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Everything posted by Kraeten

  1. I prefer fortified abodes, and the smaller and more believable they are the better. Much to my annoynace, there aren't very many of those kinds of abodes. Rorik's Keep, and my own Grayhill Keep are pretty much the only ones of that sort.
  2. Well there are many different kinds of modders, just as there are many different kinds of video game developers. Some specialize in creating textures, which are the colors and illusion of depth that cover all 3D models. Cabal120 for example is a very talented texture artist. Others specialize in editing and creating scripts which cause events to occur in-game. Apollodown is a very talented example of one of those. The tools you use depend on the task. If you only want to create a player abode or followers, then the Creation Kit is all you'll likely need. If you want to create brand new weapons or armor, then you will need software like Blender or 3DS Max. The former is free, while you need to be a student to get a free version of the latter. For a good guide on creating armor, I'd recommend viewing Nightsasy's tutorials.
  3. Nightsasy has some brilliant tutorials on creating armor with 3ds max. You could watch those and see if it's really something you want to learn how to do.
  4. Well, Skyrim's architecture isn't scaled realistically. If you were to design something in feet and inches, the modder would have quite a bit of work on his hands as he scaled your blueprint down. In addition to that, you also have to take into account lighting. A single mesh in Skyrim can only be illuminated by five or so lights before the lighting physics start to fail. So you would want your architecture to be made up of numerous meshes/nifs if it requires more than five lights.
  5. What style are you looking for? If you like armors that look practical and not bare chested Conan inspired nonsense, I can think of quite a few I might mention.
  6. You will need both meshes. You could of course have the same mesh, just renamed as horn_0 and horn_1. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
  7. That's quit a bit of land.....but then again you did increase the size of Issgard sometime ago if I recall correctly.
  8. We can speak with Torygg in Sovngarde. No "murder" took place.
  9. What makes you think editing a texture could possibly move a 3D model in any way whatsoever? :confused: What you want to do is edit the mesh, which calls for a 3D modelling software like Blender or 3ds Max.
  10. Racism in the dark ages was extremely common. It usually presented itself in the form of slavery or worse. In Skyrim, the most heinous example of racism you'll see is apathy. Meanwhile in Elder Scrolls Oblivion, the count and countess of Leyawiin entertained themselves by torturing argonians. Forgive me if I don't think much of Imperial tolerance. As for the Empire rising up, it's been twenty years since the Great War ended. They've had plenty of time to recover and yet all we get from them are the sound of crickets. They're content to let the peace last as long as possible, leaving the Thalmor justicars to terrorize the common people at will. The Stormcloaks on the otherhand have had all the "peace" they can stomach, and are more than willing to lead the charge against the Dominion. Galmar himself kills the Thalmor Justiciar Ondolemar when the Stormcloaks siege Markarth. Whatever happened to Ulfric when he was captured by the Thalmor, there's no doubting his very real desire to drive the Dominion out of Skyrim. Can we be so certain of the Empire's motives? Nope.
  11. Well, my grayhill keep abode might interest you. There's a neat before and after transformation after you purchase the deed. Just click on the link in my signature to see the mod page. Cheers, and best of luck with your youtube channel.
  12. Ever been in the military? His captain said you were for the block, so for the block you shall be! This isn't a world with things like the Geneva Convention to guide military ethics. I always side with Hadvar. A; Because Ralof seems to be too blinded by his childlike hero-complex. B; You're a prisoner, and Hadvar STILL doesn't just leave you to die when a dragon's burning down the town. You shared a 'cell' with Ralof, you already have a report there, but Hadvar trusts you despite the fact you're a criminal in his eyes. That takes character. Ulfric is regarded as a hero by many nords for good reason. He's a veteran of the great war and he liberated Markarth like an ancient nordic warchief of old. Pretty understandable that he's admired. Calling Ralof's admiration "childlike" is a pretty big stretch. Hadvar on the other hand is ultimately a drone. For all his "sympathy", he'll follow his orders without question even if he feels they're wrong. If upon arriving in Solitude Tullius had ordered that the player be exeuted, I have no doubt whatsoever Hadvar would have obeyed. That's the not the kind of person I'd put my trust in after narrowly escaping execution. And really, it's representive of the difference between the Empire and Skyrim. The Empire wants soldiers and those who will serve. The Nords of Skyrim instead expect courage and fighting spirit.
  13. Can't wait to walk through those streets, it's going to look spectacular. Skyrim's cities will feel so quaint in comparison. :happy:
  14. You ought to apply a checker map onto your mesh as you unwrap it. Makes it easier to spot distortions.
  15. The house had a previous owner right? Provided he/she was an adventurer, maybe you'll create a small backstory. Say, the note will mention the old owner left on a quest in one of the challenging caves/ruins in the game. The player will then have to find said ruin, and recover the key from the old abode owner's remains. Good luck with your mod.
  16. It looks quite good. If you're capable, I'd suggest working on the textures some more. Specifically in the value department, to make it look more grounded. With that said, you ought to be proud. It's no small feat to create a new mesh, texture it, then weight it to a skeleton. :happy:
  17. This mod should prove to be very useful for you. It covers player speed among a number of other things. Cheers.
  18. On second thought....Aesir armor has some cool bits and bobs you can adorn your character with.
  19. Hm, nope. Can't say that I will ever include an auto-sorter. Some modders want to create a small place where you can dump your loot in three seconds then be off again. That's simply NOT why I mod.
  20. Stonespire has often been called the best Castle mod on the nexus. It doesn't feature an auto-sorter though.
  21. If you can send me the meshes in OBJ format I'll see what I can do. For the architecture at least. Getting a mesh to move smoothely on a skeleton is a bit of a pain, so the Azog model will probably have to wait till much later. Looks really good though. :smile: Edit: These models have been UV mapped right?
  22. I read something about disabling havok a LONG long time ago. It worked for the most part too. I can't recite it from memory, but if you download my Grayhill Keep abode and load it up in the CK you can see how I did it. You'll want to examine the stacked plates where the guards perpetually eat and drink. If you have any more questions feel free to throw me a PM.
  23. If you're a student, I highly recommend downloading the free student edition of 3ds max. It's much more user friendly imo. Plus, you'd be able to follow all of Nightasy's excellent tutorials since he also uses 3ds max. The only additional software you need with 3ds max is Nifskope, NifUtilsSuite, and the nif exporter Max plugin you can download here on the Nexus.
  24. What kind of software does he use? If he uses 3ds max, he should download this exporter. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5622/? Then he'd download nifutilsuite, and use that to finish making it ready for Skyrim. With Nifutilsuite he'd be able to finish converting the model, in addition to applying collision.
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