the textures rather than the 3D modelling that's hard to pull off. If these textures are yours, I'd say you're off to a very good start.
  16. There are Dunmer travelers in Skyrim, some of them claim they're joining the Stormcloaks and others claim they they're joining the Empire. So there is certainly a precedent for joining the Stormcloaks as a Dunmer. Whether a Dunmer would actually believe in Mer supremacy is another matter. The Dunmer are far removed from their Bosmer and Altmer kin, and given their history with the Daedra it's quite likely the Aldmeri Dominion would kill them when possible. Remember the Altmer are very concerned with the "pedigree" of their people, much like the Nazi's aspired to create an Aryan master race. They would see the Dunmer as mongrels at best, or abominations at worst.
  17. Looks good! Maybe add a little vertex shading to the bottom? It helps to make a building look a bit weathered. ^_^
  18. Well, you could give my own Grayhill Keep a try. It features most of the crafting tools, and it is staffed with secure storage.
  19. The Civil War was originally designed to be a proper beast of its own. It would have included sieges of each of the major cities, with each one of those sieges featuring a climax where you and your comrades fight the Jarl. There was also some juicy dialogue tied to those events too. Thanks to Apollodown and his Civil War Overhaul we get to see that cut content. And I'd definitely say that content is worth starting a new character to see.
  20. Depends on the project. Mostly people who make high poly weapons and armor use Z-Brush along with Blender or 3DS Max.
  21. I believe the Remnant armor featured in Akaviri Follower Reiko and Armory, is light armor. It's by far the best looking samurai armor that's been made.
  22. When you have your mesh loaded in Max or Blender, just detach the pieces you want to have a different texture. That's all it takes, provided you've already UV unwrapped the whole thing.
  23. Alduin probably just recognized that Helgen was a cruddy settlement in dire need of demolishing.
  24. I'm by no means an expert, but I have done some dabbling with armor. From the looks of it, you don't have the weight slider setup correctly. Basically, if your armor_0 and armor_1 mesh aren't the same size in terms of memory...the game has a brainfart and hideously deforms the mesh. As a test, try copying your armor_1 mesh and renaming it to armor_0. Or vice versa.
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